Chapter 8

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"Pushing them away won't help we will kill you all anyways. " Theo says.
"Dont underestimate fairytail. Or did you assholes not learn from the Orasion Seis take down." I say getting mercury rain ready.
"Just surrender. I know everything about your moves. Master kai wasn't the greatest now was he."
"I have something you will never have." I say and we start to fight. I activate my eye magic but I start losing he was too fast. I see my dome fall and sense Yami. So I throw Theo so his back was to Yami.
"You give up yet little girl. You light guild members are so weak." And my brain went to when Laxus called fairytail weak. I shake my head at Yami.
"Mercury-Make Silver Death Scythe." I say and start glowing.

"How do you have that

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"How do you have that. Only masters have it." He says looking scared.
"Fairytail's enemies never win. Not because they are weak. No no. They are weak because they call fairytail weak to a member that cares a little too much. The love of life found that out the hard way just like you are about to." We fought for a little I was just making room between the two of us.
"What happened to the girl I knew. Who are you."
"I am Willow Lovegood a S-class wizard at fairytail.' I say dropping the Scythe and put my two hands together like gray does put your hands together it last longer. I heard lyon in my head. 'Mercury-Make  Silver Spikes mixed with Sword wheel." I say and it shots right at him and he falls.
"Wow that was so cool." Luca says and I fall to my knees. They looked like they ran into trouble.
"Grimmore Heart is here. And we took out some foot soldiers trying to get to you." Sosuke says.
"Lets get back to camp." I say
"What about him."
"Theo go before I change my mind. Go change your life." I say leaning on Luca and we walk away. On our way there we lost all of our magic for a while so we were laying on the ground.
I touch my necklace which sends a shock to the bracelet of Laxus's lets him know I need help.
"Please come." I say before we get some strength back and we headed to camp. I never noticed the rain before.
When we get there we see Natsu Lucy happy Carla and Wendy with Master arriving as well.
"Damn you guys look as bad as we do." I say smirking.
"WILLOW." Bickslow says running over to me.
"God damn our girl is a badass. You should have seen her against her childhood nemesis."Luca says.
"I can heal you a little."
"Im good Wendy. I promise."
"Thats good. Cause we are going to need you when we charge Hades base." Natsu says and I nod.
We waited around for a little. I was with Freed and Bickslow.
"So you both should know before everyone else. I'll tell everyone else later. But me and Laxus are getting married. If we survive this."
"We will survive this you mean." Freed says holding my hand.
"What made you came back?" I asked.
"We saw the flare." Bickslow says.
"And when we formed the thunder Legion yes we were Laxus's bodyguard but he made us promise if we get a chance to protect you instead we will." Freed says.
"Plus Luca was here." Bickslow says and we laugh. When we noticed lightning.
"What are the odds that's Laxus?" Freed asked as a joke.
"Zero the man doesn't know we are in trouble. Just cause there is lightning doesn't mean he is here." Luca says coming over.
"Plus he knows not to come to Tenrou." Bickslow says.
"Fine 50 jewels its him. We all forgot one thing that Tenrou has right now." Freed say looking at me.
"Fine you are on babe." They shake and Natsu calls up over to make a plan. After we discuss we had our team.
Me, Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Happy, and Lily.
We start heading there and we run into Erza and Gray.
"Nice to see you Red." I say hugging her.
"You too Pinky." She says hugging me back we get to the ship and see Hades.
"You fairies what the same treatment as you Master then come after me." He says.
"Happy go find what makes this thing fly and stop it. " natsu says and they agree.
"Hey Orasion seis squad just lily replaced Juliet." I say laughing.
"Lets give him the same fate as zero yeah." Natsu says and I nod.
"Mercury-Make stairs." I say and we run up.
Erza takes out a sword.
Gray makes a sword.
I made my Scythe.
And we attacked but we did nothing. And he started destroying us when he started talking.
"Are you 5 done yet?" He says.
"Not till you pay for what you did to gramps."
