Chapter 12( run)

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We open up with an ankylosaurus making its way through the jungle and pushing a turn over Jurassic World Jeep as it calmly roars. We then cut to some
compsognathus next to a gyrosphere as they hop on inside as they have a friendly chat. We then cut to a brachiosaurus right next to a monorail station as a pteranodon land in front of it and roars at the brachiosaurus causing it to roar back at the pteranodon while it stands on its hind legs then Viciously slams its front legs back down causing the ground to shake. We then cut to the velociraptors as blue looks up to see light coming in through an open maintenance hatch as her pack runs past her and a shadow figure was right behind them. We then cut to a herd of sinoceratops grazing along side some ankylosaurus next to a Tour down fence as one of the sinoceratops walks right through the opening. We then cut to a herd of stegosaurus walking passed what was left of camp Cretaceous. We then cut to someone screaming as it was revealed to be Ben who was yelling to the other campers.

Ben: run, run, run.(he says as he runs smacking a fern leaf out his way)

Brooklyn: is the Parasaurolophus still there?(she says asking running past Ben ask kenji turns around to have a look)

Kenji: NOT ANYMORE!!!!(he says as the Parasaurolophus nearly gets chomped on by the tyrannosaurus)

Ben: OVER THERE!(he says as he points to a log) COVER!.

The campers then hide behind a log when the Parasaurolophus was about to step over it when the tyrannosaurus turns the corner and grabs the Parasaurolophus by the neck slamming it down to the ground and snapping the neck of the Parasaurolophus as the campers cover their ears so they didn't have to hear the painful cry the Parasaurolophus gives as the tyrannosaurus kills it.after a little bit the noise dies down and Ben lifts turns around to see the Tyrannosaurus rex drag it's kill and leaves. Ben then turns around back to the campers.

Ben: They're gone.(he says as the others shy with relief)

Kenji: Why are there so many dinosaurs around?

Yasmina: well either it's your boyish charm or that all the fences on the island are down.

Brooklyn: no a fence but it's the second one.(she says yasmina takes deep breaths)

Yasmina: right now I just want some food we haven't eaten since Ben gave us those awful carob bars the day Darius die-(she says when she notices that she was going to bring him up after they got evidence that he's gone so before she can say what she was going to say she stops herself) ohh.(she says as she notices what she was done even though she didn't finish her thought and she then sees the looks on the others faces)

Sammy looks at yasmina with little tears in her eyes while Yasmina looks at her. Brooklyn hugs her knees close to her chest as she puts her head on them. Kenji justs opens and closes his hand while looking down.Ben just got up and walked to get away from the sadness when he turns his head when he heard Yasmina say something.

Yasmina: we just need to eat and rest, we can't keep going like this.(she said as Ben turn his head and looked ahead of him and saw something)

Ben: we don't have to(he says when he sees the tall pyramid roof that the Samsung information center in the distance) there's got to be away to call for help on Main Street(he says as the others come over to him and see the what he was talking about) and food and water and everything else.(he says as the campers run in the direction of the information center)

When the campers get there however they then stare in shock and in confusion as they see Main Street and the buildings there or what's left of some of them. They walk by where rexy was held and notice that the spinosaurus skeleton has been destroyed they then look at one of the gift shops and how some of the rooftop has Ben broken off and how that the pillar that's on the top of the roof is gone. The campers stare in shock when a kenji breaks the silence.

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