Chapter 14(finding shelter part 1)

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We open up with a shot of the jungle with a pack of Utahraptors or well to of them as they were searching for something when they roared at each other and ran into the bush. We then flash to where the campers are now trying to find a place to stay at until rescue comes they were going to stay in the hotels but the tyrannosaurus rexs already claimed that area and since then they have been having bad luck. Right now Ben is in a tree with binoculars scouting some mountains but to his disappointment that area has been taken over by pterosaur. Ben then shys and hopes down from the tree and the campers ask him if the area is safe.

Kenji: well.

Ben: peterdons are nesting on the eastern mountains so that's out.(he says as the others shy and groan)

Sammy: ugh bad news.(she says groaning unfolding the map that has a bunch of red x's on it)

Brooklyn: so we can't stay on mainstreet because of dinosaurs, the mountains, grasslands and jungles are out because of dinosaurs.

Yasmina: and kenjis dad's penthouse is out because he's bad at math.(she says as she looks at the older teenage)

Kenji: HEY! I didn't think my dad was serious about changing the locks if I failed algebra that ones not my fault.(he says throwing his hands up in defense)

Yasmina: that is completely your fault.(she says in an angry tone but not angry enough to get kenji to snap at her)

Kenji: oh really like us getting stuck here is my fault or that dropping Darius was my fault.(he says in his head) ok well whatever the whole island is covered with dinosaurs we're cooked.(he says snapping out his head and speaking to the campers)

Ben: actually there's one more place that I can think of but I don't think your going to like it.(he says as the campers get ready and walk to where Ben was bringing them)

The campers then walk to where Ben was taking them and on their way they see a lot of animals and just their luck they didn't know the names of them. Sammy was just walking when she saw the first dinosaur of their trip to wherever Ben was taking them the dinosaur looked like a triceratops but didn't have three horns and the skies and it had spikes on the top of its head. Yasmina then notices the next dinosaur that looked like the ankylosaurus but smaller and she also noticed that she was next to Sammy and Sammy smiled at her and she smiled back but why was her cheeks heating up?. Brooklyn notices the next dinosaur and knows they haven't seen that one before and knows that Darius didn't talk about(referring to chapter two when kenji had a list of some of the dinosaurs that were in the quarantine pens) so she pays it no attention but think about how Darius didn't talk about it makes her think that if he was here right now leading the group he would have been jumping up and down in excitement about the dinosaurs that they came across and she would've loved to seen him geeking out about the dinosaurs and having that spark in his eyes she missed him. Kenji doesn't pay attention to the dinosaurs, instead he pays attention to his surroundings and notices that something about where bens taking them makes him seem too familiar when it clicks in and he notices where bens taking them and he doesn't like it.

Kenji: Ben no why why here?(he says as the others look at him confused)

Sammy: wait kenji how do you know where Bens taking us?

Kenji: because I'm mr vip I know this place like the back of my vip hand and think about it most of the areas were we been on the map are crossed out so that means that Ben is taking us ba-(he was going to say when Ben cut him off)

Ben: back to camp.(he says as he moves a bush and what's left of camp comes into view as the campers groan)

Yasmina: Wow, it's just like how we left it.(she says with sarcasm in her voice)

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