"If he is gramps then I am great gramps." He says.
"You may be 2nd Master but you never earned that title." I say stepping up.
"I see Theo wasn't up to the task such a pity." He say looking at me.
"You don't scare me." I say and he stared at Wendy and we thought she died but the clock homie saved her. And gave Wendy clothes.
And natsu charged at him and he started stepping on him. When lightning started to hit the ship. I try to get up
Then he fired a chain at me but it never hit me.
"This the guy that hurt my old Geezer and just tried to hurt my girl." Laxus says
"Its Laxus." Gray says
"Never thought I would be happy to that guy." Lucy says
"Thats Master's grandson isn't he?"
"Sure is." I say smiling at my fiance.
"I left you alone for a week. And here you are almost dying on me. Thanks for using my necklace love." He say smiling over to me.
"Boy?" Hades says.
"Makarovs grandson sure does look like him doesn't he old man." I say laughing. Standing over by him.
"Laxus what are you doing here." Erza says
"I came to pay my respects to the first Master. But didn't know i would come across the 2nd one as well. Might as well dig your grave since I'm here." He says.
"I thought it was I was in trouble." I say pouting.
"I was on my way here anyways. Don't worry Miss needs attention all of a sudden." He says kissing my forehead.
"OH I see. Not only is she the boy's right hand but is his grandsons love interest. " they fought a little and they stopped together.
And talked for a little.
Luca's pov
"Keep it up any holes and the script won't work." Freed says.
"Hey Freed still think Laxus is coming?" I say behind him looking at the lightning.
"Luca. The guy hurt gramps. Plus the girl he would risk anything for is on this island. I may have loved Laxus earlier in my life before I feel in love with you but he has always loved her. Always been hers." He says and I realized he was right.
"I can help Lisanna."
"Ylu just don't want to dream about evergreen anymore." She says in a mocking tone.
"This isnt a time to mess around." Bickslow says.
"Says the one with his babies. Where have you two been"
"We got rid of glasses. Didn't want him leaking our location." Sosuke says. When Bickslow was attacked.  There were three.
"Sosuke go help bickslow."
"Only if you go help Lisanna?" He says and I nod. I go after her and see him swinging around Elfman.
"Mine if I interrupt?" I asked and they looked at me
"Can you summon a spirit."
"Yeah but this will be the only one I'm out of juice." I felt yami telling me to use Noelle.
"Im trusting this with you Noelle." I say opening her gate.
"Finally you peasant." She says and I roll my eyes please be right Yami.
Back to Willows.
He was losing how. I was crying a little.
"Im not a member of Fairytail anymore. But I should be able to revenge gramps shouldn't I." He says I look at him. He was about to get hit again by the same blast. But this one could kill him. I see him send his magic to Natsu he had no magic left. So with the last of my energy I jump in front of him and we fall together.
"Now why would you do that?" He says looking at me on top of him.
"Couldn't have you dying on me"
"Laxus why would you do that youre much more stronger than me."
"Because someone with the fairytail mark should defeat him. Revenge gramps and show this guy his mistake for messing with the fairytail guild."He says wrapping his arms around me.
"Willow why did you jump in front of him." Eeza says looking at me with a smile.
"Cause if he dies we die together."
"Forever and always." We both were knocked out.
After a little i regained my strength and I saw natsu get a few hits in. I kiss laxus and get up and join my friends.
"You okay."
"Been better nice to see the tree back up and working." I say smiling at my friends.
Laxus punches the guy and looks at him.
"You go fairytail." Laxus says and I laugh
"Open the gate of the sea goat Capricorn." Lucy says.
"Sky dragon Roar." Wendy says.
"Ice make swords." "Mercury-Make Spikes." Me and gray do a combine attack.
"Requip swords." Erza says
"Lightning Fire Secret Art." Natsu says finishing him.
We all sat until Happy and the others rushed at us.
"One hell of the time we are all out of magic." Then the others showed up and the enemy ran.
