chapter 2

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Grayson POV:

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Grayson POV:

As I looked in the mirror  I smiled at myself. I ran a hand threw my hair and placed a flower crown on my head. I applied some lip gloss then I grabbed my bag and started my walk to school.  I like going to school other than running into Ethan. Everyday for the last four years Ethan has bullied me, mostly verbal.  But last year it started to get physical after he outed me to the whole school.

Ever since I came out to him four years ago he stopped talking to me. He told me to never talk to him again that he didn't want to be seen with a faggot like me. Since that day I don't talk to many people anymore I just throw myself into my studies. I've always been a successful student but since I lost Ethan I've become a straight A student. I'm doing so great in school that when I finish my sophmore year I get to go straight to my senior year. 

When I walked into the school doors I see Ethan leaning on my locker. I sighed but continued walking towards my locker.  As I opened my locker I heard Ethan say. " Well, look at the pretty little faggot. I thought I told you not to wear clothes like that anymore."  I ignored him and grabbed my books for my first couple classes that day. As I turned to walk away Ethan grabbed my arm and held me against the lockers. Next thing I know I feel his hand sliding up my skirt onto my bum. He grabbed my bum and he whispered in my ear.

Ethan POV:

I ran my hand up his thigh and  grabbed his ass, and I felt his lacey panties. I groaned into his ear and whispered. " You know what happens to me when you wear clothes like this." As I grabbed his bum again. Before I walked away I slapped his ass. As I walked away I heard him groan under his breathe. I can't let him know my feelings for him. I head to my trig class, sadly Grayson was in that class as well. Not to mention I'm failing this class and if I don't pass I have to repeat my whole senior year. When I walked in to the classroom Mr.Star said he wanted to see me after class.  I nodded as I sat in my seat in the back. 

By the end of the class I headed to see Mr.Star. He sat in his seat and nodded his head to the desk by his desk, I sat down then I look over and I see Grayson sitting there. "Now Ethan you know your failing this class and if you want to have any chance of passing and graduating you'll need a tutor, and Grayson here even being a sophmore he is my best student so I've asked him to tutor you."  I groaned but seeing any reason to argue I nodded my head. He seemed happy that I wasn't putting up a fight.  

 I turned towards Grayson and told him I'd be at his place after school he just nodded. So I went on with my day. After school I knew Grayson walked so I still had time, so I went to get coffee. I decided to text Grayson, though he doesn't have my number I have his.

Grayson POV:

As I walked home I thought of Ethan, the way he walks, his smile, the way he zones out in the middle of class, how his muscles flex when he runs a hand through his hair, and then there are times I catch him staring at me in class with his deep brown eyes. Before I knew it I was home, I unlocked the door and walked up to my room. I stripped down to a muscle shirt and my black lace panties. I walk into the kitchen to get an apple to snack on, then I hear my phone beep.

I opened my phone to read the messaged.

Unknown: Hey beautiful :) you looked amazing today in that skirt.

I was a out to answer when the door bell rang so without thinking I opened the door still looking at my phone. I looked up when I heard someone say wow. I saw Ethan staring at me , I looked down  and saw i was still only in my panties and a muscle shirt. I welcomed him inside and excused myself to put some shorts on. When I walked back downstairs I heard Ethan on his phone. " I know Emma but if I don't pass trig I'll fail. I have to be here, I'll stop by when I get done and we can do whatever you want." He said into the phone, and that's when I remembered he was 'dating' Emma Chamberlain. My heart started to heart but I didn't know why  I couldn't be falling for Ethan, but I think I am, and it hurts to know that after he leaves here he is going to have sex with Emma.
I walked into the living room and grabbed my trig book from my bag and I waited for him to get off his phone. He saw I was waiting and he told Emma he had to go.  He sat down on the oppsite side of the couch and we studied for almost two hours.

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