Chapter 3

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A month later it was time for the magnolia festival. Which would start tomorrow with the miss fairytail contest. But you see we took a last minute mission that said urgent.
"I am sorry we are missing the festival again." Luca says.
"Hasn't been fun for years." I say looking back on magnolia.
The mission was to defeat a dark guild that was tormenting a small town. In which we came up with a plan all night and would go out tomorrow. We left Ebony at home since she deserved some time with her brother.
It seemed normal until I was hit really hard falling on the lacrima and being impelled by a broken support beam.
"Stay with us Willow. You can't die not today." He says and with that I pass out.
Luca pov.
"Of course we left Ebony behind the one time we needed her." She was in with healers but we didn't know anything. We couldn't take her home since she was too bad to move.
"She needs to stay here for a few days before we think you should move her. She is extremely weak right now." She says.
"Can I use your lacrima to call fairytail."
"Im sorry our lacrimas are out of order right now. I apologize." The old lady says leaving us. I go in and see her passed out. And her chest bandage.
"What do you think she is dreaming about." Sosuke says and I notice the sweat drops.
"Nothing good. Hey finral can't take you to fairytail since its too far for me but you can go to Blue Pegasus and lacrima home." I say looking at her.
"You sure you two will be okay."
"He has me. That girl is the only one who isn't annoying." I smile since yami actually came.
"Thanks for answering the call for once Yami."
"You should have called anyone else tho. I am a little overboard."
"I just need company for now."
"Then ask charmy she can cook you a decent meal I will have the two of them ready." I open their gates and charmy went to go cook.
"Take care of our girl."
"No one will hurt her anymore." I say to him holding my best friends hand
But little did any of them know about the Battle of Fairytail.
Makarov pov.
"Damn it Willow answer me." I say knowing something happened to her.
"Still no luck with their lacrima." Natsu says
"They normally answer on jobs and I feel Willow would be able to stop my grandson." I say.
"Gramps Miras Lacrima is glowing." I run over to it and answer it.
"Mira..... oh gramps its you good." I hear Sosuke say.
"Sosuke child why are you calling from Blue Pegasus."
"The guild wasn't a normal guild. Our lacrimas broke." I look at him.
"Well put Willow on. I need you all to come back now."
"Gramps the reason I called and not Willow..... the reason Luca didn't just use finral to get back to the guild is that Willow is hurt badly. If we move her now anywhere she might die....." he says and I froze.
"Ohhhhh willow. DO YOU HEAR THAT YOU STUBBORN BOY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE IS DYING." I yell. And see Natsu crying.
"Gramps whats wrong?"
"Laxus and the legion started this thing called the battle of Fairytail. The guild is fighting itself we thought willow could bring him to his senses. All I can ask is you guys bring our girl home safe okay."
"Yes sir." He says and ends the call.
Laxus pov.
I listened to everything. Damn it Willow
Just don't die before this is over.
"Im sorry Willow." I say looking up to the sky.
Luca pov
"Willow you need to rest so don't think of the sadness. Think of your love. You listening to me fight so Juliet still has her favorite babysitter. Fight so natsu doesn't lose you. Fight for me to still have my best friend. And for laxus to make up to you." I say kissing her forehead
1 week later we could move her. Sosuke told me about the Fairytail. And Willow still isn't awake so we haven't told her about laxus.
Being back we found out he was expelled.
"She more relaxed now." Sosuke says.
"Well thats cause she is home." Gramps says.
"Where am I?" We look behind and see her awake.
"Back to Fairytail. What do you remember?"
"I remember getting hurt and you telling me to stay awake. And then I heard Sosuke talking about Laxus and this thing call the battle of Fairytail tell me that was just my imagination?" She looks at gramps crying.
"Im so sorry Willow. Laxus is expelled from fairytail" And she broke.
"No no no your lying he wouldnt." My heart dropped to see her like this.
Willows pov.
I get out of bed not being able to think. I run past everyone crying and went to my house. Since it should be empty with dad always on jobs.
I walk in and see a drawing of a young me an laxus in a frame.
"It was all a lie." I say punching the frame.
And then I went and locked myself in my room and cried not noticing the letter on my desk.
Luca's pov
"You guys told her as she woke up!!!!" Natsu says yelling.
"She already knew parts." Sosuke says we were trying to figure out who to talk to her.
"Well Luca is her partner in crime he should talk to her."
"Hey hey I think Mira or Erza should they have known her longer."
"I will go talk to her." Bickslow says.
"You 3 have done enough already." Erza says.
"I will dont worry children." We look and see Gramps talk.
"Gramps you don't have to!" I say looking at him.
" Willow is part of my family. And with her father gone I can do this." He says looking at us with a smile.
Willows pov
I got up to change my bandages and saw the letter on my desk.
By the time you read this I should be long gone. I never wanted to hurt you but I know you are probably heart broken. I thought I needed to do this. To make fairytail great and away from weakling. But I was the weakling. I never realized what I had before it was too late. Natsu beat some sense into me and made me realized I was losing everything. Since my everything was you.

My love for you was never a lie. So don't blame yourself and I know what I am about to say is selfish but wait for me to be the man you deserve.

I was furious. I didn't know how to feel to be honest.
So I put the letter down and knocked over the painting of us from our first date and I started crying.
"He wanted me to also tell you sorry." Gramps says sitting next to me on the floor.
"Why didn't I see this coming. I shouldn't have been hurt. I shouldn't have been on that mission. I should have been here." I say crying into my knees.
"None of this is your fault. No one could think Laxus would do this."
"I think the hardest thing is that I'm going to miss the big oaf so much."
"You take all the time you need away. And join us when you are ready."
"Thanks gramps." I say going and laying on my bed going to sleep as he left.

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