I sat next to Laxus why everyone celebrated. I noticed Laxus see my bruises from Theo.
"Who gave you those?" He says pointing at the bruises.
"Theo was here and he got the best of me before I remembered something a frost white hair boy said to me. Two hand maker magic is superior. And you do know I can walk right." I say looking at gray who smiled.
Gramps walked passed. And I brought my fiance closer.
"Im proud of you.... is that what you were expecting.You are still expelled and have no right to be on this island."
"I didn't come to get back in gramps. I came to say hello to the first Master. And because Willow told me she was in trouble. I enchanted her necklace with something that lets me know when she touches it and we agreed only when she needs help. I needed to know she was safe." He says and I pull him in for a kiss.
"Thanks for coming."
The thunder Legion tackled him and I went off to see my friends.
"You good?" Mira asked hugging him.
"Yeah I am thankful Laxus came to be honest."I say smiling at him.
"Master will let him back soon. You two are cute together as always." Mira says and he waves me back over to him and we limp back to base camp.
"I got you something. If I remember correctly I told you next time I saw you I would have this." He says pulling out a ring and I started tearing up.
"So do you still plan on marrying me?" He asked on one knee and I was crying. And I nod.
"One hell of a time to propose dont you think?" Ever said laughing at the two of us.
"We already planned to. But this is kinda Like telling Mira you two are getting married." I say laughing.
"Im not going to marry him." Ever says and I laugh going to Erza.
"Let me see!!!!" She says and I laugh showing her the ring.
"I am so happy for you."
"Finally getting my guy." I say looking at him.
"You know the day you came to the guild for the first time i knew you two had something." She says patting my back.
"I got to go talk to Natsu." I say looking at her.
I walked over to see him thinking.
"Hey whats my little salamander thinking about."
"I didn't make S-Class."
"No you didn't but you have much more." I say hugging him.
"Willow?" He says looking at me.
"When Laxus left I had Mystogen who helped me feel like I'm going to be okay. But you brought back my fight. He told me one day he was going to be gone and I needed to replace him. He told me I already met his replacement but Gajeel made me realize who it was."
"Nah he's an airhead. I have you." I say putting my arm on his shoulder.
"Are you......"
"I have been for a while just didn't want to admit he was going to leave." I say look at him grabbing his hand.
"So I can call you big sis."
"We will see." I say messing with his hair.
"Now whats this I hear you two are getting married?"
"I proposed a week ago... he just gave me a ring." I say laughing.
"I never got to tell you what Mystogen said to me before you left." He says and we get serious.
"What did he say?" I say looking at him.
"He told me that he wish you were there to say goodbye to. To have a chance to said goodbye. He had so many regrets like not saying goodbye. Not hanging out with you. Not tell you he fell in love with you." He says and I look at Laxus.
"I never once had feelings other than siblings for Mystogen and he knew that. He knew Laxus was the love of my life." I say as he walks over to me.
"Good job back there Natsu." Laxus says rubbing his head.
"Thanks for coming man..." Natsu says leaving us alone.
"So what plans do we have for when we get back." I say laughing.
"Im taking you to dinner to celebrate our engagement." He says kissing my cheek.
"And then we are going to go home and I'm going to show you how my I love you" I say kissing his sensitive spot.
"Excuse me but we are celebrating your engagement thank you." Bicks says and I smile.
"Yes we all will. Just in a few days so we can be alone." I say laughing.
Time passed by and we heard a roar.
In the end we all were in a circle holding hands as the bright light washed over us.
Juliets pov
7 years ago Tenrou Island disappeared with fairytails strongest. But by now they were presumed dead.
I joined lamia scale to help with the bills and Jura is my mentor. I visit but Romeo calls me a traitor.
Ebony left with me. And for being Grays sister her and Lyon hit it off.
Willows Dad became a councilor.
I met my best friend Kasumi who idolized fairytail mostly Willow.
My life wasn't perfect I missed them. Even tho I have new friends and my boyfriend Sting.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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