Chapter 7 The Incident

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Aurora wakes up an hour after Luna turned. She looks around to see Luna's room torn apart. "Oh no..." she says uncertain, "Uh, I-i have to force the moon to go down," she says, struggling to stand up. Aurora made the sun rise even though that it was 3:56 in the morning and the moon was still high in the sky, Aurora made the moon set and the sun rise. Right after she did that, she passed out from feeling weak.
About ten minutes later, Luna appears in her room with no clothes on and she snaps her fingers to make her room go back to normal. She then puts on her normal black and navy blue underwear, red shirt, black shorts, and black hoodie with the sleeves that go past her hands. "Aurora..." she asks as she just spotted her sister passed out on the floor. Luna sees a wolf bite on her arm and gasps, "Oh no," she says, running over to Aurora and picking her up. Luna brings Aurora to her room and lays her on her bed, "Luna, I'm so so so sorry, I-I didn't mean to," she says, looking down.
About an hour has pasted and Luna has gotten ready for school and eaten breakfast. Luna still waits for Aurora to wake up. Elizabeth walks in Aurora's room and she sighs, "Snowhite, it's time to go to school," she says looking at Luna. Luna shakes her head, still looking at Aurora's sleeping body, "I'm not leaving her, I did this to her..." she sniffles, "it's my fault," she says as a tear rolls down her cheek. Elizabeth walks over and hugs Luna, "It's ok, sweetie I'll look after her," Elizabeth says comfortingly. Luna looks at Elizabeth, "You sure," she asks, "Mhm, I promise you," Elizabeth says. Luna stays quiet and hugs Aurora then runs outside. She heads to school.
Once Luna walks in school Brandon, Jake, and Blake corner Luna in the hallway. "Hello again," Luna says rudely. Brandon scoffs, "Look who's got a bite now fellas," he says while Jake and Blake snicker. "Leave me the hell alone or else," Luna demanded, "Oh," Brandon asks but continues, "and why would I do that," he asks. Luna growls, "Because I'm in a really bad mood," she yells. Brandon rolls his eyes. "We ain't afraid of ya, and why should we, pipsqueak," Jake asks rudely. Luna's fangs come out and the white in her eyes turn black as the color of her eyes turn yellow, "Because, I'm much too dangerous for you three jackasses," she said, looking straight up at Brandon with an evil glare. Brandon snickers, "Nice side affects, pipsqueak," he says as Jake and Blake laugh. Luna clenches her fists from under her hoodie's sleeves, "You're making me angry...." she says, wanting to rip into their necks and drain them of every ounce of blood they have. Blake snickers, "Oh yea," he asks, "and whadda you gonna do about that, pipsqueak," Jake finishes Blake's question. Luna's fangs and teeth turn black and drip with a poison from a Water Moccasin, "Oh damn," Brandon exclaimed as he backs up. Luna's pupils shrink, making it look like the gold in her eyes filled her pupils, "Die" she yells and launches at Brandon, tackling him to the ground and trying to bite him but he pins her down to the marble floor, "Go get the principal," he demanded to Blake and Jake. They ran as fast as they could as the older kids watched in amusement with their phones recording the fight. Luna kicks Brandon off of her and stands up quickly. The lights start flickering as Luna gets more and more emotional. Brandon stands up and coughs up blood, "Damn...." he says as he puts his hands in fists. The color in Luna's eyes turn black, matching the rest of her eyes and making her look possessed, "You will die in three," she takes a step toward him, making some of the lights' and cellphones' circuits fry. Brandon backs up, "Uhm..." he says scared. "Two..." Luna takes another step toward him, making almost all of the school lights' and cellphones' circuits fry, leaving only one cell and one light on. Brandon is really scared and backs up once more, putting his back to the wall, "P-please, have mercy," he begged. Luna tilts her head and smiles wickedly, "Mercy is for the weak," she says as she takes another step, making all of the school go out, "Three..." Luna then lunges at Brandon and sinks her fangs into his neck, making him scream in pain as she rips his throat out and crushing his skull. Brandon's bloody and crushed body collapses on the ground. Luna twitches and her eyes go back to normal, "That...." Luna began, noticing that all the other students have ran, "is how a hybrid kills," she smiles and wipes Brandon's blood off her mouth with her black hoodie sleeve. "Now, let's get movin'," Luna says happily as she skips out the school, making everything in the school turn back on.

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