Chapter 21: When Push Comes to Shove

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Cannons — Hurricane

It was so hot when our teacher had us complete one sprint around the track, and I felt like I was running too hard for my life. It was only gym class, after all, something I didn't enjoy. My arms and thighs pumped with so much burning energy, causing my lungs to fill and expand with short air. I recalled all of my bike rides that made me feel this way. Maybe I needed some physical activity as a release. Sweat drenched me from my face down to my back.

I felt a sense of joy when I tried to pass Tegan, who happened to be in my gym class and on the track team as well. She was ahead of me, and the idea of catching up to her was my minor goal. She was much slimmer and faster than me. There was no way I could keep up with her. I paused for a moment as my sore legs climbed up to the metal bleachers to collect my breath.

Before I could sit down, my legs quickly flew up in the air. The metallic taste of blood met my lips as my face fell hard against the ground. Rough patches tore my skin, showing a raw wound and dripping out blood. My knee was in so much pain that before I could comprehend what just happened that fast, I could see more blood oozing out from my cut.

"Oh no!" A familiar voice rang with fake concern. "Miss. Humpy Dumpy fell down the bleachers!"

In the corner of my eye, I noticed a flash of red hair peering around the bleachers I just fell from. Her freckled arm quickly grabbed something. I realized there was some oil spilled on the metal surface, which caused me to slip and fall. I had a good sense of who it was that viciously did this, but I couldn't say anything because I was too focused on trying to inhale air into my lungs.

"Are you okay?" That same voice kept up her fake voice on me. It sounded like her voice was behind my back. "It was meant for you, rat."

I would be lame to respond back, but I was in too much pain to even think much further right now.

It wasn't until my gym teacher arrived on the scene that someone else saw me, and by the time she came, I was able to catch my breathe to explain to her what happened. The teacher inspected my knee and saw a large wound. "You need to go to the nurse's office. Get that cleaned off for some antibiotics." She looked around at my peers, who were gathered around me. "Someone help her out!"

I limpied toward the school's building as Tegan and some other guy I didn't know helped me inside. "What happened?" Tegan asked as she held the door.

"I ac-accidentally tripped." We turned left inside of right at the stairwell, heading to the nurse's office in a different direction.

By the time we arrived, my large wound on my left knee was painful enough to display. I honestly wanted to take a nice shower to clean off the sweat and prevent it from getting infected. But instead, the nurse was wiping it off with a warm white towel. I watched as the brown and red blood stained it. She then dabbed cotton to clean it even further.

"Here you go, ma'am. Your knee might need them." The nurse handed me a first aid kit.

"Thanks." I lowered myself onto a small cot and pressed a large bandage across my knee, which I was pretty sure was going to stain with blood again. My lower lip stung, and I knew it was bruised. When I fell and accidentally jammed my front teeth. The nurse gave me a napkin to wipe off any blood and a small ice pack to ease the swelling.

Tegan sat on the other cot beside me. "Do you want me to help you?"

I sighed. "I'm good, thanks."

I wasn't sure why she would do this to me, though. If there was one thing for certain, it just looked incredibly deceiving. A sharp ringtone filled the nurse's office. Tegan fumbled for her phone and placed her hand over her mouth. "Sunny," she softly muttered.

"What's wrong?" I lifted my body up. Tegan didn't say anything to me as she handed me her phone. On her cell phone's screen were two new text messages from a number she saved. I PROMISE YOU ON MY DEAD MOTHER. The number said, I CANNOT WAIT TO END EVERYTHING FOR HER.

"Oh, my goodness," I whispered. Tegan leaned in to glance at what I was seeing. She was receiving some text messages that were alarming and threatening.

She snorted next to me as I simply stared at the phone. "She ain't directing it to me. It is about you."

The phone chimed once more. The next text message was scarier than the previous one. IF SHE GOES TO MILA'S PARTY. THAT WILL BE THE NIGHT SHE TAKES HER LAST BREATH. RAT-ASS BITCH WILL BE DEAD FOR EVER MESSING WITH ME.

Take her last breath? My heart pounded at the upsetting threats. This girl was plotting against me, as I knew all along that something like this was coming.

It didn't take me a minute to realize it was Rachel, and she wanted nothing but revenge.

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