-ha...i win-

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ha...i win.
chapter 7

I wake up with a warm feeling, and warm hands around me. I look up at the gorgeous boy cuddling with me. My heart rate goes up like a rocket. My hand is on his bare chest, as is my head. His head resting on the pillow, one hand is wrapped around my back, the other is resting on my waist. He's still asleep so I calm down a bit. I take a long look at him. You hear all the time about how peaceful people look when they're asleep, and how perfect they look, it's true. I think Adrien looks perfect all the time, but he looks so relaxed. It looks as if he's smiling while sleeping, I wonder what the precious boy is thinking. I have no clue what time it is but I know it's Wednesday, and Adrien has work. I would love to sit there all day, but he's already done so much for me. I slowly raise my hand, pushing some hair out of his face, placing my hand on his cheek. My thumb going back and forth over his cheek bone. 
"Hey Adrien" I whisper just loud enough to wake him, but not scare him. He slowly opens his eyes, his beautiful green eyes that I will point out until the day I die.
"Good Morning handsome" he looks down at me, and how we're laying, and his cheeks get red. 
Aw he's blushing!
"Oh um I'm sorry Mari" his voice hoarse, he starts to shift in bed, talking about us cuddling. I grab his face and he stops in his tracks. I tilt his head a little bit and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"It's not a problem" I turn over and get out of bed. Stretching my arms, I look at the clock, 
"What time do you have work?"
"Well get up big boy, breakfast and then you gotta go." I look over at him laying on the bed, his hands on his face.
"Ugh 5 more minutes"
"Nope! Get up, come on!"
I try grabbing his arm from the side of the bed but it fails. He grabs me forcing me into the bed. I yelp in reaction and start laughing. He gets on top of me and looks me dead in the eyes.
"Is Marinette ticklish?" He raises and eyebrow
"UH NO" I yell in the most suspicious tone. 
"I guess we'll test that"
"Adrien no-" I try to say but I'm already gasping for air from his tickles.
"Not until you guess the password!" I see an opening to double cross him. I put my knees on either side of him and use all the momentum I have and flip us over.
"How-" he has the most confused look on his face but I don't let him finish, I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up.
"You owe me an apology. So that means go make breakfast" I huff, and he raises an eyebrow, and then licks my hand.
"EW" I remove my hand immediately and get off him to wash it.
"I win!"
"You're so annoying" I go into the bathroom to wash up and brush my hair. I giggle at our little encounter.
"Alright so eggs are-" 
He's already in the kitchen, mixing eggs and putting seasoning into the bowl. Might I add, he looks absolutely gorgeous. I think he did this on purpose, his shirt is off, in a pair of basketball shorts. Very suspicious if you ask me. 
"-you beat me to it"
"Of course I did, I always will"
"Pfft wow what an attitude Mr. Model"
"Comes with the job" he jokes, and I laugh, we both laugh. 
"Kitties!" I make cat noises with my mouth to make them come by me, and low and behold it works. They both run to me and give me tons of affection as do I. I sit on the floor petting them while Adrien makes breakfast. I get up and go to the fridge to feed them.
"What's their name anyway?" Adrien questions, I hesitate for a second.
"The black one is Plagg, and the orange one is Tikki" Adrien seems to go blank for a second, his face full of confusion.
"Like the uh comics? Ladybug and Chat Noir?"
The air feels stiff, like a breath is being held.
"Uh yeah" I smile at him and look down.
"Man, I haven't heard of them in ages. I hope they're doing well.
"Me too." I say quietly remembering my old partner. Things are quiet for a bit after that, I feed the cats and wander to help Adrien. I set the side counter up with plates and silverware just as he's finishing up.
"Thank you"
"My apology for tickling you my majesty" I hit his arm, laughing in the process.
"Mmm this tastes delicious" I take a bite of eggs and toast"
"I know right"
"Husband material" I look at him and raise my eyebrows
"Oh really"
"Definitely" we're both smiling at each other. at this point. We make small talk, and eat our breakfast peacefully.
"Shit I gotta go" he looks at his phone, and gets up to put his shirt on.
"I'm sorry I can't help with the mess"
"No problem, you cooked, I'll clean" I give him a bright smile and he gives one back.
"I'll text you later Mari" he goes for the door,
"Hey wait"
"Yes?" I walk up to him and give him a hug, a nice sweet but short one. As I'm leaving the hug I get on my tippy toes and plant another kiss on his cheek. I rest my hand on his cheek again.
"Thank you so much again Adrien" I whisper and then smile. His eyes are sparkling like little kids on Christmas day.
"Anything for you Princess" he smirks and grabs my hand, kisses the top of it and bows.
"You're such a dork"
"A cute dork" he chimes in and opens the door to leave.
"A cute dork indeed" I whisper
"What's that?" He pops his head back in.
"Nothing!" I turn around and start cleaning up our breakfast mess.
I do more cleaning around the house, take a shower, get dressed, and finally decide to call my parents and tell them about the accident.
The phone rings a few times before my mother answers.
"Mon amour, it's Marinette! Hi sweetie!"
"Hey mom, hey dad" I just know she put me on speaker.
"Hello Marinette, how're you! We miss you!" 
"Things are good, and I miss you too. But something happened a few days ago."
"Are you okay?" My mother asks in concern
"Yes, just a few bruises here and there"
"Honey what happened?" My dad asks in a serious tone.
"I was at work, and it got robbed. I was closing and uh I tried to sneak out but I got caught. But the police got there before anything bad happened. Two got away, one is in custody."
"Oh honey I'm so glad you're okay!"
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes I'm fine, just needed to tell you guys"
I throw some other details to make them feel better about the whole situation.
"I have good news too!"
"Well what is it?" My mother sounds excited
"I went to a fashion show awhile ago and you'll never guess who's here in New York! Adrien!"
"Really? great honey! Tell him we say hi!"
"He's a great guy" my dad adds
"Do you still have a crush on him?" they both giggle.
"Mom, stop! He's a friend, and after what happened he's been here for me a lot,I really appreciate him"
"Well that's great, tell him we're very grateful he's looking after you."
"Okay I will, so how's the shop?"
"It's great, doing very well, we miss having you around"
"Awe I miss Paris, I'll have to visit soon"
"Please do! Oh honey we're gonna have to go, customers are lining up"
"It's okay! Love you guys, I'll call again soon"
"Love you!"
They say at the same time, and I hang up. It felt nice to catch up with them. I should really talk to Alya soon, but I bet she's working right now so I won't bother her. I jump in my bed and pull out my side drawer, grabbing my journal.

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