(cuddling is important to your health)

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Summary: In which some cuddling happens.
Themes/Tags: cuddles. established relationship. fluff.
Notes: literally nothing happens. also, why did i choose names that ended in 's' because there's a lot of apostrophes in there. 

(cuddling is important to your health) -

"Joss, don't you have some work to do?"

"Finished it."

"I'm trying to read here."

"I know."

"... Do you have to sit so close to me?"

"Nngh, yes, Travis."

Travis sighs, shifting himself so he can fit better in his boyfriend's arms. He leans back as Joss happily digs his chin into his right shoulder. 

"Are you cold or something?" 

"No... Just feel like holding you."

"Whatever you say."

Three minutes of silent bliss goes by before Joss moves again, pushing his entire face in between Travis' shoulder blades. His arms tighten around the other, and there's a muffled sound that's suspciously close to purring.

"Joss? Are you okay?"

"Nnngh. Mm."

"You've been very touchy-feely lately. You sure you're not thinking dumb thoughts again?"

Joss' head moves back and forth slightly against Travis' back. "I'm not. Just want to cuddle, is all. Cuddling is good for your health, you know."

Travis scoffs. "Sure it is." Despite his flippant tone, he shifts slightly to match his boyfriend's body, until they are both in that comfortable familiarity again. He can't deny that being in close physical contact with someone he trusts and knows well is good, very good, especially since they've both been so busy lately and barely have the time to eat dinner together. 

"Are you done yet?" Joss asks, nuzzling his neck lazily.

Travis lightly swats him away with one hand. "No, I'm not. There's still two chapters to go."

"You've been reading for soooo loooonng," the other complains. 

"Well, if you'd stop distracting me..."

There's a hum of discontent, but Joss quiets down for a while. Travis continues reading, until he reaches page 253, and there are fingers playing with his hair. He sighs softly, allowing the soothing movement while his eyes focused back on the words in front of him.

"Joss. Joss, back up a bit."

Joss only responds with a quiet whine, his hands folding over Travis' stomach once more. Even without looking at his face, Travis can feel the restlessness in his boyfriend's entire being. He ignores it, telling himself that he'll finish this chapter and then deal with it.

Unfortunately, Joss doesn't seem to have the same plan, because the next minute there's something soft and wet tracing the back of his neck.


Travis squirms, trying to dislodge himself from the other boy's hold, but he is no match for Joss, who regularly meets up with the guys on the weekends to play ball when he himself is browsing the bookstore for new material to consume. He huffs, hitting his book against Joss' leg.

"I'm trying to re---what are you--- ah!"

Travis can feel the curve of Joss' smirk against the nape of his neck, and he flinches slightly, involuntarily, because he's always been sensitive there. Joss knows this, which is probably why he chooses to use his teeth to pinch the skin there. Travis yelps, dropping the book altogether. 

"You---little shit, you--- ermmff."

Giggles and muffled laughter fills the air as they fall over onto the floor, lost in kisses and entangled limbs, Travis' book forgotten next to them.

Well. Travis can deal with this now, he supposes. It's not like he doesn't enjoy it.

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