(you captivate my eyes so)

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summary: Even after all these months of knowing the other boy and even more months being officially introduced as his boyfriend, Max still finds himself breathless at the sight of Jun dancing.
tags/themes: fluff. established relationship. 

notes: inspired by one of my school's dance teams, and also my own bubble tea sitting on my desk.

(you captivate my eyes so) -

Jun is still practicing when Max shows up by the dance studios, bubble tea in both hands. Quietly, Max nudges the door open and slips in, being careful to stick to the wall side so his reflection doesn't show on the floor-to-ceiling mirrors Jun is in front of. He sets down the drinks before sinking down against the wall himself, settling to watch his boyfriend finish his latest routine.

Even after all these months of knowing the other boy and even more months being officially introduced as his boyfriend, Max still finds himself breathless at the sight of Jun dancing. He's known the smaller boy was graceful, it's what drew his eyes on that fateful day in the middle of the crowded cafeteria, but there's a difference between the soundless grace that Jun carries when he's walking through a crowd and the captivating grace Jun exudes when he dances. Max can watch him forever.

The music this time is a lyric-less mellow beat, not quite electronic but not quite classical. It's fresh, something to do with strings and bass, and Max finds his foot tapping along. Jun's movements, however, are fluid, like he's the reflection of sunlight rippling just beneath the ocean's surface. His arms swing in large arcs, a mesmerizing pendulum, while his feet slide across the floor with the sureness and familiarity of a figure-skater. His eyes are closed, his hair slick with sweat, his cheeks rosy from exertion, but to Max, he's never looked more gorgeous.

The beat shifts, and Jun's eyes blink open. The choreography takes a sharper, more defined turn, and Max watches in awe as Jun's elbows and knees pop easily against the funky bass. His feet rooted to his spot, his shakes out his arms as he gyrates his hips, moving his torso in a snake-like manner. He turns, his arms following the form of a wave before bracing against the floor as he flips in mid-air. 

When the song finishes and Jun glides to a stop with his face tilted to the floor and his hands on his hip, Max bursts into applause. Instantly, Jun straightens, spinning around to face him.

"How long have you been there?"

"Since... ten minutes ago?"

Jun lifts the hem of his tank top to wipe at his sweat. "You should have said something. I didn't know you were waiting for me."

Max grins. "But I like watching you dance. You look so good."

Jun's face is still red, but from the way his eyes are sweeping the floor, Max can tell it's not just from the dancing. "Let me just go get changed, and then we can go."

"Mm." Max watches him go, reaching over to take a sip of his drink. Even though Jun has slipped into the other room to change, just being near his boyfriend has Max feeling much better than he has the whole day. There's still a pile of homework waiting for him at home, but for now, he gets to enjoy the company of his favourite person on earth, and that's more than enough to make him happy.

"I'm done." 

Jun reappears in a large hoodie and some black tights, a hand attempting to brush his hair back into its neat little bob. He reaches out his other hand, blinking when Max pulls back his drink. He's opening his mouth to ask when Max suddenly leans down, pressing their lips together in a brief, chaste kiss. When Max pulls away, Jun's face is red again.

"You taste like taro."

"Mm, taro's my favourite flavour."

Jun makes a face. "I'd rather stick to original than any of that powdered nonsense."

Max laughs, finally handing over his drink. "I know." He pulls at the string of Jun's hoodie. "Why does this look so familiar?"

Jun doesn't answer right away, too busy sucking up the pearls that have sunk to the bottom of his drink. His mouth full with pearls and milk tea, he blinks innocently up at his boyfriend. "'S yours," he somehow manages without choking.

Max can't resist leaning down to peck him again, on the forehead this time. "Why are you so cute," he sighs, reaching over to grab Jun's bag from his shoulder.

"How else am I going to get you to keep buying bubble tea for me," Jun replies, grinning cheekily as he bumps their shoulders together. He releases a hand from his drink, sliding it down until his fingers entangle themselves with Max's longer ones.

Laughing, with their clasped hands swinging between them, they go home.

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