Welcome to camp

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Darius POV:

Today's the day today is the day I get to go to Jurassic world camp Cretaceous. I should probably tell you a little bit about myself my name is darius Darius bowman I live with my mom and brother Brandon you're probably gonna ask what about my father he died before I left for camp, it was our dream to visit Jurassic world we planned to go a while ago but my dad got sick and that's about it.fun I actually got to go to camp as a last surprise gift from my father before he died.

Boat speaker: attention please attention please all campers please report to the left side of the dock.

Darius: this is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm final going to Jurassic world finally going to see a living dinosaurs(he says while running into someone)

Hey, watch it!(a girl with pink hair says)

Darius: aw man I'm so so sorry(he says while extend a hand to help her locking eyes with her and Darius could have sworn he seen a spark in her eyes)

Mystery girl: oh it's okay I shouldn't have snapped.

Darius: It's fine you couldn't help it. I'm Darius by the way.

Mystery girl: I'm Brooklyn, we should probably go.

Darius: You're right.

With that Brooklyn and Darius head to where they have to be to get accounted for camp and they meet some more people. The first one was a kid who couldn't hold his stomach and kept throwing up on the way here. The second one was a girl who really doesn't talk and looks like she's a track runner. and then there's the third She's more of an energetic person who is or seems to be a nice person.

Roxie: alright campers I'm Roxie your head counselor when ever the second counselor gets here we can get going.(she says when a werid car/truck stops near the dock)

Dave: sorry I'm late I had to drop off some paperwork.

Roxie: it's fine Dave anyway we need to make sure everyone here so when we call your names answer.(she says when the campers shake their heads yes)

Roxie: Darius?

Darius: here.

Roxie: Brooklyn?

Brooklyn: here.

Roxie: yasmina?

Yasmina: here.

Roxie: Sammy?

Sammy: here.

Roxie: ben?

Ben: here.(he says still holding his stomach)

Roxie: All right, I think that's it.

Dave: All right everyone into the back of the truck.

Roxie: Wait where's kenji?


Roxie: You're late.

Kenji: Yeah. here carry this for me(he throws his bag at Roxie) so what's all of your dea-(he was going to say before Roxie throw the bag back at him)

Roxie: Now that you're all here in the back of the truck.

(A little bit later in the back of the truck they arrive at camp)
Dave: welcome to camp Cretaceous.

Brooklyn: oh my gosh this place is huge.

Kenji: You think this is big, you should see my dad's private penthouse on the island.

Dave: alright campers set your stuff down and head back to the truck we're going to go to the velociraptor pen.

They then head to the raptor pen and the campers head up on to the man deck while Dave and Roxie look for Owen.campers look over the railing to see four velociraptors in different colors ones a light green with dark green stripes,the second one is more of an orange and black color, the third one is more of a brown color, and the fourth one has a blue stripe running down From it's head to tail. The campers were all having fun until Kenji started to lean on the railing causing it to bend forward.

Darius: umm kenji I don't think you should do that.

Kenji: Shut up Dino loser I don't have to listen to you.

Brooklyn: no he's right kenji the way the railing moving it mig-(she was going to say but the railing became loose and kenji fell right in and the raptors turn their heads to him)

Brooklyn, Yasmina,Sammy,Roxie,Dave,Darius and Ben: KENJI!!!!!

Roxie: wait here will we go and get Owen and stay pu-(she was going to say when Darius jumped into the cage)

Brooklyn,Yasmina,Ben,Sammy,Dave,Roxie: DARIUS!!!

Darius lands right in front of kenji and the raptors.the raptors roar at Darius stepping forward to try and corner them to eat them but then Darius puts his hands up and his eyes pupils slit the raptors see this and they stop and stare at him and they start to back away from Darius. The guards of the enclosure seeing this wastes no time opening the gate and grabbing the two boys and pulling them out and shutting the gate behind them.

Velociraptor paddock guards: what the hell were you too thinking you could've gotten your shelf's killed.

Dave: Darius didn't do anything he jumped in there to save kenji

Velociraptor paddock guards: just get them out of here.

Roxie: We are and they will be punished for what happened.

Velociraptor paddock guards: good.(he says and walks away going back to his outpost)

Dave: Alright people back to the truck we are not wanted here but first kenji isn't there something that you should say to Darius like thank you for saving my life.

Kenji: why would I say that to a loser like him he's just a freak.

Dave was about to protest when Roxie intervened.


Kenji: ugh fine thank you Darius for saving my life and sorry for calling you a loser and a freak.

Darius: It's ok.

Roxie: Good now that This is taken care of everyone in the back of the truck.

Everyone climbs in and they head back to camp. When they got back to camp they headed inside and went into the elevator to get to the top floor while waiting for instructions on what rooms they'll be in.

Roxie: alright campers here how were going to set this up since Dave forgot to print who gets partnered with who we have to pick from a hat now three people come up and pick a piece of paper out of the hat and give it to us and when your done we'll read off who picked who's name and those two campers will share a room and no complaining on who you get as a room mate.so can I have Brooklyn,yasmina, and kenji come up and pick a piece of paper.(after she was done Brooklyn, yasmina and kenji went up grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to Dave and Roxie)

Dave: (kenji hands Dave his paper and Dave opens it) ok kenji you'll be sharing a room with ben.(after that yasmina hand him her paper) yasmina you'll be sharing a room with Sammy.(Brooklyn then hands Dave her paper) and Brooklyn you'll be sharing a room with Darius.

Roxie: and before you go your punishment I should take away the trip to the Carnotaurus paddock tomorrow but since it was some what of the railings fault because kenji wasn't the first person to fall into the raptor pen(she says while looking away then looking back) I'll let you off with a warning don't do that again or in stead of what happens next after the carnotaurus paddock I will have all of you on dinosaurs shit shoveling for the rest of the time your here at camp under stood(all of the campers shake their heads yes) good now off to your rooms until dinner.

Darius: so I guess you and I are sharing a room, huh.(he says blushing a little bit)

Brooklyn: yep.(blushing a little bit too)

Darius: well let's head to our room.(he says nervously while Brooklyn walks a head of him) this is going to be one long summer(he says in his head)

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