chapter 3

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Grayson POV: 

I watched as Ethan walked out the door, he walked away without looking back but I don't know why I thought he would look back. I locked the door  knowing my mom wouldn't be home til late. walking up the stairs to take a shower, as I was about to get in the shower my phone went off again deciding to get it later I took my shower. Getting out of the shower I put on my night shorts and sit at my desk to do my homework. Although it was a friday night I had nothing better to do.

Laying in my bed I grabbed m laptop to watch Netflix when I remembered my hone. I opened it and there was another text from the unknown number.

Unknown: Grayson you have no idea what you do to me. Meet me at the mall tomorrow.

Knowing it was probably one of the many people that bully me I thought why not I needed to go shopping anyway. So if all else fails I'll get some new clothes and get a gift for my mom just because she works so hard to make sure I have all I need.

Ethan POV:

I told Grayson that I'd meet him at the mall but I can't he'd know it was me texting him then and I can't let that happen. He can't know how I feel about him, that would ruin everything plus he thinks I'm with Emma. I can't stand being around Emma but I stay around her so nobody questions my sexuality and the way I act towards Grayson. 

But there is no question I am straight it's just Grayson makes me feel a way nobody has ever made me feel. From the first time he came out to me I didn't want to laugh in his face I wanted to pull him as close as I could. But if I did that then I wouldn't know what to do, he would have rejected me. I mean why would someone as perfect as Grayson like someone like me, why would he want to be with me. 

As I was leaving Emmas place I told her to meet me at the mall tomorrow, just in case anybody sees me I have Emma as a fall back. I go to leave Emma's place and head to my own apartment as my parents kicked me out when I was 15. 


I walked into the food court with Emma by my side. We stopped by the pizza place and I bought two slices of pineapple.  We sat at a table, and that's when I saw him walk through the doors. He looked absolutely perfect. His hair styled to perfection with his boots and his over sized sweater, seeing as he was only 5'3" I could only imagine how he would look in one of my shirts. You could barely see it unless you were paying attention his lightly done make-up. I sent him a message.

Me: That make-up your wearing looks so amazing on you. 

I see him look around as if to look for who sent the message, but seeing as everyone was on their phone it was near impossible that he knew who sent the message. He truly looked amazing. I just can't bring myself to tell him that in person, then I see him do something I never thought he would do. I see him walk into Victoria Secret.  I groan at the thought of seeing him his lace panties again. Emma hears me groan and she asks 'whats wrong?' I tell her 'nothing that I just wasn't hungry anymore and that we should start shopping.' She seemed to like that idea as she stood up and asked'where to?'

We walk by VS and I nod my head towards the store and she drags me inside. Knowing she would do that, I looked around for him. Finally seeing him I can't help but stare, he is so beautiful and the way he looks when he is thinking. He puts another pair of panties into his basket which already holds many pairs.

He looks up and sees me and you could see the horror in his eyes, he drops his basket and runs out of the store. Feeling as if it was my fault I told Emma that I was going to head home. But in reality I was going to pick up his basket and I paid for everything, and if I put a few things in the basket that I thought would look go on his curvy body then nobody had to know.

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