The Truth Of Demigods

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Leonidas stood at the cliffside early in the morning watching as the clouds formed and thunder shook the sky. "King Leonidas you have fought bravely this battle will not be in vain, you will fail but we must talk about your true being", Zeus's voice boomed in the sky. Leonidas took a knee and bowed his head "Lord Zeus what is the meaning of this, the battle is won we have pushed the Persians back. They won't be able to win", he said to the clouds. Zeus appeared out of white smoke in his human identity; he spoke slowly. "My boy this battle will fail. They have found a pathway you must know that you are my son. Dillios is Poseidon's son. Your army consists of Demigods". Leonidas looked down as he spoke, "We have to stop the Persians, they will invade Greece if we don't stop them". Zeus sighed and lowered his tone, "You can't stop them but you can lower their numbers, learn your powers, use them to harness your strength, and tell your army of what they are". Leonidas shouted as Zeus started to glow, "What are they father". Zeus disappeared into a gold flash, "They are the sons of Ares'' he shouted.

Leonidas waited for his men to wake. He pondered the idea that his men were sons of Ares. Dillios walked up to him as men were starting to wake, he spoke calmly, "I overheard your talk with Zeus. Is it true that we have no chance". Leonidas sighed "Don't trust a god's word we've been told before that we would fail and we overcame those odds". Dillios smiled grimly. "Yes we have, but that was when we had an army", Leonidas shot him a look, "No surrender no retreat we die as Spartans'', Dillios said.

The brisk evening fog was a dense blocking view from all sides; it was giving the Persians a perfect sneak crew to go in the cavern path. The Spartans lined up for combat when the sky started to go black. Leonidas tensed up and shouted, "Shields up". While arrows rain down on the Spartans' shields the Persians sent 300 soldiers through the cave pathway. Immediately after the arrows stopped the Persians launched a front assault, swords clashed as blood splattered everywhere. The 300 Persians slowly sneaked around while listening to the screams of their fellow men. The Spartans' swords clashed against Persian steel, soldiers fell with their blood painting the environment. One Spartan turned to see a group of Persians charging from the back. The Spartan shouted, "They are charging from both sides". Leonidas looked over, "Half hold one side the others hold the front!", his shouting rang in their ears as one half turned the other way.

The battle intensified, swords clashed together while more arrows started to rain down piercing the bodies of Spartans and Persians alike. Xerxes smiled as he walked from his throne to the battlefield, "This battle is over. They will fall", he said to his sister. As the spartan numbers shrunk the bodies dropped soon they're were 20 remaining Spartans fighting hard but not enough. Leonidas slashed through his enemies and watched as Dillios was fighting three on one with his back to the cliff. Leonidas rushed to help but it was too late. One Persian slashed cutting Dillios across the stomach and another Persian stabbed his sword into Dillios' chest, the third kicked him off the cliff. He landed in the water soundlessly. Leonidas easily slashed the cheering Persians to pieces, he looked over the cliffside hoping to see Dillios appear, but all that was there was choppy water.

The Spartans were down to five men: Leonidas, Dillios' brother Raeis, the swordsman diamond, Jason, and the recruiter. They fought back to back 3 held the back as Leonidas and Raeis held the front. Arrows were flung at Jason while slamming his sword in the ground, summoning three skeleton warriors to fight beside him. Diamond looked at him, "How the fuck did you do that", he shouted. Jason shrugged and raised his sword, "Something in my head told me to", he shouted back. The odds were not in their favor but as they fought they kept the thought of surviving in their heads. The recruiter was the first to fall; he slashed one Persian to be met by two more; they overtook him, cutting his head clean off. Diamond was fighting bravely beside one of Jason's skeleton soldiers. The skeleton collapsed to Persian swords just as an arrow pierced diamond through the back he fell to his knees to be stabbed through the chest. Jason fought with as much energy as he could muster but summoning those skeletons drained him. He tried to keep his sword up only to get stabbed in the chest and then stabbed in the head when he continued to fight.

The sun shone as Leonidas saw Xerxes walking to the battlefield he knew it was over yet he still fought, slashing at Persians and stabbing those he could. Leonidas heard a scream from Raeis that his guard lowered a sword stabbed through his back and then another in his chest he fell to his knees in pain. He turned his head to see Raeis fighting 5 on 1 he was overwhelmed bleeding from multiple cuts, it was a fatal strike to the back of the head from a 6th Persian that killed Raeis. The spear pierced through his mouth leaving his body to slam against the dirt. Xerxes walked in front of Leonidas watching his eyes, he spoke in a calm tone "Surrender or die". Leonidas spits at him and in one swift moment Xerxes ax swung down chopping off King Leonidas' head.

Dillios washed ashore, he knew the battle was over; he heard Xerxes scream victory. Dillios walked for miles with no sword or armor hoping to beat the Persians to Athens or at least Sparta itself. As he walked his mind swirled with thoughts of what the water could truly do. Voices spoke in his head speaking of such power he can harness while others spoke of betrayal. He started to slow as he saw the famous statue of Athena, he ran to talk with the leaders. They stared at him blankly as he explained that Thermopylae was lost to the Persians. One leader spoke, "What is the time for them to be here"? Dillios stared at them and said, "Soon ready your men we must make our last stand here".

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