chapter 9

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Grayson POV:
Falling in my butt, I look up to see who I bumped into. I really wish I hadn't looked. Standing in front of me with a big smile on his face was Cameron. I slowly started backing away, but he grabbed my arm before it could get too far. Pulling me to my feet he laughs to his friends and says.
" hey boys, looks like the fag here just can't stay away. What do you say? Shall we teach him another lesson?"
They start to crowd around me and laugh even more. I close my eyes waiting for the first hit, only to hear zippers being pulled down. Man I really wish I hadn't ran from Ethan. Suddenly I feel my skirt being pulled up and my stocking being pulled down. I feel my breathing quicken as my vision starts to blur, I know I'm having a panic attack when I can't move and the room goes black.

Ethan POV:

I decided to stay and talk to Samantha. I will find Gray later.

E~  "What do you mean your pregnant?!"

S~"Yeah, well at least, I think I am. Since we had sex at Cams party I haven't had my period, and I've been getting sick an awful lot lately."

E~"Have you taken a test?"

S~" No, but I don't have to. I know my body Ethan!"

E~" That's it! I'm buying you a test right now! You are going to take it. "

S~"Fine, but I know I'm pregnant and its your baby Ethan."

E~" First off when we fucked I used a condom, for this exact reason. Secondly, no matter whether you are or you aren't its not mine. I will never be with you. I love Grayson."

I walk into the store and buy the test. She goes into the bathroom and takes it. We wait the longest five minutes. She comes out if the bathroom and hands me the test. It was negative, like I knew it would be. I hand the test back to her and walk away.
I need to find Grayson. I figured he would go to the closest place, which happened to be the park. But it was Cameron's skate park. Panic sets in as I race all over the park to try and find him. He is no where to be seen. I have looked everywhere until I see a flash of black in the green bushes. I run over to him only to see his skirt pulled up his underwear missing. There is blood everywhere,  so I call 9-1-1. When the police and the ambulance arrived, I was holding Grayson close to my chest.
"Sir, we need to take him with us." The paramedic said. "Can I ride with him?" I ask. "Are you family or a partner." I just nod.
*skip the ambulance ride*
Stepping out of the ambulance, the doctors take Gray to a private room. "Sir, you really can't be in here." The doctor says. "I'm his boyfriend." I shout out.
"Sorry sit but he needs 5o be rushed into surgery. You'll have to wait in the waiting room." I just nod as they wheel him Gray away he grabs my arm and whispers,"Cameron". With that I knew exactly what he meant. I rushed out of the hospital, running to where I found Grayson.

*skip the running*
I finally stopped at the bush where I found Grayson. Taking a quick look around, then I see him. Cameron, he was riding his skateboard on the half pipe. Just seeing him made my blood boil. Seeing him laugh with his friends made me see red. Then next thing I know I was being pulled off of Cameron by the cops. When the put me in the back of the cop car, I was yelling that they need to arrest Cameron. But they didn't listen, so while sitting in the interrogation room. I tell them that Cameron raped Grayson.

*skip the interrogation*

I somehow convinced the cops that I only attacked him because he raped Grayson. When they asked what proof I had I told them Grayson was in surgery at this very moment because of Cameron. After verifying that Gray was in surgery at the hospital, I was let go. I just wasn't allowed to leave the city,  I went straight to the hospital. As I walked in I asked of he was out and what room.
"Room 124" the nurse said. I thanked her, running to 124. Stopping at the door, I slowly open the door only to see......

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