-ill keep it-

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ill keep it
chapter 9

Saturday, my lazy day. I wake up and do the usual routine, feeding the kitties, eating as well, cleaning up and showering. I get dressed comfortably to sit and do nothing or so I thought. My phone starts to ring, and I look down to see Adrien's contact.
"Why hello there" 
"Marinette" he sounds awful, his voice is very hoarse, and he sounds very nasally
"Uh oh. I'm on my way"
"You're the best" he sniffles a little before hanging up the phone. I quickly get up and grab some supplies, I would love to avoid getting sick. I put extra food in the kitties bowls and make sure they have enough water. I rush out the door, thinking that Adrien is dying every second I waste. Which isn't totally true, but he needs my assistant. I get into my car and take a back way, with less traffic so ultimately it takes less time. 
I walk into the building seeing people everywhere, I head to the elevators and hop on. Adrien is all the way at the top, so I'm the last one to get off.
"It's Marinette to your rescue" I knocked, hopefully he didn't fall asleep. No response, so I tried the door.
"Locked damnit"
"Adrien, I'm here!" I try calling him but he must be passed out, he does need his rest. I look around for maybe a spare key anywhere but I can't find one. Maybe just maybe the front desk has a spare, they have too, but will they let me in?
"Hi um I have an issue, my boyfriend is sick, and he called me to come over, and his door is locked. He must have fallen asleep and I tried calling and knocking. Is there any way you can help me?"
"What's your name?" 
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng" she starts typing, looking intensely at the computer.
"You're in luck, Mr. Agreste left a key for you if something like this ever happened" she unlocks a drawer and takes out a silver key, and hands it to me.
"Thank you so much"
"No problem ma'am" 
I make my way back to his door, another long elevator ride.
The key fits right in. I sorta expected it to not work for some reason, but I'm in. I walked around looking for where he passed out, glad it wasn't on the floor. He's sleeping in his bed with his phone right next to him, must've fallen asleep after we hung up. 
I move the hair out of his face and feel his forehead, he's burning up. 
"Poor baby" his phone starts to ring, his father's contact comes up. I decided to pick it up and let him know.
"Adrien? Where are you?"
"Hi Mr. Agreste, this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien called me this morning and he's sick as a dog. I'll tell him to contact you when he's up if that's alright"
"Well thank you Marinette for taking care of him and letting me know"
"No problem sir"
The conversation is over as quick as it started. I search around Adrien's place for medicine, and other things he'll need when he's awake. But obviously he has nothing.
"Ugh Adrien you have nothing" I walk back into his room and look at him. I sat next to him, moving stray hairs out of his face. He looks so peaceful, his skin glistening from sweat.
"I'll be right back, hopefully you're still resting"
I kiss his forehead and grab my keys to get in and head to the store. He lives in the middle of town so there's definitely a supermarket within walking distance which I was right. I walk there in a hurry, I don't want him waking up and I'm still not there. I head to the medicine section and grab cold medicine, a thermometer, cough drops, and sore throat drops. Then I head to the food, I grab him drinks to keep him hydrated, and noodles, chicken, and broth to make homemade soup.
"Boy does he owe me" I mumble to myself smiling. I really don't mind doing this for him, I just hope I don't get sick. I grab a few more items that'll be good for him to eat and drink and head to checkout.
"Have a good day ma'am" 
"Thank you, you too" the cashier hands me the receipt and I grab my few bags, making my way back. I see some paparazzi up ahead, and I try dodging them the best I can. I don't think they recognized me until I was already in the elevator. I unlock the door quickly and get in, locking it in case there's crazies. I sigh in relief and set the bags on the counter. 
"Mari?" I hear his groggy voice and make a split for his room.
"Good Morning sleepyhead, how do you feel?" I sit next to him, putting my hand on his forehead to feel if he's still burning up. Which he was.
"How did you get in- I feel like shit- my father-" he seems super confused, and he tries to get up.
