Chapter 20: A Dysfunctional Date

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Coldplay — The Scientist

"Are you hungry?" Jace asked me, coasting his blue truck down a quiet hill.

"A little," I said, biting my lip. "Why not pick somewhere?"

Jace looked surprised. "Well, okay."

"Yeah, it's your night, so why not?" I didn't even know what I was saying right now.

A happy, playful look swept across Jace's handsome face. He reminded me of those sweet moments when my mom bought me a set of a new book series I had always wanted to read during Christmas and my birthday, starting on the first page as soon as I got them.

"But it's your night too, so let's eat somewhere you like," Jace considered.

I sighed and glared out the window. This was my very first date ever, and I didn't know what restaurant I wanted to go to. I spotted a Trader Joe out of the blue in his truck. "Let's get some snacks instead." I insisted.

"Okay," Jace smiled, swerving into a turn lane to get to the grocery store parking lot.

It was Wednesday evening, almost 7 p.m., and the sun was still out above the horizon, creating a pretty warm shade across the sky. Jace showed up at my house an hour earlier with a bouquet of sunflowers and a box of gourmet chocolate for me. He wore so much of his signature cologne that the smell was now overpowering. There was a hopeful, eager look on his face when he saw me step out of my house. I wore a white dress I found in my dresser drawer that I never wore because of how insecure I was. Jace twirled me around and commented that I looked gorgeous, which washed away those unwanted thoughts. A part of me wanted to gladly tell Jace about Mr. Burke and how I visited the police station this morning, but I didn't want to ruin our first date together because he looked so happy being around me—it was rare to see him like this.

After getting through the line, Jace surprised me with the secret spot he wanted to take me to so badly. We came across a dried-up dirt trail. A bunch of tall trees were carved above us, which made the scenery look beautiful. The autumn air was fresh and felt unusually warm.

Jace carried a shopping bag full of snacks I mostly picked out, like sparkling-flavored water, a bag of sun chips, trail mix, gummy bears, and, of course, the assorted chocolates.

"We're not there yet." Jace grabbed my hand and led me down the path to a small stone bridge. A few feet below was a shallow, glittery stream. The water was relaxing under the evening sun. Some hikers passed us on the same trail.

I slowly climbed down over a few twists and pointy twigs with Jace's help. We reached the waters that had a few boulders for us to sit on. I could see the rusty-colored leaves falling into the stream that was coming from a pretty waterfall a few feet away.

"It's so nice out," Jace chuckled, running his hand through his short, light-brown hair. He removed the jacket he was wearing and spread it out on the boulder for me to sit on. His tanned arms glowed like a creamy orange under the sun, and he popped a piece of candy in his mouth.

"Yes, it is." I answered. I stared hazily around at the warm-tinted atmosphere and took in the slight smell of maple. I wanted so badly to talk to Jace about what Mr. Burke revealed to me at the police station this morning, but I decided to remind myself not to ruin the moment. It didn't scare me anymore knowing that the killer was going to be behind bars.

I pulled one of the chocolates and shoved it in my mouth, trying to think happy thoughts besides Mr. Burke and the truth about his arrest and his mention of someone he knew trying to put the blame on him. Jace stared at me, noticing something. "What's wrong?"

I glanced at some weeds on the ground. "N-Nothing."

"Sunny, please don't lie. Something's bothering you."

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