Gym Buddy

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•Tord POV•

He reluctantly got up, groaning and sitting up on his bed, his ruffled spike hair reminded him that he just woke up. Great, another useless day. He stumbled to his feet, shirtless, and staring at his closet. He got dressed, grabbed his lazy backpack, and went to school.

By the time that he got there, kids were swarming the front and halls. He grumbled, looking like a edgy teen as his void black eyes caused people to stare.

In his freshman year, he was bullied so badly about his eyes, people had always called him 'void-less kid', or 'empty eyes', he got used to it, but never got used to everyone's glares, they burned into his skin like lasers.. he shuddered at the memories, and moved on quickly, the only reason people stopped was because of his 2 loyal friends.

He had almost forgot about the horn-hair boy named Tord, that is.. until Tord sped right past him, rushing into a room... the nurse.. with a gash on his arm, it was pulsing with blood and the sight sickened him.. he went to check up on the light brunette, then stopped abruptly, giving up, and utterly not caring too much.

Then suddenly, after a good few minutes, the boy walked out, holding his bandaged arm. Tom realized he had been sitting like a stupid dog, waiting for Tord. Tord's eyes lit up towards Tom, and he felt disgusted by the beaming coming from the thick-accent boy.

"h-hello, Tom." Tord greeted him, he greeted Tord with a silence, then walked away coldly, but nervously twiddling with his stupid spiked hair. What a stupid brat, he won't leave me alone.

Tom sighed, he was late for class as his friends greeted him. He was somewhat silent, unable to get the stupid puppy-like boy out of his mind. He's like a golden retriever.. he chuckled.


•Tord POV•

Tord starting walking towards the gym, spotting Tom and fluttering in happiness , but sighing with a stinging feeling, I'm so awkward... I wish he would just be my friend. this... Tom boy.

Tord wanted to learn English more so badly that he ended up getting a tutor. So far it wasn't even too bad, he learned plenty of basic English, but he struggled to put it all together.

He wasn't looking and almost stumbled into someone, so he darted backwards in a flurry, desperate to not have the first day repeat itself.

it was Tom, of course, but he tried to ignore him, because Tom didn't seem to like him at all. he noticed Tom was going to say something, but Tord rushed away to sit by the bleachers in the gym, panting and flustered, trying not to upset Tom.

The gym teacher called everyone together in a circle, explaining that groups of 2 will be working as a team to reach the middle by placing dots and then picking them up and placing again, if you fall off then you are out along with the team. Ahh.. I have to get close to someone.. to pick the dots up, there's only 2.

he pondered what would happen if he got chosen with T- he was cut off by a loud voice,
"TORD! go with Tom." the gym teacher said, pointing to a corner with 2 blue dots... and Tom. Tom looked furious, and Tord was fidgeting nervously, before walking over beside him.

As Tom was saying something, he noticed his red hoodie almost reflected on the shiny wooden floor of the gym.
"hey, are you listening you stupid horn-hair." Tom rumbled, Tord understand the most part, and nodded, looking at him to make eye contact for the first time. he shivered, Tom... his eyes... looked so pretty.

A sudden buzz knocked him out of him trance, and the dots started to have to be placed. He placed one dot and stepped on it, Tom followed with another dot, and with a jolt, Tom stepped on the same dot as him, the dot was overall only about a foot wide.

He was breathing down Tord's neck, and he got goosebumps, well aware that his face was turning beet red.

Tom nudged him, his body was close to Tord, and Tord didn't expect it and jolted to life.
"cmon, place the next dot so I don't have to be here too long." Tom said, It was English gibberish except for the 'place dot' part, but Tom whispered it, and it caught him off guard.

He shakily placed the next one, he forgot that 2 people would have to stand in the same dot, but he wasn't gay.. he likes girls! he likes... girls. he shouldn't be getting all flustered,
so he breathed in and contained himself, then placed the stupid dot and kept going.

The same process kept repeating, place, stand together, get really flus- no.. pick up, place.
Tom and him worked together surprisingly well, but ended up 2nd against some athletic kids. Tord glanced at Tom, who was panting slightly, Tord decided this was the time to take him away and apologize.

•Tom POV•

God, he was so close, I was so nervous, stupid anxiety... Tom looked back, and before he could even say anything, Tord grabbed his wrist and motioned towards the hall, pulling him along. Tom was desperately keeping up, and they ended up in the bathroom, I-Is he hitting on me? Tom felt himself tremble, no way, I-Im not even gay, I don't even know him well.

Tord had leaned forwards, nearly trapping him.
"I-I.." Tord stammered, flushing up. "T-Tom! I sorry about bother! me leave you alone..?" Tord unexpectedly 'came out' (ha) with that sentence, and Tom was really surprised.

He expected different, and he was sweating bullets at the thought of the horn-hair kissing him, that's so gay. Then the thing Tord just said hit him, leaving me alone ? It would be nice, but.. he's so.. out of place in this school.

Tom looked away, then looked back.
"Tord wanna hang out?.. With me?" Tom motioned to help him understand. Tord jumped up, backed up, looked down, then smiled and said.
"okay, Tom!" he beamed, and Tom could imagine dog ears and a wagging tail accompanied with him, it was kinda silly. BUT LIKE, as a dog..

1082 words! <3

•art credit to someone•
[someone ⟟f you know please tell me!]

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