(let's run away together)

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Summary: "Hey, let's go somewhere." "Where?" "I don't know, just anywhere." "Well, you gotta pick somewhere." "Anywhere but here, anywhere with you."

Tags/Themes: running away from responsibilities like the cool kids do. established relationship. no names, no pronouns. 

Warnings: wow chessy much. this is what happens when half-formed ideas hop onto trains unannounced and speeds away to Experimental Writing land. please tell someone if you're planning on going away somewhere, and remember to bring them back a souvenir.

(let's run away together) -

"I'm boooooored."

"Go do something productive then."

"But productive is booooring."

"Go play video games or something then."

"But I'm stuck on level thirty six."

Sigh. "What do you want to do, then?"

"I don't know..." Eyes light up. Uh-oh. "Hey, hey, let's go somewhere."


"I don't know, just... anywhere."

"What do you mean by anywhere?"

"Anywhere but here. Anywhere with you." Smile.

Sigh. "Okay, fine." Who could resist that smile?


"How much did you bring?"

"Uh..." Counting, scrunched up face. Still stupidly adorable"A Snickers bar, half a pack of Stride gum, two bus tickets, four rubber bands but one is broken, a bag of something that looks like half-melted yogurt-covered raisins, and-----"

"I meant, how much did you bring that was actually useful and able to get us somewhere."

"Hey, we could trade the gum. You know people would kill for those."

"We're not in high school anymore, bro."

"Okay, fine... Um, there's twenty... seven and forty, fifty, uh... sixty four cents. Oh, and I found this nickel but I don't think it's canadian money."

"Keep it anyway. And throw out that bag of raisins, it might have gone bad."

"No way, look, it's still good----"

"Shit, the bus is here! Come on, we gotta cross the street, go, go!"

"Hey, I've got the tickets----no, I dropped something, hey, wait, wait for meeee-----!"


"Wh-where are we?" Blinking sleepy eyes.

"I have no idea. We only picked a direction and the first train. But there's not a lot of cars here, huh."

"... I'm hungry."

Teasing smile. "Not bored anymore?"


"Okay, okay. Hang on, let's see if we can ask that truck driver for a ride."

Tug on jacket. Whisper: "But what if he's a serial killer that only likes to kill random teenage boys skipping school and running away from the city on a whim?"

So excitable. "You've watched too many movies, man." 

"But he's got the creepy mustache."

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