The Guy And Bullies

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•Tord POV• / Time skip to next week

Tom... Tom.... It's been a couple days, the weekend Is closing, you're really interesting, my friends n Norway... they were... fake... and I wanna ask to be your friend. But I know you only felt bad for me when you said you'd hang out... or not...? I don't know, either way.. I wish I wasn't like this, with my stupid voice, my stupid accent, I wish I could speak better English.


Tord sighed, Jeg skulle ønske du ville være min venn. He was sitting in his classroom, with people avoiding his very existence. He had to ask Tom to hang out sometime or another, so during lunch would be the time.

He was sitting alone and wondered If he was in Tom's classroom he could get closer to him.. or at least not be alone, not in THAT WAY! Yknow... friends.


•Tord POV•

Damn it, it was lunch time, and he couldn't even muster up the damn strength, Tom was with his friends too.. he sighed, taking in a breath and flushing up as he watched Tom laugh at some dumb joke.

he shines so brightly until I... ruin his day. I'm not thinking like- In a gay way, he's just a pretty boy.... damn that was cheesy. Tord thought to himself with a secluded laugh.

he nearly leapt three feet into the air when someone spoke from behind him,
"Hey, you stupid kid, speak some of your stupid language for us." Tord turned to face some tall guys, taller than him, surprisingly. he came to his defense as he realized they weren't joking around.

"I no speak. for you!" Tord growled, his tone lowering. One of the boys grabbed his collar roughly, grinning at him,
"Aww, you scared?" The guys toothy grin was ugly and disgusting, Tord glared back, he couldn't understand, but he knew he was being tormented to speak in his language.

So he got ready to yell, breathing in, then out,
"la meg være i fred, jævla tispe!" (Leave me alone, fucking bitch!) he yelled, and felt the stares, but the guy loosened his grip and he  broke free.

He then looked back to Tom, Tom was staring straight at him. To Tord's surprise, he looked worried, but that confusion ended when the guy from a few moments ago had pushed him to the floor.

Tord landed with a frail crash, sitting up and rubbing his head as he realized there was blood on it, he panicked and looked up, the guy grabbed his collar and raised a fist,
"god, you look so dumb right now, I bet you wish you could speak English huh?" The guy snickered, his friends laughing along too.

I want to be normal.
"Isn't that right Norway boy?" The guy laughed
I want to speak better English. He shut his eyes tightly when the guy raised for a swing.

Before anything happened there was a shout, and the guy looked over, Tord blinked over and Tom was saying something.
"Dude, leave him alone, he isn't your damn playboy." Tom snapped at the guy.

Tord didn't understand shit, but to Tord's surprise, the guy slid away from him, and so he sat up, looking defensively at the guy, his breath wavered.

Tord ended up taking in too many stares, and ran to the bathroom with tears dripping down his cheeks. He ran the sink water and splashed his face a few times, his head was bleeding..

he needed to learn better English. The bathroom door opened softly, and Tom entered with a somewhat soft look.

Fuck, SHIT, HE CANT SEE ME like this! Tord shook uncontrollably and looked away, more worried about how he looked then the problem from before, as his hair horns were pointed down and he didn't look as he usually did.

Tord slowly glanced at Tom, his watery eyes revealing way too much, and his posture and shaking body proving his point.

Tom leapt at the sight,
"D-Dude..?!" Tom exclaimed, and Tord spoke.
"Me sorry, you feel bad yes but no not.. ... hang to me." (I'm sorry, you feel bad enough to want to hang outwith me.) Tord's thick accented coated voice shook as he was staring up at Tom, as he was crumpled up on the floor like an idiot.

"y-you're mak⟟ng no sense, what?" Tom looked confused. Tord got embarrassed all over again,
"You hang to me because feel bad!" Tord repeated, adding 'because' to his sentence,
"are you talking about Friday? when I said that we could hang out?" Tom said, confused.
Tord could only manage a slight nod, his shaking seemed to stop.

"I want English, me English bad." Tord muttered, his tears welling up again.
"I... I may have felt bad." Tom expressed,
"but....." he trailed off, then had a frustrated look. "your shit isn't mine to deal with, DON'T get hurt by those guys again." Tom ended up saying. Tord nodded, understanding a slight of it, his urge to hug Tom, no, any person.. he was just here, the urge was rising.

"Okay, Tom, I leave you alone, I stay far." Tord said bluntly, Tom didn't like him, there was no point in being friends...

"wait, Tord-" Tord spun around at his name, Tom had grabbed his hoodie, and was standing beside him. "let's.... hang out tomorrow, with my friends.. we are going to an arcade." Tom looked down, as if he thought he himself was stupid.

"tomorrow, hang out.." he trailed off, Tord was beaming,
"Y-Yes! Hang to. Tomorrow!" Tord exclaimed. Tom sighed, giving him a lazy look,
"Only one day, you're annoying, this isn't being friends. It's an exception."

Tom huffed, Tord was a little sad, one day... but... it was one day that he could hang with people! He smiled, his canines showing in the dim bathroom lights.

"Okay, Tom!" Tord said, and Tom ended up smirking a little. but his face turned pale again,
"I don't think I can be friends with you." Tom mumbled, Tord got anxious and wondered why, he had said 'I don't be friends to you'??, Tord anxiously fidgeted with his fingers.

But Tom must've thought Tord couldn't hear him say that, and walked out coldly, without a s⟟ngle reply.

1037 words! <3

[next chapter will be .. interesting.]
[⟟f you know please tell me! :)]

Are You Joking? - TomtordDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora