Chapter 13(find the beacon and nest)

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We join back up with the campers already on their second day trying the emergency Distress beacon and Brooklyn going back to filming.

Brooklyn: hey brooklanders this is day 2 of trying to find the beacon so we can get home but what until you see this.(she says as she notices that her catchphrase is weird) now it sounds weird to me to.(she says as kenji rolls by on his scouter and the camera footage stops)

(With Sammy)

Sammy: that rocks an electrical outlet and that's a-(she says as she falls to the ground with the camera)oww I tripped on a rock.(she says as the camera footage cuts)

(With Ben)

Ben was looking all over the place. The first place he looked was in the arcade that somehow looked intact despite some of the other buildings being damaged. He found nothing inside the arcade except a bit of blood that he didn't want to know who or what it came from. He then went next door to the imax movie theater and saw posters of movies coming soon which all were related to dinosaurs but no beacon. He then came upon a small museum called the discovery center so he walked inside and was amazed by what he was seeing he saw a giant skeleton of a trex biting down on a big dinosaur that Ben didn't no the name of. He looked around and he saw that around the platform that's hold the skeletons are rocks that have plaques on them and the rocks go around in a circle(I'm interrupting the chapter for just a minute the rocks aren't moving there they're just in a circle going around the platform in a circle) so with that Ben decides to take a break on the search for the beacon and went to read some facts. The first plaque was about sauropods and how their necks can eat from the ground he then to the next plaque but before he did he thought to himself that Darius would've loved this and how Darius could've explained more on the first plaque. After that Ben went to read the next plaque and it was about camouflage and how some dinosaurs blend in to hind from other predators and that's when it hit him what if the reason they haven't found the beacon yet was because it was camouflaged. Ben then bursts out of the building and runs to find the other campers he eventually finds them by the innovation center as he comes running but stops when he gets there and takes a deep breath with the others stare at him confused.

Yasmina: wow Ben take it easy what's got you all energetic?

Ben: I know where the beacon is.

Sammy: well don't keep us waiting TELL US!!!!

Ben: it's somewhere here on this part of Main Street.(he says as the campers look at him confused)

Kenji: umm Ben we already searched this part of Main Street and I mean we looked everywhere.

Ben: you looked but you didn't look.

Yasmina: umm I think you might have been out in the heat for too long maybe we should get you back inside the hotel.(she said worried that he might be losing it)

Ben: no it's like what Sammy said things are disguised as other things the reason we haven't found the beacon yet is because it's camouflaged.(he says as the others come to the realization and they all spread out looking over things once again)

With that the campers then search the area for the beacon. Ben checks inside one of the rock looking trash cans but finds nothing. Sammy checks inside a plant, nothing. Kenji then looks at some rocks. If you ask the other they would probably say that he's tired from the heat. Brooklyn looks in the Jurassic world guide book that Sammy found double checking they haven't missed anything. Yasmina was checking one of the side carvings on a building when she was about to look somewhere else she then tripped on what was left of the spinosaurus and knocks into what she thought was a tree but it wasn't.the others then walk over to where yasmina is and she speaks.

Jurassic World camp Cretaceous the  dinosaur king Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin