Chapter 30: Killer on the Loose

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Two hours went by, and instead of sitting in my second-period AP English course, I was wandering down our school's high-ceilinged, wooden-floored auditorium. We received a morning announcement about Tanglewood holding an assembly for Rachel Davis and that everyone needed to attend. I walked past two police officers that stood at the entrance inside as I lowered my head, refusing to look or smile at them. I felt nothing but weight inside.

Other people streamed around me, trying to either find seats or sit next to their buddies in the pews. I didn't know what to expect at this morning's assembly dedicated to Rachel. The auditorium smelled like perfume and bleach. I looked ahead to see that the edge of the stage was covered with flowers that some people brought and placed, followed by stuffed animals and vigil candles that weren't lit. There was a huge photograph of Rachel smiling so brightly at the camera projected for all of us to see. It hit me all over again that we were sitting here because she was dead.

I listened for the footsteps and voices of the people down the aisle. Dizzily, I slid into a pew. "You don't look too good. Drop your head down and breathe slowly through your mouth," a deep, familiar voice said.

I turned my head to see that it was Charles Hamiliton. He was still clad in his black bomber jacket and dark wash jeans from earlier on the news. His dark hair looked fresh as he grinned at me.

"Oh, hey, Charlie," I mumbled.

"How are you feeling with all of this going on?" He softly asked.

I shrugged my shoulders before sighing. "Not too good. You?"

Just silence. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. Charles was fidgeting with his jacket's zipper as some girl that sat on the other side of him remained very still and stared ahead. I knew Charles was Tre's best friend, and they played football together. I also remembered that he was at Mila's Halloween party as Captain America, but there was something off about him that I couldn't exactly put my finger on for whatever reason. The way he sounded so monotonously and nervously fumbling just didn't seem right.

"Poor Ginger Spice," He then murmered. "She died so young."

We sat quietly for a few minutes. I tried to wrack my brain for something to say to him, but my ears clogged with the sudden sound of walkie-talkies and keys jiggling.

I twisted my upper body around to scan the crowd for someone I knew, and my eyes landed on Detective Crest, who was firmly standing at the very back as some police officers filled the last two rows. His cold blue eyes did a full inspection. This Halloween party incident must be a serious and deadly situation for him.

He then glared heavily at me; his thin mouth in a demanding, straight line. I quickly looked away in complete hesitation.

Good God.

Terror has now overfilled my body. What could he possibly know?


I couldn't focus or eat throughout my day at school. Police officers lingered around Tanglewood High with stern looks on their faces. I entered my math class, which was my last period for the day, and sat at the back, feeling so many eyes on me. Even though Rachel was no longer alive to make me feel bad about myself, which was a major relief. I still felt terrified everywhere I went in school.

After the seventh bell finished ringing, the speaker cracked in preparation for another announcement for the day, but it never came on. Mr. Florence cleared his throat and stood at the front. "I just want to say I'm deeply sorry that one of your classmates, Rachel Davis, passed away over the weekend. Not only was she a classmate, but she was also a student and a great friend to most of you. This isn't an official announcement that needed to be made through administration, but this is simply from the heart."

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