"Ah ah ah. Lay your ass back down. I got my key from the front, I told your father you're sick, and what're your symptoms"
He looks up at me and manages to give me a grin.
"Thank you princess" my stomach flutters from his little nickname, it makes me feel giddy.
"I feel hot, and dizzy, and my throat hurts a little bit" 
"You poor thing, I went shopping and got you stuff I'll be right back. Stay there" I point at him and the bed, he doesn't need to be getting up. I grab the thermometer, a Gatorade, and the sore throat drops.
"Here put this in your mouth" I say, ripping the packaging open and placing the other things on his side table. While he gets his temp taken I go to his bathroom and find a small rag. I put cold water on it, ring it out, but keep enough on just so it's cold.
"102.9" he mumbles and lays back down.
"Mari you didn't have to get all this-"
"Shut it. I don't wanna hear it. Drink" I open the Gatorade and hand it to him, he takes a big drink and hands it back. I then open a sore throat drop and give it to him.
"Lay down"
"Yes ma'am" he gives me a smirk. I sit next to him, I push the hair off his forehead and he's looking at me the whole time. I place the cool rag on his forehead and I feel his body relax.
"Mmm that's nice" the grogginess in his voice is almost too much, I could barely understand. I giggle at him and he smiles.
"Rest up, we need you to feel better"
"Already do feel much better. Thank you Marinette" he rubs my hand that's resting besides him. I put my hand on his cheek, caressing it.
"No problem, but so help me god if you get me sick Agreste.." we both laugh until I get up to wash my hands. Gotta stay clean.
"Mari stayyyy" I hear him while I'm in the bathroom.
"So that you can get your germs all over me hm?" I walk out of the bathroom, hand on my hips.
"Please" he gives me puppy dog eyes, something I don't think I'll ever be able to say no.
"Really. Puppy dog eyes? Fine. Just until you fall asleep, but then I have to start making your soup"
"Mmm you're the bestest princess in the land" I walk around the bed and sit next to him, pulling myself closer and closer to him. He rests his head on my lap, while I sit straight up. I pulled my fingers through his hair, trying to relax him, which definitely worked. 
"For the record,  bestest isn't a word" I see a slight smirk on his face.
Within minutes he's asleep, looking peaceful, and gorgeous as ever. I find myself getting sleepy, but I'll rest later. I slowly replace myself with a pillow and he settles in perfectly fine. I get to the kitchen and start making the soup, just like my mother had taught me when my father was sick. The longest part was letting it sit for an hour. So as soon as I'm done cutting chicken, cooking noodles, and putting broth and seasonings in it's time to let it cook. I set a timer for an hour and a half and I start to clean up. His place was clean, but not Marinette clean. I had nothing else to do so why not, I made sure to wipe everything down, including his electronics. I really don't want to get sick. I check in on him here and there, and he's still resting peacefully. I give a small smile and get back to work, before I know it, the soup is done. I turn off the burner, I take a taste test and it's delicious. Adrien will love it, and it'll definitely help with the cold or whatever he has. I look at the time,
I feel myself yawn and decide to take a nap on the couch. Hopefully Adrien will wake me up if he needs anything. I turn something on and slowly drift off to sleep. 
Of course I wake up with arms around my waist. I blink my eyes a few times and look around.
"Adrien" I groan he's going to get me sick. I play with his hair, running my fingers through, watching him sleep. Until I see those familiar green eyes staring back at me.
"Good Morning sunshine" I give him a smile and he groans.
"I'm gonna murder you if you get me sick"
"I'm sorry I couldn't resist, I needed company" I giggled at his response, he's so cute.
"Let's get you something to eat" I start to get up but Adrien doesn't budge
"Five more minutes" he mumbles, and I realize he's shivering.
"Cold sweats?" 
"Mhm" is all he responds with, grab the blanket that's next to us and lay it on him. I grab his face to feel his forehead and realize he's still burning hot, he looks to have eyebags, and sweat misting his face.
