Chapter 11 The Last Straw

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Four months have passed and the same things have been happening, torture, blood, school, then more torture. Luna's sanity is running thin, she's wanting to kill more and more as days and nights come and go, but of course, during those four months, Luna has turned. At school on the other hand, Luna has a reputation of being the mean girl of the school. She rules the school as the older kids would say, but, even the older kids are afraid of her, and they question why Pinkie, or Aurora, isn't afraid of her. The horrible thing is, no one still knows what happens in their house, they worry for Luna, but are afraid of her at the same time.
Luna hums quietly to herself in her room. "Sister! Come on, we're going to be late!" Aurora yells from downstairs, getting her book bag. "I'll be there soon, Sister!" Luna yells back.
"Well, hurry up, please!" Aurora says as she walks out the house to go to school. Luna snickers and says, "Yea right... More like when I want to go..."
About two hours later, Luna arrived at school and the halls went from a roar of chatter to silent.
"Heh... That's right... Fear me bitches!" Luna yells out as the other students press themselves against the walls and lockers. They all watched in shock as Aurora walks up to Luna.
"Sister....." Aurora scolded at Luna. Luna chuckles, "What is it, sister?" she asks as she walks to her classroom.
"Why are you late? I thought I told you to come with me," she says.
"I am late because I wanted to," Luna simply says as she sits at her desk. Aurora glares at Luna then sits at her desk.
The day went on, Luna and Aurora, after school, went to the park to do their schoolwork. Luna sits underneath the giant oak tree that's in the center of the park and Aurora sits by the swing set, which is twenty feet away from the tree. Sister, why must you videotape your feelings? It's not healthy to do so.... Aurora thinks as she watches Luna talk to her computer as if she's talking to another person. Aurora sighs and starts doing her homework. Luna giggles a bit, "So... Diary.... Uhhmm... I had an ok day, I guess..." Luna says, leaning on the tree as the computer was on her lap.
"I just don't know what to do.... Klaus says that if the humans get on my nerves, kick their asses.... But it's getting boring... I need blood and gore and... And.... What else?" she asks herself, "Oh well! I've got to go Diary... Bye" she says as she closes her computer.
Later that night, Luna has finally gotten some sleep when she was awoken by a pan crashing on the ground downstairs, "What the hell?!?" she yells out in anger. No response came from downstairs and Luna's eyes start turning black in anger, "Alright then, have it your way," she seethes as she gets out of bed and walks downstairs.
When she gets downstairs she sees a large man wearing all black clothing with a black ski mask. The man looks at Luna with his dark brown eyes, "Go back to bed, kid" he says, his deep voice made him sound like he was thirty, even though he was in his mid to late twenties.
"I'm thirsty!" Luna yells out like a stereo typical rich kid. The man backs up, spooked at her response, "Uh..." he says nervously.
"Go get me water!" she yells out again.
"A-alright alright... Ok..." the man says with his hands up in defense then walks to the kitchen to get her a glass of water. Luna chuckles softly and evilly, "This is perfect! I'll finally I have a little.... Slave...." she whispers to herself and smiles wickedly. Luna walks to the kitchen and gets greeted to a gun pointed at her face, "I thought I told you to get me a glass of water... Slave!" she yells out. The guy cocks the gun and puts his finger on the trigger, "Don't test me, kid... I'll fucking murder you here and now..." he says.
"That's not a nice word...." Luna says as the lights flicker on and off. Luna giggles insanely and teleports onto the counter and grabs the biggest kitchen knife there was and stabs the man in the arm. The man screams in pain then goes to shoot her, but realizes that she's gone, "What the... Fuck?" he asks looking around for Luna. A quiet whisper is heard, "Run... Run while you can.... She's after your heart!" the voice said. The man grips his gun more, being careful not to pull the trigger yet, "Show yourself you little bitch!" he yells out. Luna appears behind him and stabs him in the back, making more and more blood come out of him. The man collapses and tries to gasp for air as Luna stabbed him in the right lung. Luna hums "'Pop goes the Weasel" as she cups the man's chin and forces him to look at her, "Second kill.... See you in the Demon Realm.... Jason Binnec..." she says with a wide and crazy smile on her face. The man's eyes widen in shock that she knew his name, "Who.... Are...." he asks, trying hard not to die.
"I'm your worst nightmare...." Luna whispers in his ear, "Mercy is for the weak...." she whispers before stabbing Jason in the neck ten times, crying and stabbing him more and more all along his body.
"I...! Hate...! You..!!!!" she yells, imagining Jason as Chase as she still cries. Elizabeth appeared in the kitchen then her face turned from worried to horror, "Luna!" she yells, "What are you doing!?" she asks.
"I... Kill... Bad man..." Luna says before she faints onto Jason's mutilated body. Elizabeth sighs and picks Luna up, not caring that she'll get blood on her night gown, and she goes upstairs and into the bathroom to clean up Luna. Luna softly groans and wakes up, "E-Elizabeth...?" she asks feeling stronger than before. Elizabeth nods and puts Luna down, "Yes... Now... Get undressed, you have to get cleaned." she says seriously toned.
"But..! I don't smell bad or..." Luna says but gets caught off when she looks in the mirror and sees that her face and hands are covered in blood, "Oh..." Luna says.
"Yea... Oh... Now get in the tub and get clean please" Elizabeth says, standing up and walking out of the bathroom so Luna can get undressed.
An hour after the fiasco happened, Luna disposed of Jason's body and talked to Diary, as she would call him or her. Luna smiles at the camera of her computer, "I made my second kill, Diary... I thought that Jason was Chase... Sadly he wasn't..." she says disappointed but continues, "but good thing is, I got to keep his blood!" she says excitedly, holding up a blood bag that had an O positive blood type, "He has my favorite blood, I love O positive blood!" Luna squeals and giggles, "Well Diary... I've got to go lower my moon in a bit, so I have to go... Bye Diary" she blows an air kiss to the camera then closes her computer then goes to wake up Aurora.

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