chapter 6

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Willows pov after the announcement.
"Hey Willow did you here Sosuke is taking me as his partner."
"Always fun. I wish you both luck."
"Hey willow come here!!" Natsu yells and I see Erza and Mira also around.
"We were wonder if you could tell us about the times you three competed." Wendy says.
"We can't talk about the events but we can tell you about our personal experience." erza says
"Of course." Lucy says.
"Well when I was 16 I wasn't chosen for the trails but I partnered up with someone who did. And he ended up the 1st s-class of the 4 of us." I say thinking about my boyfriend.
"You were Laxus's partner why did we never know you both never mentioned it." Ever said.
"That was when she first figured out she has feelings for my grandson." Master says easrdropping.
"And a year later Miss Willow became an S-Class."
"God I hated that day. 2 of us were chosen since we were the only 2 to complete both task." I say laughing thinking of Mystogen.
"Who was the other one?" Lily says.
"Mystogen.' I say looking up. And then I continued 'Then another year passed and both Mira and Erza were up for it. Erza became the next S-Class wizard at age 15 and a year later at age 16 Mira became a s class wizard. "
I look at the time.
"I got to go. I have a lacrima call in like 20 minutes."
"Just tell everyone who you have been calling in secret." Luca says
"Well only 4 know so no." I say laughing.
"Who knows." Lucy asked. And I decided if I'm late im late he will understand.
"Well Erza knew first. Then master. I left for a "secret missiom". And somehow Juliet found out. And Natsu found out when I got home." They all look at each other and Bickslow gives me a smile.
"Is it you know who. Please say yes!!!" Bicks says and I laugh.
"Master what do you says." I asked for permission to tell everyone.
"We are all family. And before anyone yells at her I did give her permission to talk to him." I smile at the old man.
"HIM AS IN......." Gray yells.
"Laxus yep. Why did all of you think I was so happy after I came back."
"You know where he is." Freed says.
"Yes and no. He said he was going to do some traveling while I am with the trails. He just set up these lacrima times so that he can make sure I'm okay and that he doesn't need to go kick someone's ass for hurting me." I say smiling.
"Are we all thinking of the same Laxus?" Mira says
"Hes back go my Laxus the one I fell in love with. You guys would understand if you saw him." I say smiling.
"So the mission?"
"Was with him. Enjoying normal life. It was nice. But now I need to go." I say running to my house.
"Youre late." I look and see Laxus at my door.
"What are you doing here." I say kissing him and pushing him inside.
"You leave in a week so I thought how about I spend the night before I leave for a little with my girl." I pull him in for a kiss.
"God a week without you. I'm gonna miss you." I say as he wraps his arms around me.
"I'm going to miss you too. But hey why were you late."
"I told everyone we are back together." I say smiling.
"How did they take it?" He says moving a hand to my cheek.
"They didn't even seem angry except your worshippers that have missed you." I say looking into his eyes.
"I may never be welcomed back to fairytail but I do ask you take care of them like you do team chaos for me." He says and I pull him into a passionate kiss again.
"Always will."
"I love you Willow."
"I love you too Sparky. Whats your plan for the rest of the day. I can make dinner we can cuddle...." I say and then he kisses my neck.
"Or we can take this into a different room. I love your short hair more in person...." He says and then 3 people crash into my house.
"Dont mine us but Master will like to see Willow." Sosuke says.
"Hello team chaos."
"And Juliet." We see Juliet outside.
"Thank you for making our girl her again." Luca says as I walk to the door.
"I'll be home in a little. You sir I will be back for and we can continue. Do you want me to get some food for us?" I asked.
"From Mira. Man I miss her cooking you know my favorite."
"Always handsome." And I make my sliver eagle and jump off i front of the guild.
"Gramps you wanted to see me."
"You were quick."
"I have company. Hey Mira can you make 2 of my usual to go." I say smiling.
"Of course." Me and master went up to his office.
"I have a question." He says as I sit down.
"Obviously or you wouldn't have sent my team after me." I say crossing my legs.
"When you talk about your magic you said there are only 5 people with your magic who."
"Well there's me. Then there's Master Kai who said that he has a brother that also know it. I ran into this old lady who gave me a book of spells to learn. And lastly there is Theo." I say looking at the scar i still have.
"Theo?" He says and I remembered Laxus is the only one who knows about Theo.
"Theo is the nephew of Master Kai. He is two years older than me and hated me since I grabbed the concept of Mercury-Make faster than him. He always called me the favorite student or when we had joint trainings he tried to kill me with Mercury-Make. I was just luck I was better." I say.
"And you haven't seen him since you rejoined fairytail." I nod.
"Why did you want to know."
"Jura asked me a question and he had a while idea that doesn't concern you yet. But I wouldn't have brought you back if I would have known you had company."
"Yeah you really ruined the mood."
"No great grandchildren until after the trail I need you there okay." I nod and giggle.
"We aren't even close to being ready for children yet gramps." I say laughing.
"Willow i have seen you with these kids. A whole lot of them sees you as an older sister. Juliet and Romeo you have been a mother figure for years since she left. You are more ready then you know." He says as I left.
"Two of my famous pasta. You two have a great date and input in a special dessert don't worry its on me." I hug her and left.
I got back to my house and I saw him on my couch.
"Mira got us a dessert she says hello. Oh and gramps said let's not make a baby until after the trail." Laxus laugh.
"What did the old Geezer want anyways."
"My magic. I had to tell him about Theo."
"The rival I would kill if I ever met the ass." He says taking a bit of his food.
"Laxus..... marry me." I say looking at him.

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