Chapter 12: A Person of Interest

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I stood at the mirror at Jace's bathroom, combing my blonde hair with my fingers, trying to figure out what kind of style I wanted to put it in. I woke up this morning with no bags underneath my eyes, no cold sweat on my forehead, and a whole night without waking up to any nightmares of a blindfolded girl. I slept like a newborn baby who was fed from its mother the night in Jace's embrace. It was relaxing to finally sleep like a person again after two nights with endless awakes. I knew somewhere inside that Jace was a genuine human, and I was glad to have someone like him in my life to balance my anxiety. I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt or make me feel bad.

My thoughts burst when there was a soft knock on the door. "Sunny, are you good?" I heard Jace asked. "You ready?"

"Yeah," I replied, opening the door to see him. He smiled as I nervously giggled.

I had gotten up a few minutes earlier to take a quick shower and changed at my house before coming back to Jace's. I didn't have enough time to do anything to my hair for school. It wasn't like Jace cared or anything since we kissed and cuddled last night. I wasn't sure what we were or where it would take us.

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The ride to school was perfect. Jace and I were back to listening to our favorite indie music by underrated artists. We laughed and talked about little things we liked to do, and me pouring out how I loved to read historical books by famous philosophers. It didn't bore him not one bit as I smiled further.

Being around Jace was like a light to all my worries about the murder tape. I needed something to take my mind off of it. I had never spent so much of my time with a guy before, and I loved the feeling. I always used to find guys as ignorant douchebags through past experiences of being teased for the way my body looks.

The main entrance of Tanglewood dotted with students on a regular Tuesday morning. I wasn't on edge at all as I turned my head to look at Jace.

"Gotta go to Ceramics," he said. "See you later."

I nodded, feeling sad all of a sudden. I needed his presence. "Okay."

We both stared at each other with sweet eyes before leaving. I could feel Jace's chin sliding across the top of my head since I was shorter than him. He pulled me in for a hug as I took in every inch of his black coconut cologne scent.

I was about to turn around and walk to my first period until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped like a scared kitten and muttered. "Shit."

"Hey, Sun." I saw Tre standing behind me. His dark eyes painted with worry still. "Jumpy much?"

"Yeah, Tre," I looked around. "Why wouldn't I be?"

I walked over to my locker to feel him on my heel, pulling out the book I needed for Biology.

He sighed. "Because yesterday in Biology. You were freaking us all out." He towered next to me, revealing his gorgeous teeth. "How are you holding up from the incident?"

I looked at him, remembering that scene I created in Mr. Burke's class he was referring to. "I am o-okay." I couldn't make myself believe it was true, dropping my head down. I had things going on in my life.

"Let me know if you need or want to talk about anything. I am always here. Don't go cold. Okay?"

"Okay." I heavily sighed at his comment. Have I been cold?

Tre was glaring and opening his mouth to no words coming out. I felt unexplainable emotions spinning inside like an out-of-control roller coaster. It was the same guy I had my first kiss at the first party I been to, the one I thought who wrote that sweet poem for me, which I kept, the one I danced with at Homecoming, and the one who was trying his best to comfort me at the moment he didn't understand. I had no idea what to do. My feelings for Tre were still there—I haven't gone cold. I have been losing my mind slowly since I watched a girl get killed on camera.

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