Chapter 2

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Few months later
We were fighting a dark guild across fiore.
"Hey head check hows everyone doing?" I asked taking out 3 guys.
"Luca and Luck checking in we are doing great." Luca says and I laugh.
"I am doing great over here just me and storm magic." Sosuke says with a laugh.
"Will you two comedians stop and finish the job already. Also I'm doing fine Willow."  Ebony says
"Okay I'm done with mine." I say going to the middle.
"Yep done here as well." Sosuke says
"Luck just finished."Luca says hugging luck
"And done. Let's go tell the mayor we are done and then head to inn." Our level headed squad mate (Ebony) says.
"Sounds good." We walked back to the town and they all congratulated us on our victory.  They give us the payment and this nice family even cooked us a meal.
Then we headed to the hotel.
When I walked in I saw our lacrima  blinking thinking it is laxus I go and answer it.
"We finally got ahold of you!!!" Mira says.
"Whats up Mira we are taking out the dark guild all the way across Fiore remember." Luca says sitting next to me.
"Phantom Lord has attacked us. They destroyed the guild hall and attacked Team Shadow Gear. So we went on the offensive and Mastee is seriously sick. We need strong wizards here and Mystogen can't be raised and laxus well he said no."
"Let us finish packing and use finral. Meanwhile I'll go yell at Laxus don't worry Mira." I say smiling the 3 of them go to their rooms and finish packing and I call Laxus.
"Hey Babe why are you calling me... not that I'm complaining."
"Fairytails being attacked you might have heard about it."
"Yeah I heard about it. If I was in charge none of this would happen. Makarov and his fairytail is weak."
"Shut up already. And when you decided to come off the mighty horse of yours and become the man I love again come talk to me." I say walking off after destroying our lacrima.
"No luck with Laxus."
"Nope but since I know this will piss him off more if I told you three. Me and him have been dating for a year now." I say as we walked through the portal to in front of the guild but then I see a giant Canon getting ready to shoot at erza.
"MERCURY MAKE WALL." I say helping out erza.
"Willows home!" Happy says
"Yeah sorry we're a little late." I say.
"Wow I have never seen her magic used. this is amazing." I hear Lucy say.
"She is a S-class wizard Lucy. Don't doubt  our girl."
"Mira can you explain why this is happening. And someone give me and update on the old man."
"Master is with the old hag. And they are after Lucy since her father."
"I know who her father is. He has done business with my father before. Don't need to embarrassed our own anymore." I say seeing that me and erza stopped the blast.
"Just hand over the girl and this will all be over. There is no use in denying her to us since Erza can no longer help and I don't believe you have anyone else who can defeat me."
"Hey you forgot that team chaos could end this here and now. Luca can Yami help?" I asked.
"Lets see. Calling the captain of the black bulls. Opening the gates of....." he goes to finish but gets cut off.
"I am taking a shit have Asta or one of the others help you instead of me." And with that I felt the sweat drop down my face.
"Sounds like yami." The 4 of us says laughing.
"Fine you leave me no choice Jupiter will be activated in 15 minutes and without Ezra your guild hall will be destroyed."
"Not unless we stop you." Natsu and I say running in.
"Mercury make silver eagle." I say jumping and landing on my bird.
Luca's pov
"She has grown since the last time we saw her." Mira says.
"Non stop missions will do that. And Willow never gives up."
"Me and Elfman will go help." Gray says.
"Me and Sosuke will come too. Ebony heal erza will ya." I say smiling.
"Man its great to have you guys home. No one fights like the 4 of you." Elfman says
"We have been busy." I say thinking back to the last few months.
"Did you guys get as big of a boost as miss mercury?" Gray asked.
"No. Nowhere as close as her. Its like she has something to prove to someone." I say looking at her crushing in.
Back to willow.
I land having my eagle turn into mercury bullets and taking out 3 guards.
I go to one still awake.
"Where is the control from for the Jupiter cannon?"
"Like I would tell you lady." He says and I knock him out.