"You look...awful.."
"Wow thanks Marinette"
"You didn't let me finish! Awfully cute" I poke his nose and say "boop" and he laughs at me.
"I'll go warm you up some soup I promise it'll be worth it"
"I bet"
I make my way to the giant pot on the stove. I search his cabinets and drawers looking for a bowl and a spoon. After looking for a minute I finally found what I needed. I give him a good amount,  it's still warm so no need to heat it up.
"Eat up pretty boy"
"Yes ma'am" he gives me his famous smirk and I smile.
"That was delicious Mari,I feel a little bit better"
"That's good, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Wanna watch movies and sleep all day?"
"That sounds extremely wonderful"
"Let's go" I snickered, and followed him to his room. He immediately latches onto my side like a leech. I play with his hair, hoping to relax him. And it feels so soft, and it smells delicious.
"You pick cause I'll probably end up sleeping half the time" I already knew he'd be out within the first ten minutes,which I was correct. 
I sit there peacefully for hours, he wakes up getting in and out of deep sleep, I sit there and enjoy his company. After hours and hours of watching movies, and shows, eating more soup, I'm exhausted.
"Adrien, can I use a shirt of yours?"
"Mhm top drawer, your pick" he points at the drawer across the room, I yawn and so does he. 
"I can sleep on the couch" I give him a half smile, knowing I have to respect his boundaries.
"Get your ass in this bed" he gives me a death stare and I laugh at him.
"Don't look i'm getting changed" 
"Of course" 
I took off my shirt and put on Adrien's, which was way more comfy. I leave my sweats on and jump into bed.
"How're you feeling"
"Better, hopefully a good night's rest will help"
"Yeah, hopefully it's a 24 hours thing" I say and then proceed to yawn.
"Thanks for everything princess" 
"No problem Adrien"
"Goodnight Mari"
"Goodnight Adrien" he cuddles closer to me, and I do my usual, petting his hair, pulling my fingers through it. Until we both pass out wrapped in eachothers arms.

I wake to an empty spot beside me,and the smell of bacon.
"Adrien?" I mumble rubbing my eyes as I get up and walk out into the kitchen.
"Good Morning princess" he gives me a smirk.
"So you're feeling better huh?" I make my way to the table.
"Only because of you" he leans over the counter and boops my nose.
"How'd you sleep?"
"Good, you're bed is super comfy" 
We converse for a few moments before I smell burning. 
"Uh Adrien," I pointed to the toaster.
"Mornings at the Agreste penthouse, burnt toast on Sundays is on the menu!" I say in a super dramatic voice and we both laugh. 
"That shit smells" I get up and open a window hoping to get the burnt smell out.
"Well we have eggs and pancakes" he sets a plate in front of me.
"Well thank you"
"It's the least of what I can do Mari" I start eating, and so does Adrien. Finishing quite quickly, 
"Oh shit" I look at the time. 
"I gotta feed the cats, and I have work in half an hour!" I get up rushing to grab my purse and my shirt. 
"Oh here's your key" I hold my hand out to give him his key
"Keep it, just in case"
"You sure?"
"Yes" he gives me a reassuring smile and I rush to the front door.
"Ugh sorry for not helping clean up and rushing out the door"
"You're so apologetic Mari, you just aided me while I was sick, spent your money and time on me, and you're apologizing for not helping clean dishes! You're crazy" I blush at his comment, I guess I just really like to help.
"You're gonna be late, thanks again for everything I'll definitely be paying you back"
"It's really not a problem Adrien, you're welcome" he walks up to me and gives me a big hug, as do I.
"I'll text you on my break"
"Can't wait" I give him one last smile and walk out, rushing to get to my car.
"Oh shit his shirt" I look down at the comfortable tee-shirt I'm wearing. I lift it up to my nose and smell it, it smells exactly like him. I take a moment and admire his wonderful scent.
I'll keep it.

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