-we should do that again sometime-

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we should do that again sometime
                chapter 4

Dear diary, or journal, or whatever this is,
I forgot to write last night, of course I did. Yesterday was wonderful. My outing with Adrien made me feel some type of way. Feelings are hard, it's all so confusing and stupid. I told Adrien about my silly crush on him in school. I think he enjoyed the knowledge of knowing. I got home feeling like a 15 year old waiting for him to text me. Which he did a little bit, but he was very busy. Hopefully we talk today more, hopefully I see him more. Okay since this is therapy I might have a little tiny crush on him. DONT TELL ANYONE!!! Anyway, until tomorrow? Or tonight. Whenever I remember.

Finishing a cup of coffee before work is my daily routine. It has to happen or I am grumpy. Simple outfits for simple days have become my thing. Work is casual, there's really no dress code, so I just throw a sloppy outfit together to be comfortable.

Goodmorning Mari:) hope you slept well!

I grab my phone staring at his text, smiling like an idiot is something Adrien has made me do for quite awhile.

goodmorning! I slept wonderful, thanks for asking. soooo what're you up to today mr. model man haha

Today is one of my lighter days, thank God. I have a photoshoot in a little bit but then I'm off. How about you Ms. Seamstress

work. which omg if I don't leave now I'll be late! ttyl adrien:)

"I'll see you later kitties!"
I always say goodbye to the cuties before I leave, that's a must as well. I don't feel like walking today so I hop in my car, and start my way to work.
It's a short drive, but traffic obviously makes it worse. My phone buzzes in my pocket, must be Adrien, but I'm driving so not right now.
"Good Morning Marinette, how was the show?" Mrs. Rose said to me as I walked into her office.
"It was great! Thank you so much for letting me go, I actually caught up with an old friend, and came up with some designs"
"That's amazing! May I see?"
"Of course!" I pull out my most recent designs, getting excited to see what she'll say.
"So feathers are in right now, and velvet. But that's not what I wanted to show you. I went to a dinner yesterday, and someone got coffee spilt on them"
"I like this so far" she smiles at me,
"She was wearing white, and I was thinking, what if we made a few dresses, with suits to match, and even just like pajama wear, that are all white. With coffee stains!"
I push the pieces of paper on the table so that they're in front of her. She stares at them for a moment before looking up at me.
"Brilliant Marinette. I love it. Can you start working on it please?"
"Of course"
"Oh our male models are out today, will that be an issue?"
"Hm, it'll be okay"
"Okay! Keep me updated with your designs."
"Will do ma'am"
I wander out of her office, and head to my desk determined to get this done. We don't have male models today, and I don't have a mannequin that has a "manly build"
I whisper out loud and grab my phone.

Don't wanna be late! Can't wait to talk to you x

hey adrien? I have a question


I know today is light for you, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to my work, we don't have any male models today and I'm working on a new line:) sooo I thought you'd be perfect. And we could hangout!

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