Chapter 3 He keeps Wondering

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Luna and Aurora went home after school and did their homework. Luna finished her's first and looked at Aurora. "Sister," she asks, "what should we do," she asks. Aurora continues to do her homework then she finally said "I don't know, Luna," she sighs, "I'm just," Aurora pauses, "I'm just worried about you, sister" She says looking at Luna. Luna sighs, "Sister, there's nothing to worry about," she says, "I'm fine, really," she says even though she was lying. Luna feels that she's being eaten alive by all the pain of Chase's torture and abuse. She later found out something that can "help" her. Cutting. Luna found that if she is feeling depressed or anything, she can cut her wrists or arms.
During the night, Chase got Luna from her room and brings her to the basement or lab. He straps Luna up as she was still asleep and he puts the noose around her neck. "Hmm..." He pauses as he thinks, "Her wings are quite different from the other Demons" He says as he strokes the black winged tattoo on Luna's back, bringing out her wings. Luna blushes as he strokes her tattoo. "Indeed, just like a Demon or an Angel, even at a young age..." He pauses, "they still get aroused by the stroking of their wings or tattoo," Chase says as he is writing this in his note pad. Luna softly groans and slowly wakes up. Chase chuckles softly then puts the hooks in her wings and watches as the blood drips from her wings. Luna screams in pain when he puts the hooks in her wings. Luna snarls Vampire-like and struggles to get free, "Let me go you bastard," she yells out demandingly. Chase puts his hands on the arms of the chair. "Now," Chase pauses, "why would I let a little monster go," he asks. Luna snaps at him with Vampire fangs out. Chase backs away smirking, "How interesting," he says mesmerized by Luna's fangs, "How did you do that," Chase asks. Luna's fangs retract and her pupils shrink as if she's furious, "You better let me go or else!" She struggles more then her wings flap and she screams in pain as the hooks tear her wings slightly. Chase laughs insanely, "You really think I'd let you go?!?" He yells. Luna trembles in pain and fear. "" She says quietly.
After three hours and forty-five minutes of electrocution, whipping, and wings being cut open with a scalpel, Chase finally let Luna go in her room. Luna just teleports onto her bed, unable to move.
The next day Luna didn't go back to sleep over the fear that Chase will torture her again. Luna and Aurora heads to school after getting ready and eating. "Sister," Aurora says concerned, "you can't let him do that to you..." She says as Luna makes a black hoodie with sleeves that are longer than her arms appear on her. Luna puts the hood on and she puts sunglasses on, "Sis, I'm fine" Luna says calmly as Aurora and her walk into school.
At lunch, Luna and Aurora sit at an empty table with their lunches being a bottle of blood that to the other kids, the blood looks like red Kool-aid. Luna sighs and takes a drink of her blood, "I wonder why the other kids think that we're anorexic..." She says questioning. Aurora shrugs her shoulders and takes a sip of her blood, "I have no idea, maybe because we only have one thing that we bring to lunch?" She asks. Luna shrugs then finishes her blood and puts the bottle in her bag, "Well..." She says, "Well what?" Aurora asks when she finishes her blood then puts the bottle in her bag. Luna shakes her head, "Nothing," Luna says, "Oh ok," Aurora says smiling.

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