(it's not my fault your shoulder is so comfortable)

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Summary: He never meant to fall asleep on his shoulder. 
Themes/Tags: on the skytrain/subway/whatever. strangers to friends to something more (?). cheesy lines.
Warnings: do not try this unless you absolutely trust random strangers you meet on public transport. 

(it's not my fault your shoulder is so comfortable) - 

He never meant to fall asleep on his shoulder.

Like, seriously, come on, who would get on the second last train west and stumble onto a miraculously empty seat just to doze off on some random guy's shoulder? That's just weird, not to mention a tad bit creepy. He wasn't that type of guy. Hell, he didn't even think that he could fall asleep somewhere that wasn't his own bed. So he really didn't mean to nod off onto a complete stranger's shoulder, no matter how cute the guy was.

He had a long day, alright? There was stupid remedial classes that started at seven (It's bad enough he was dumb, but having to get up at balls a.m. to sit through four hours of who-the-fuck-cares? Ugh.), and then he realized that he forgot to make a lunch (which meant giving up money for gross cafeteria food that took way too long to line up for), which ultimately lead to him being late for his basketball club (his coach takes that as an excuse to send him for extra laps), and then he had to work an evening shift at the grocer's (which got way too much business for a Wednesday). And maybe he didn't get enough sleep last night because of some new RPG that he got addicted to. It's a wonder he even managed to get onto the right train, given how dead he was on his feet. But that was still no excuse to just conk out onto some poor unsuspecting guy.

He honestly hoped that he didn't make it worse and more humiliating than it already was by snoring or drooling or----gods forbid----sleep talking. 

Besides, why didn't the guy shake him awake when his head first dropped onto his (totally muscular yet surprisingly comfortable) shoulder? Wouldn't any normal person shift or do something when some random worn-out stranger passed out on you? No, this guy just let him be until his stop was up.

"Wh-wha---I'm up, I'm up!" He bolted upright, blinking around confusedly at the brightly lit skytrain. There was a chuckle beside him, and he glanced over to find sculpted cheeks and stunning grey eyes and a smile that made his toes curl and----in other words, fuck, this guy was good-lookin'.

"Sorry to wake you," the guy said, his voice lower than he expected. Which, of course made him shiver slightly (damn his stupid hormones and virtual forever alone-ness). "But my stop is coming up soon."

"You---I---Oh, shit." It was now he finally realized what totally stupid and embarrassing thing he just committed. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I mean, it wasn't like----I just---shit---Oh my gods I----"

The guy seemed amused by his unstoppable rambling, but not offended or angry... yet. "It's alright. You looked tired. Still do, actually." The guy pointed at the dark bags under his eyes. "You should get some rest, or else you might pass out for real. And maybe on someone not as nice as me." He smiled again, nearly blinding the whole train, dear gods.

Turning away from the beautiful stranger, he mumbled slightly. "Still, sorry about that."

"It's fine," the guy repeated. Grey eyes teasing as he said casually, "You sleeping face made it less disturbing than it would be."

He blushed despite himself. Looking away from those captivating grey eyes, he was relieved that no one else seemed to be alert enough to pay attention to them. 

"Your blushing face isn't half bad either," the guy commented, his lips pulled up into a light smirk.

How was he supposed to respond to that? Was the guy flirting with him? What? Was he still dreaming?

"Wh-what?" he spluttered attractively.

The guy granted him another blinding smile. "Do you do this often? Fall asleep on random guys and seduce them with your adorableness?"

Okay, now that was definitely not small talk anymore. He gaped at the guy outright, for all his years of secretly reading manga and watching chick flicks in the middle of the night with earphones on, still unable to form a proper response.

The handsome devil looked like he's having the time of his life making fun of him. "I'm just joking, dude, calm down," he laughed, and dammit, how could anyone sound so melodic and look so beautiful while laughing? The guy pinned him once again with those stunning eyes, leaning closer suddenly. "It's working, you know."

He couldn't hold it back anymore. He blushed madly, leaning back before he could----he didn't know what he would have done. He just knew that he had never been this close to such a gorgeous guy that actually seemed to express interest in him. This had to be a dream; all the good-looking, humourous guys were either taken or fictional or you know, straight.

"Well, this is my stop," the guy said, realizing he wasn't going to respond. The movie star/greek god stood up, shouldering his bag just as the train came to a stop. He gave him one last blinding smile before he stepped out the opening doors.

He was so busy being in shock and ignoring the not-so-hidden snickers of a teenage girl sitting across from him that must have seen the whole embarrassingly cliched thing, he nearly forgot that this was also his stop.

"Wait!" he screamed at nothing in particular, barely making it out the sliding doors alive. He glanced back and caught the girl now guffawing at him through the window. Scowling with exhaustion and shaking his head confusedly, he turned around and pretended he wasn't looking for a certain someone. Unfortunately, the amazing hunk must have made his escape in the thirty seconds he was spacing out.

Sighing, he started for the stairs. He must have watched too much anime last night, for his mind to come up with something like this. For someone like that to actually hit on him especially after he freaking fell asleep on the guy's shoulder... "Impossible," he said out loud.

"What is?" another voice replied.

He turned and almost went tumbling down the stairs again. "You---you're still here," he blurted dumbly. "But I'm awake!"

The guy gave him a weird look. "Yes, you've been awake for a while now." He smiled. "Are you stalking me?"

"N-no! I just---I was so distracted that I forgot I got off here!"

"Do I distract you?" The guy seemed way too pleased with that. 

"Please stop." As soon as he said it, he facepalmed himself. "No, you don't," he tried, too late.

"You know, you're just as adorable awake and asleep," the guy said, enjoying his floundering a little too much. He held out a hand. "Come on, let me walk you home before you give yourself a heart attack because of me."

He shook his head, about to deny because even if the guy was cute as hell, he was a grown boy; he didn't need to be walked home by the guy that probably seen him drool. But then the guy added way too casually, grinning, "Besides, if you pass out again I'll willingly catch you this time."

He blushed the whole way to his house. He made a mental note to never ever fall asleep on some random guy's shoulder ever again.

At least he got the guy's number out of this.

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