I have a vowel to fairytail I will never fail them again. I run off looking for more guards.
"Stop her." One says and I see a bunch of people.
"Mercury make bullets." I say and form a fist so they create a lot and the I turned my hand flat hitting all of them.
"Who is she? She wasn't here earlier!!" One says.
"Shes one of Fairytails strongest. The mercury mage Willow Lovegood." One of them that looked higher ranked said.
"Hey do you know where the Jupiter Canon control is. No one else wants to tell me." I say getting in my pose to fight.
"You don't scare me by yourself." Then I see fire shoot at him.
"Then now you should be terrified." I heard Magna says.
"Took your time Luca."
"Sorry we took a wrong turn seems you have been having fun." Sosuke says.
"Ready. Mercury make swords." I say
"Storm magic tornado. "
"Magna throw your strongest attack." Luca says and all together we shot at them making another hole in the building.
"Sosuke find someone and see how they are doing. Luca I need you to get ready to use Asta against that Jupiter blast if we don't win by then." Everyone nods.
I walk over to the guy who was talking before.
"We won't lose the elemental 5 are still out there plus Gajeel. You are nothing." He says.
"Before who you are talking to. My name is Willow Lovegood. Fairytails mercury mage. And I defeated you without using my eye magic dumbass."I say laughing and walking away.
I stopped in a hallway and close my eyes. I felt the magic around me.
And walked toward the most magic i could sense.
"Always 1st aren't you miss mercury mage." The guild master says.
"I will not lose." I say and my bracelets that are made of mercury turned in blades.
"You know you are one of the more impressive mages in fairytail. Mercury make is such a hard magic to master but you managing it. And learning a bit of your fathers i see." He says noticing my eye glowing.
"Dont know what you mean." I say smirking.
"Your father's eye slow down time magic is one of the the stronger eye  magics. Mix it with your mercury and I would be in trouble." He says and I knew what I was doing waiting for Natsu and Gray. Giving them time.
"Why are you fighting fairytail then. Knowing how powerful we are." I say and he gives me his speech but then I began to feel my magic drain.
"You know I thought you would put up more of a fight before I could drain your magic. " then I felt Natsu coming.
"Ignorance will be your downfall." I say kneeling as Natsu punched the guy who was draining my magic. Letting me hit him with mercury bullets.
"Thought I was a goner thanks kid." I say messing with Natsus hair.
"Count us as even." I use my eye magic to protect natsu from an attack.
After what felt like forever fairytail won with gramps help with fairy law.
"Thank goodness you came my child." Gramps says hugging me.
"Always gramps no matter I will always defend fairytail."
"Whats this I hear you have your fathers eye magic."
"Dad felt like I needed his magic too. It came in handy this last fight." I say putting my hand on my right eye.
We stayed around the next few days to help rebuilding.
But one day we came a little late and saw the Thunder Legion and Laxus.
"Laxus...." I say standing at the door.
"Why don't you tell her what you were telling me Laxus?" Mira says.
"Look Willow don't look at me like that."
"Like what disappoint in you. You should have thought of that before telling your girlfriend the family she loves more than anything is weak." I say yelling at him.
"Girlfriend? You two are dating?" Gramps asked.
"I knew that!!!" Juliet says laughing
"Yeah a year now. But I don't know if I can continue our relationship." I say leaving.
"You don't mean that."
"Youre still on the high horse told you not to talk to me." I say not looking at him he sent lightning at me.
"Mercury wall."
"Forgot she can sense magic didn't you Laxus." Luca says Smirking at him as him and sosuke walk up since Ebony is with Gray for the day.
"You think you two are stronger than the legion?" Laxus says.
"Who say anything about think. Team Chaos can leave you in the dust. " I say finally looking at him.
"Freed."laxus say and he goes to enchant.
"Open the gate of the antimage. " he says and I see Asta ready.
"We don't need you guys fight right now. The guild has already seen enough damage." I say and my team calm the magic use and we leave home.

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