The Party

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[credits to art.]

•Tom POV•

It had been a few weeks after the incident where he had to struggle and watch Tord cry, he had hugged the foreign boy back... maybe he felt bad? But honestly he couldn't tell.

Throughout the 2 weeks Tord tried to speak to him multiple times, always excited, like a puppy. Tom usually just said hey, cya, and escaped, he was developing a really weird feeling of being warm around Tord.

It wasn't WEIRD, just oddly cozy. he didn't mind it and brushed it off as being temperature warm. He had gotten significantly closer to being ok as friends with the brunette, but usually pushed it aside with cringe.

But today, it was the party, with drinks and other stupid shit teens shouldn't do, and... Tord. He was taking Tord. The stupid ruffled horn-hair foreign guy, who had also stupidly grown on Tom.

At the end of the day, Tord bounced up to Tom,
"we leave to party?" Tord asked, Tom nodded bluntly, he was somewhat used to this puppy energy. Tord's body figure was attractive, and the red hoodie always seemed to fit him, must be nice for the girls.

Tom yawned, then froze at the thought, and shoved it away like usual.

Tord rushed ahead, getting into a car that was waiting for Tom and him. They sat in the back together. Tom saw Tord fidgeting, then speak,
"Why Tom friends not come? He asked.

"Edd and Matt hate when I do this shit, that's why, so don't tell them, okay?" Tom said, he was serious.
Really. Damn. Serious.

"Okay, Tom, no tell." Tord said, Tom doubted him, but he couldn't tell them if he wanted to, really. The driver was glaring at Tord, as if he was a ghost or something. And Tord flared back, good on him. 

He and Tord got out at the house, there were lights on inside, and Tom noticed Tord eyeing a pack of cigarettes to his left.

"Tord?" Tom asked, wondering why.

"c-igret." Tord tried to pronounce, Tom laughed.
"Come on, the drinks are inside." Tom said, empathizing 'inside'.


•Tord POV•

Damn it, where's stupid Tom, Tord had managed to friend 2 seemingly nice jocks of the school, and decided that once he'd find Tom, he would hang around the jocks more often, so he didn't annoy Tom...

Tord was a little dizzy because of all the noise and racket and passed out and drunk people.

After finding the stairs and searching downstairs for a passed out Tom, Tord went upstairs and checked every room, to his confusion, Tom was drowsily holding an empty bottle in his hand, laying in the tub in a bathroom.

Jesus Christ, what an idiot. Tord thought.
Tord walked over, and leaned down, and Tom grabbed him and pulled him into the tub, Tord froze and was too shocked to resist.

"Ayyyyyeee is'that toooord?" he said, his breath reeking. Tom's empty eyes were half-closed, in a bundle of drunk thought.

"Toooorddd niceee bod-" he hiccuped, "-nice bodddyyy. heheeh." Tom said. Tord flushed up bright red, what. the. HELL? He thought about if he heard English right, 'nice body' was a complimentary thing, yes?

Tord was leaning over Tom, confused, blushing, and slightly scared. Tord moved out of the tub and away from the drowsy Tom, the body thing was just a compliment, friends compliment each other too, yes..?.

He took off his hoodie, revealing a black t-shirt, it was really hot in that bathroom.

He washed his face, then put the hoodie back on, looking around to see Tom a few inches away from him. Tom's eyes looked hazy and he leaned towards Tord, placing his hand on the counter that Tord was backed up against, and before Tord knew it..

Tom sighed and backed up,
"Lesssss gettt outta heer ?" Tord didn't even
know English well by itself, let alone a drunk Tom, he glared at Tom, breathing in calmly, and helping him walk downstairs.

Tom collapsed outside, and Tord fell with him, and they both hit the ground with a thump.
"Tom?" Tord touched his hand to Tom's cheek, it was flushed due to the excessive amounts of drinking.

And with checking if he was asleep, he wasn't surprised that Tom was dead passed out.

Tord saw the pack of cigarettes, by a lighter, it really, REALLY tempted him. But he had to help Tom, and so he tried to very carefully pick him up, but dropped him and panicked stupidly, Tom muttered something completely inaudible, and he began to get up.

"Hooooome. take me somewhereeee." Tom whined. Tom then started puking and got some on his own shirt, Tord was disgusted, but lifted him, and they began walking to Tord's house, which was way closer than Tom's, probably.


Tord panted heavily when he put Tom onto his bed, Tom barely helped Tord with the walking, he gave Tom his red hoodie in exchange for a shirt with puke stains.

Which he was furiously blushing while trying not to look as he took it off, then brushed the blushing off as the drink he had.. though it wasn't strong at all.. but then added the reasoning of it being a shirtless body as well. Like a normal, natural response.

He eventually got the hoodie on Tom though. Then Tord felt Tom's head for temp, got him under covers, and went to sleep on the couch.

He could hear Tom's wavered breathing and got a little worried. so he slid into his room again, and slept on the floor with just a pillow. Without a word they both eventually fell asleep.


•Tom POV•

The sun seeped through the curtain on the right side of him, he felt sick, and he knew it was the hangover.

He looked around and upon closer inspection, this wasn't his damn house. A scent wafted into his nose, it smelled like Tord, a pretty unique scent...

like new clothing from a store. Wait, TORD? he sat up quickly, sweating, glancing around anxiously. What happened last night? He looked to the side of the bed and there he was, a calm, sleeping Tord, with no blankets or anything, just him and a pillow.

Tord wasn't wearing his hoodie, and the shirt was lifted up slightly from the sleep. Tom flushed up , covering his face, must be the drinks that are causing all this hotness. he explained to himself as a blockage for thinking of Tord.

Wait, he's in TORDS HOUSE, in HIS ROOM, on HIS BED. He looked at himself, and to his utter shock, he was wearing TORDS HOODIE. Tom thought about the room, and it was shockingly clean and organized, and well decorated.

Tord woke up from his sleep at the moving, yawning and rubbing his eyes, looking at Tom.

Tom watched Tord with wide eyes,
"WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!? TELL ME YOU STUPID FOREIGN BOY!! WHY AM I HERE AND WHY AM I WEARING THIS!" Tom was panicking, so Tord jumped awake and stood up, words were probably begging to say.

"Tom.. droonk.. puke to shirt, I give you hu-die, sleep here, Tom house far." He stammered.
Tord was probably thinking that Tom would be really upset in the coming days. Tom thought for a moment, analyzing what he just said to better English.

"Oh. I get the jist of it... okay." Tom finally said, and then he thought for a good while. And made attempts to say something until it finally came out.

"Tord.... friends?" Tom was all red, and held his hand behind his neck, obviously nervous.
"You help me a lot. Especially last night. thank
you." Tord didn't even care about the most of it, just the friends part.

He nodded and smiled at Tom, who gave a smile.
"Now take your damn hoodie back, dumbass." Tom mumbled


Tord was happy..
But Tord.. he had new friends, other than Tom.

1343 words! wowza! <3

[art credits to artist]

(If you know, please tell me!)

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