Chapter 6( an allosaurus problem)

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I forgot to mention in the last chapter Brooklyn's phone broke when they fell alright that's all.

We join the campers walking through the jungle. They've been out here for a while right now trying to get to the main park but are having trouble navigating the dense jungle. Darius just moved a leaf out of his way when Ben screams, the campers scream in horror of its indominus but were relieved and angry when Ben said he stepped on a stick.

Brooklyn: really.

Yasmina: nice going.

Sammy: aw man.

Kenji: I should step on you.

Darius: It's alright ben we're just on edge.

Sammy: and lost Darius are you sure that we're still heading towards the main park?

Darius: I don't know the jungle is to dense and we haven't even seen a sign yet.(he says when he notices a clearing up ahead) guys the tree line breaks just up ahead.(they all rush to it hoping to find an adult,a phone, or just a place to stop and rest for a little bit but a waited them was more then they asked for)

Getting into the clearing they couldn't help but stare at what they saw before them They saw a dead Ankylosaurus Darius went over to it and to see what did this and when he got over there he saw that the Ankylosaurus was still breathing.just then the Ankylosaurus head shoot up try to find something or someone when a baby came out and roared at them and campers came to an conclusion that the baby was looking for her mother same mother that was slowly dying. The baby walked up to her mother and rub her face when her mother licked the baby's head.the campers started to cry at what they we're seeing when Darius spoke up.

Darius: guys can you take the baby I don't want her to see this.(he says referring to the baby)

Ben: okay.(he says heading over to the baby)

Brooklyn: sure.(she says going over to help Ben move the baby and Sammy and yasmina watch)

When the campers move the baby ankylosaurus the mother starts to try and get up to protect her baby when Darius grabs her and pets her trying to relax the ankylosaurus while she slowly dies.

Darius: shhh it's okay your baby's okay she's safe.(he says as the ankylosaurus nuzzles him and lays her head down by him and she takes one more breath and she dies)

The others come back with the baby when they notice Yasmina holding Sammy as she cries. The others start to cry as well but Kenji pretends it didn't affect him. When Darius gets up and looks around and notices by the gyrosphere there's a giant footprint that resembles the T. rex but bigger.

Darius: the indominus Rex was here(he says showing them the foot print) but this doesn't make sense predators don't leave prey still alive without eating them this, this isn't right.

Kenji: I know this is sad but should we be heading south?

Brooklyn: we're not going to spend another walk through the jungle hoping we don't run into the indominus. We need a new plan.

Yasmina: And where are we going to go? We don't even know we're we are.

Darius: Wait hold on Ben do you still have your park map?

Ben: umm yeah why?(he says handing Darius the folded up piece of paper)

Darius: cause I might know where we are(he says looking at the paper)okay so camp was back that way so we're near the genetics lab and the allosaurus paddock.

Sammy: Okay so which one should we head two?

Darius: Well the allosaurus paddock is here, it's near us, yes but if we go that way we may not find anyone there.

Jurassic World camp Cretaceous the  dinosaur king Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin