Chapter 5 (Going down hill)

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Darius wakes up and is excited because today they get to go to the Cretaceous cruise and Kayak alongside dinosaurs that they haven't seen yet and what could be more exciting then to swim alongside Darius gets up puts his clothes on and runs out of his room and right into the main area of camp and enters with excitement in him.

Darius: WHATS UP CAMP CRETACEOUS!!!.(he says while kenji walks over to him)

Kenji: not in a very what up mode.(he says board)

Darius: Why? today's kayak day where we can swim alongside dinosaurs.

Kenji: not anymore it's now arts and crafts day because Dave and Roxie went to talk to their boss and we're not aloud outside.(he says handing him the note which Darius just puts down on a table)

Darius: Wait, where's Ben?

Kenji: Ben over at the table reading more of the map of the park because just in case the dinosaurs ever escape while we're here.

Ben: oh I'm sorry that I don't want to get eaten by a Dinosaur if you want to get eaten that's fine by me.(he says going back to look at the parks Brochure when Brooklyn enters the room)

Yasmina: Hey Brooklyn, what's new on the internet superstar?

Brooklyn: hey and I wouldn't know because I can't find my phone.(she says when Sammy speaks up)

Sammy: oh here I was using it to check the weather but I forgot to put it back.(she says handing Brooklyn her phone)

Kenji: So much for having fun.

Darius: oh come on kenji we're in Jurassic world where it's it's.( he was about to say when there's a loud roar)

Yasmina: Um, what was that?

Ben: uhh is it a trex?

Darius: I don't think so?

Brooklyn: where is it coming from?.(she says when she hears people yelling for them)

Camp Cretaceous staff 1: KIDS GET DOWN HERE YOU NEED TO COME WITH US!!!!!.

Camp Cretaceous staff 2: THERE'S AN ASSET OUT OF CONTAINMENT!!!!.

Darius: what are they saying?(he says when Brooklyn shrugs her shoulders)

Kenji: YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO SPEAK UP!,I got thi-(he was going to say when there's another roar

Camp Cretaceous staff 1: WHY AREN'T YOU MOVING KIDS GET DOWN HERE WE HAVE TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW!!!.(he says when the indominus Rex comes out of the forest and eat the other staff member)

The first staff member tries to get away but gets eaten by the indominus. The campers stare in shock of what they just saw.

Ben: IT GOT THEM,IT GOT THEM!.(he says wide eyed point at the indominus)

Brooklyn: Darius, why didn't you try and do something?(she says in a whisper grabbing his arm scared out of her mind

Darius: I did but whatever it is it won't listen to me.(he says back to her)

That's when the indominus Rex sees them and starts running over to the camp after it ate the two staff members. When it gets there it starts to try and break the posts that hold the camp up.the campers start to shake about and they try and find a why to escape but they couldn't. The indominus Rex destroys the last post holding the camp and the structure falls down to the ground with the campers knocking the campers out. The indominus Rex was about to eat them when it saw a Jeep with other people getting away and decided to go after that instead.

Jurassic World camp Cretaceous the  dinosaur king Where stories live. Discover now