-a cute goof-

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a cute goof
 chapter 8

Dear diary,
It's been good. Real good. I've been spending my days with Adrien and ive never been happier. I find myself overthinking, getting worried about "what" we are but I try to shut it all down. Yes it'll crush me if he wants to be just friends, but his friendship is so important to me so I respect it. But come on he has to be somewhat interested in me, why else would he always be texting me and hanging out? I woke up today in my dress and tights from yesterday which was extremely uncomfortable might I add. But Adrien was gone, and I woke up with a cute goodmorning text. Now I'm at work, I know writing at work while I should be...well working is bad but I don't care. I'm on my lunch break, is that Adrien? Speak of the devil. Well I'll update soon.

I sign my name and shut my journal, tucking it away into my purse. I see the devilishly handsome man approaching me, with his father? 
"Adrien? Mr. Agreste? What a pleasant surprise to see you sir." 
"Ah Ms. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Did Adrien not tell you of my arrival?"
"Um no he actually didn't" I give him a small smile and glare, I quickly brought my attention back to Gabriel.
"Of course he didn't, anyway, he wanted to bring me here to see your designs"
"Oh um really? Okay!"
"Also Ms. Marinette may I say what a beautiful necklace you're wearing, the light reflects perfectly off of it." I look down at my necklace that Adrien bought me, I hadn't taken it off since he put it on.
"Thank you sir, if you'd like to follow me I'm sure my superior would love to meet you"
"Show us the way" Adrien gives me a side smirk. After the robbery, things got fixed pretty quick, like nothing had ever happened.
"Mrs. Rose, we have some visitors"
"Bring them in my dear!" We walk into the room, Mrs. Rose draping fabric on a mannequin.
"Oh my! The Agreste's! What an honor to see you again Adrien, and to meet you!" She rushes over to shake Gabriel's hand.
"So what brings you two gentlemen around these parts" she places a hand on her hip, and the two men look at me.
"My son here wanted me to look at Ms. Marinette's designs"
"She is quite a talented one. Go ahead my dear, show your marvelous work."
"Thank you" I smile and walk out of the room, Adrien and Gabriel soon behind me. I lead them to the backroom where I have been working on lots of things. Including my Chat Noir and Ladybug line.
"Um this is my most recent line, Adrien helped me with modeling actually" Adrien gives me a reassuring look. Gabriel walks up to the mannequins with my clothing on them, inspecting it. Feeling the fabric, seeing how stretchy it is.
"This is great work, and the design is unique. I love it. What have you been working on recently?"
"Um lots of things actually, but my main focus has been this design recently" I passed him a piece of paper, I decided not to show him my ladybug and chat noir pieces yet.
"This is wonderful" he murmurs, just barely being able to hear.
"Marinette, would you like to accompany us for lunch?" he puts the paper down to look at me. I check my watch, I do have most of my lunch break left.
"I'll have to check with Mrs. Rose, but I'd love to"
"Great!" Adrien says smiling, I give him a soft smile and walk past them.
"I'm sure she'll oblige, I'll meet you outside? Adrien, you know the way out, correct?"
"Yes ma'am, see you outside" I give him a nod and head to her office.
"I was invited to lunch. May I go? I might be a little late I don't know"
"Why of course, have a good time"
"Thank you!" I rush to get out the door, I grab my coat and purse, and head outside. It's a colder day out, cloudy with a breeze. I look around, trying to locate their vehicle, until I find Adrien waving at me. I smile and start making my way towards him.
"Long time no see"
"Yeah it's like I hadn't just seen you last night, or a few minutes ago" I giggle at him as he opens the door for me.
"Glad you could make it" Gabriel adds 
"Me too Mr. Agreste"
"Gabriel, you can call me Gabriel" 
"Noted" I give him a smile and look back to Adrien, who is already staring at me.
"Well this was a lovely surprise, why didn't you tell me?"
"To be honest...I forgot" I roll my eyes at him and he gives me a gorgeous smile. 
"So how have you been, Marinette, I haven't seen you in years!"
"I've been great, after leaving Paris for the big city I haven't had a moment to rest. It's wonderful though. It was such a surprise to run into Adrien after all these years"
"That's great, I've heard quite a lot of things about you" I blush at the thought of Adrien talking to his father about me.
"Good things I hope" I give Adrien a little side glance and he seems to be blushing a little.
"Of course," Gabriel states and smiles at us. Did I forget to mention we're in a limo? A freaking limo, this is like everyday life for Adrien, it's crazy to think about. I look up to Adrien, his eyes already on mine. Our bodies are pressed together,  I totally forgot Gabriel was even there. He puts his hand on top of mine smoothly, causing me to smile. 
The ride was short lived, we pulled up to a super fancy restaurant that I know I can't afford, and I'm way underdressed. I should have expected this but I didn't think about it. My eyes go wide as we're escorted to our seats, I keep eyeing Adrien and all he does is smirk at me. I shuffle over to his side as we're walking through this crazy place.
"I did not expect this" I whisper yell at him.
"Calm down Mari it's okay" he giggles at me
"Uh no it's not! I'm so underdressed and out of place"
"Your seats" the waitress politely showed us a wonderful view.
"You fit perfectly next to me princess" I blush at his words and sit down. 
We dive into small talk, as we all order drinks, and food soon after.
Everything went as planned and the food was wonderful. We start to make our way back to the limo, when something happens that I never thought about.
"Adrien Adrien! Who's this mystery girl"
"Are you dating?"
"Mr. Agreste, how's your trip?"
"Miss who you are and what's your relation to Adrien Agreste?!" 
I get taken back by the paparazzi, recorders getting shoved in my face, camera flashes everywhere. 
I'm speechless.
"I'm sorry Mari" I look up at Adrien who is still beside me somehow. He grabs my hand and leads me to the limo, we get in safely and securely.
"Woah" is all I manage to say.
"Comes with the job unfortunately" Gabriel comments, Adrien is rubbing my back.
"They think we're dating" I giggled looking up at him.
"That hand holding is gonna make it worse"
"Eh, so what. It's whatever"
"Wow you're a natural at this. The first time I got mics and cameras shoved in my face I freaked out" we all laugh at Adrien's comment and a comfortable silence takes over. I look down at my watch,
"Shoot I'm very late" I mumble, sighing out of stress.
"Well glad we're here, sorry to keep you send Mrs. Rose my best regards" Gabriel gives me a nice smile. He seems to have changed, or maybe he's just being polite? 
"It's alright, and will do"
"I'll walk you in" Adrien opens the door and grabs my hand helping me get out.
"Why thank you"
"No problem" 
I lead the way to my desk, getting there and yelling to Mrs. Rose that I'm back.
"Well that was eventful. I hope he likes me"
"He does" Adrien plays with the papers on my desk.
"Okay, thank you for visiting, and paying for lunch. I appreciate it." I walk closer to him and give him a hug. Hugging Adrien is like heaven, it's so warm and comfortable. It feels like home. 
"I love spending time with you Mari"
I leave his embrace and look into his eyes, his glorious, mysterious, soft eyes.
"Speaking of which. I would like to have you over tonight, my place at 6, I'll pick you up?"
"Sounds like a plan. What will we be doing?"
"Whatever you want to do"
We haven't lost eye contact for a minute, 
"You should go your father's waiting" I whisper softly
"Yeah, right. I'll see you tonight Marinette" hearing him say my name always brings butterflies to my stomach, and I think it always will.
"Marinette! I need your help" I hear Mrs Rose yell from the back room.
"Coming! I'll see ya later Adrien" he waves and leaves, walks right out the front door like he owns the place. 
His model walk is so cute. 

