(warm enough)

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Summary: When the temperature drops, there's only one way to keep warm. (And no, it's not that, get your head out of the gutter.)
Themes/Tags: snow. scarves?? boys being cute. fluff. hugs and kisses. implied relationship.
Warnings: you might get a cavity. this was too short.

(warm enough) - 

Kai shivers and rubs his hands together, hoping the slight friction might bring some warmth to his pale and icy hands. He has on four layers, not including his puffy green parka, and his toque has been pulled down to his ears. He really dislikes the cold, he does. As if it's not bad enough being small for his age; bundling up for the season just makes him look more like an elf, height and all. So why is he risking the humiliation of kids' laughter and possibly pneumonia waiting out in the freezing cold? Good question.

A low chuckle from behind him. "Don't you look cold," someone says, and warm, familiar arms wrap around the small boy comfortably.

Kai huffs, his breath a puff of white. He glares up at the newcomer, his hands pausing in their furious motion. "What took you so long?" he demands. "I'm about to freeze my ass off, and you're taking your time strolling here like it's not minus thirty degrees out here!"

The bigger boy laughs, the sound warm and lively and good. "Aww, c'mon, it's not minus thirty degrees... yet. Here, I got you this." He presents a large woolly winter scarf and wraps it around the smaller boy, his grin never fading. "Aren't you feeling warmer?"

Kai sniffs, his face now half hidden by the scarf. "I still hate you for making me wait out in the cold, Jett." He siddles closer to the other, sticking his hands into Jett's bigger parka contently. "I'm not meant to be living in this cold."

Jett pulls him closer, pulling his hat down even more so that only Kai's blue eyes can be seen. "But that means you won't get to cuddle with me."

Even with most of his features hidden, Kai still somehow manages to give the impression of a scowling squirrel. "I can't cuddle if I'm frozen into a Kai-sicle!"

Jett laughs again, pretending to give that thought. "You know, I bet you'd taste real sweet."

Kai's face turns even redder, but not from the cold. "Jett, you..."

The bigger boy smiles down at him. "You're adorable, you know that?"

"You're annoying, you know that?" retorts Kai, but the next second, Jett has stopped walking and is leaning down and pecking him on the lips. Blue eyes widen, and suddenly he's feeling a bit warmer even though the temperature has yet to rise.

"Yup, real sweet," grins Jett, gloved hands tugging at Kai's tiny ones, as he pulls them along the snow-ridden path. "C'mon, or they'll finish all the hot chocolate without us!"

Kai grumbles again, but his hands tighten around Jett's. Trust the annoying wall of a boy to know just how to make him forget about the cold.

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