Chapter 2(sorry i dont really have a name for this chapter)

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Darius wakes up in a forest, the feeling of grass beneath his face, the feeling of Numest running through his body despite this Darius gets he gets up he notices scratches on his body and blood pouring out of them. He then starts to walk around and he sees a Jeep on fire and a broken fence that has a sign in front of it. Darius then starts to walk to the sign in order to find what's going on but he then sees someone lying on the ground he then looks down at the person and notices that it's his father's. Darius is so confused how did his fathers get here Darius was deep in thought when his father wakes up and calls his name.

Frederick: Darius?

Darius: WHAT THE FU-dad you're alive?How did you get here?what's going on?

Frederick: you could've saved me(he says weakly)

Darius: what? Dad I-(he was going to say when his dad cut him off)

Frederick: you could've saved them.

Darius: what(he says but turns around to see the dead body's of the other campers)

Darius doesn't know what to do he just stares in shock at the scene in front of him he then turns back to his father but he was gone.Darius is now confused and scared he gets up from where he was ad he looks around seeing the carnage left behind. He then hears a roar and panic starts to rise in him he looks around him to see where that roar has come from and he doesn't see anything. At that moment another roar goes off Darius then turns his head and all he sees is teeth very big and very sharp teeth about to bite down on Darius when he screams.

Darius: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!(the jaws of the unnamed dinosaur eats Darius and everything goes black.

That's when Darius wakes up panting eyes widened breathing heavily. He then looks around the room seeing that he's in his room at camp when realizing this he looks at the clock see that it says 10:00am with the sun pouring in the window. He then decides to go back to sleep when there's knocks at the door. Darius then gets up walks over to the door and opens the door.

Dave: morning Darius breakfast will be ready in a few minutes.

Darius: okay.

Dave: well we'll see you guys down there.(he says walking away)

Darius: alright"(he then closes the door)

Darius then goes over to his dresser near his bed and pulls out a white t-shirt,black jeans, and his raptor tooth necklace. He puts on his clothes then his shoes and then heads out the door then heads to the main area of the tree house and walks in side.when he gets in side and sees almost everyone at the table eating.

Roxie: morning Darius there's eggs and toast if you want some.

Darius then goes over to the counter and grabs a plate,some eggs,toast and bacon.after that he then heads over to the table grabbing a seat next to Sammy and sits down and starts to eat his food when Brooklyn comes in looking like hell with a bird's nest hair due she gets her food and grabs a seat near Ben.

Roxie: alright campers now listen up as soon as your done eating we're going to leave for the Carnotaurus paddock.(she says when Darius ask her a question)

Darius: ummm I though we weren't going to the Carnotaurus paddock until after lunch?

Roxie: we were but this afternoon the parks closing early because of a massive heat wave coming so the quests this afternoon are being ordered to stay in side and keep the air on.

Darius: oh.

Roxie: so when you guys are done head down to the truck so we can get going.(all the campers nod their heads yes)Dave can you go and get the truck running.

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