"Pineapple does NOT belong on pizza you're crazy"
"Yes it does! It's delicious, especially with bacon!"
"Of course you like pineapple pizza Adrien '' he led me up the stairs to his penthouse. You heard me right. Yeah he's rich, I just never realize it. 
"Welcome to mon maison!"
"Wow I knew you were rich but woof. This is worth a pretty penny" he laughs at my response. 
"I'll give you the grand tour" he starts walking around pointing out obvious things like the kitchen, living room, all that stuff, a tour.
"I like it a lot" 
"Oh I've saved the best part for last" he grabs my hand and leads me to what looks like a balcony.
"Isn't it beautiful, I still admire the city everyday" we walk out onto a balcony, looking over New York. It's beautiful, it reminds me of standing at the top of the Eiffel tower.
"It's magnificent" I whisper, looking at every part of the view.
"You hungry? I could cook up some steak"
"That would be wonderful, but let me help" I turn to face him, and of course he's smiling at me. 
"I'll beat ya to the kitchen!" I run past him towards the kitchen, but somehow he still beats me.
"Make sure to season it"
"Make sure to turn the burner down"
"Make sure to be careful!"
"Make sure to turn off the burner!"
We worked together in the kitchen to make a wonderful dinner, steak, potatoes, and red wine.
"Ugh I'm so full that was delicious" I look at the clock, 
"Wanna watch some movies?"
"Yes for sure, I heard a new conjuring movie came out"
"You like horror" Adrien raises an eyebrow at me.
"Yes, why? Are you scared? Gonna be a little pussy cat Adrien?"
"Okay then let's go!"
We watch a total of two movies before I feel myself start to nod off.
"Wanna take a break from movies?"
"And do what?" I yawn and stretch.
"Follow me" he gets up and starts heading for the balcony, I follow oblivious to what's about to happen. The cold air hits me and I breathe in deep, it's so refreshing. The lights of the city look so cool at night, yet again the view is familiar. 
Silence is all that's to be heard, neither of us speak up for a while we just take in the view.
"Look up" he points to the sky, the stars looking bright and beautiful. Our shoulders brush, instead of looking up, I look at him. I admire the view of...him.
Nothing else is said for as long as I can remember, I rest my head on his shoulder, and enjoy the breathtaking view of the city at night. 
"It's getting late, I should be getting home"
"Of course let's go" 
That comforting silence takes over the whole way home, I feel right, is the only way I can put it. 
He walked me to my door, and said goodbye.
"Goodnight my Princess" he kisses the top of my hand and bows.
"You're such a goof" A cute goof.
"Goodnight Adrien, thank you for your time I enjoyed this evening"
"Anytime Mari"
"See you soon"
"Most definitely" I close my door and push my back to it. This feels like a fairy tale, I really hope I get a happily ever after.
I hope he's my happily ever after.

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