The King Rises

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Everyone around the campfire was hushed as Sophia grabbed Dillios away before the campers could pester him with questions. Maya watched them as campers started to mumble to each other about how Leonidas should be dead. Charles raised his voice, "Brothers and sisters are we really going to talk behind one of our own backs, that is a disgraceful gesture". Maya nodded as she spoke after him, "Dillios risked his life for all of us, he put his life on the line constantly". The Aphrodite cabin snickered making quiet jokes till Maya flashed an evil smile at them. She looked at Charles, "If anyone has something to say about Dillios remember we should have fought when Leonidas asked for the camp's help before leaving for Thermopylae", she snarled. The campers fell silent, Maya patted Charles on the back, "Thank you", she whispered and walked away while Emilia and Zoi followed in the shadows. She walked over to the beach while Sophia was holding Dillios close reassuring him that Leonidas' fate was not his fault. Thomas ran into Emilia and Zoi making them fall out of the shadows and into the sand a few feet from them. Dillios stayed silent murmuring under his breath while Sophia rubbed his back, "Hey it's ok everything is ok, this is not your fault". Maya waved at the three demigods, "Sit. We might as well talk strategy for our Quest, Leonidas must be the one. The king rises in Tartarus". Sophia nodded and whispered, "Let's relax, first we must wait to see if Leonidas survives''. Dillios mumbled into Sophia's arm as Thomas spoke, "What's wrong with him, he looks so shaken up". Emilia shot him a warning glance as Sophia spoke, "He was the last the last spartan, Xerxes told Dillios he beheaded Leonidas". Thomas stared at him blankly as Zoi hit him in the head, "He has ptsd you idiot". Maya looked around, "Let's get to the bed. We'll have 9 days to stop this war in the morning if Leonidas makes it out", she said firmly They started to walk away to their cabins. Sophia helped Dillios to his feet and started to walk. He stopped in his tracks, "It isn't an if he makes it. My brother will be here by morning, do not doubt a spartan", he said quietly. They all stood still until Emilia spoke, "Bed now everyone, Leonidas is close to finishing". They walked to their respective cabins and slept with no dreams. It was the first night that ever happened. 

Leonidas held his ground, his sword glistening with electricity as he slammed his shield into the nearest drakon sending lightning through its body exploding into dust. Four drakon remained as he sliced his sword into another, dissolving it as another slashed at his chest leaving three large cuts. He stabbed his sword through its neck and jumped back. He threw his shield into one leading it to decapitate it as he chopped the other's head off with his sword. One remained. the Lydian. Leonidas charged fearlessly blocking the fire acid-spit with his shield, as he sliced his sword at its chest. Blood spewed from it as Leonidas slashed at the beast. The beast spat acid missing Leonidas' head by mere inches, he countered and drove his sword through the Lydian's head. 

He reached for the helmet just as the floor disappeared, plummeting the helmet just out of his reach as they fell into Tartarus. The helmet stayed way out of reach, fifteen feet. In between him, and his task was a chimera and the titan Antaeus. Antaeus' voice boomed, "Son of Zeus come play with the son of Poseidon and Gaea". The chimera charged at Leonidas his lion head biting at him as his venomous snake tail trying to bite at him too. Leonidas dodged the lion's head whilst sliding under the tail and cutting the tail off with an upwards slash. He jumped back, stabbing his sword into the side of the chimera, it tried to claw at him but he slammed his shield down on the head, decapitating it. Antaeus grinned at him as he snapped his fingers making dozens of Persians soldiers appear from the ground, "Attack Leonidas δείξε μου τι μπορεί να κάνει ένας γιος του Δία (show me what a son of Zeus can do)", he ordered. Leonidas ran forward slashing the first three Persians at ease, he threw his shield at another creating an electric explosion sending the last 8 soldiers to the floor. He shifted from target to target cutting them to pieces until the last one stood in front of Antaeus and snarled at Leonidas as he gripped his shield with his left hand and sword with the right. They circled each other waiting for one to make the move as Antaeus snapped his fingers summoning Artemisia. He put a hand on her shoulder, "Kill him before I summon your brother and I will send you to the world again, you will be a big part of Gaea's plan", he whispered into her ear.  She nodded, gripping her two famous daggers, waiting for permission to charge in. The Persian soldier charged, thrusting his sword at Leonidas, he simply batted it away with his shield and sent his sword through his enemy's heart. As he knelt off guard Antaeus nodded sending Artemisia to charge at Leonidas slashing her daggers wildly. Antaeus watched thinking to himself her strategy doesn't change after failing using the same method. Leonidas sent his shield to the right dagger strike making her arm explode from the electricity pulsing in the shield. The move weakened Leonidas enough to buy time for Artemisia to stick her left dagger in his right shoulder, he shook her away and pushed her to the wall with his shield. Artemisia reached for her dagger but Leonidas slammed his sword through her chest watching the blood spit out of her mouth. Antaeus screamed in a rage, "You have failed me you poor excuse of a fighter", he snapped his fingers and Xerxes appeared in a cloud of smoke. Leonidas ripped his sword from the corpse of Artemisia pulling her heart out of her body. Xerxes raised his hand to find his golden ax summoned from smoke, "King Leonidas, I see we have one last battle, this time let's rest our souls on death", he shouted in a commanding tone. Leonidas ripped the dagger out of his shoulder and placed it in the heart of Artemisia. He spoke calmly as he raised his sword and shield coursing with electricity, "This is another war you will lose, Είστε έτοιμοι να αποτύχετε δύο φορές (Are you ready to fail twice)". Xerxes charged out of rage, his strategy was gone. He slammed his ax into Leonidas shield shocking him sending him back to Antaeus' feet. Leonidas charged slamming his sword down to be met by Xerxes' ax slamming upwards backing him up. They stared at each other while gripping their weapons tightly, Leonidas shrugged and threw his shield at Xerxes' head. The move did no damage because Xerxes ax slammed it out of the air but the electric shock zapped all the energy from him. Leonidas dashed forward rolling under the slow swing of his ax and sliced his sword down chopping off his arm. Xerxes howled in pain as Leonidas chopped off his left arm and kicked him to his knees. Antaeus watched as Leonidas lifted his head with the tip of his sword under Xerxes' chin "You have failed twice, Είδα τον αδερφό μου Ντίλιο να σε σκοτώνει στο παρελθόν, τώρα είναι τελικό (I watched my brother Dillios kill you before, now it's final)", he snarled. In one swift motion, Leonidas' sword met flesh, and blood sprayed on the blade. The head rolled to Antaeus. 

Leonidas stared at him as he lifted his sword over the shield, "Please surrender the helmet so I can move along peacefully", he snarled. Antaeus grinned and charged with a sword appearing just as he struck leaving a large cut across Leonidas' stomach. He groaned in pain and blocked the next strike leading to a counter making a large gash on Antaeus' left leg. They both stumbled back as Antaeus seemed to heal. Leonidas took a knee and looked up to the sky the small hole light formed through. Antaeus readied his sword, Leonidas lifted his shield and slammed it into the ground while screaming, "You said I had the power of you. I can summon electricity like you, hear me and take my offering father. The first shield I've ever used in combat. Show me my true power". The shield exploded in a burst of electricity sending Antaeus into the air, Leonidas threw his sword piercing him through his chest and into the wall. Antaeus screamed in agony as Leonidas flew up to him shakily while electricity clearly pulsed through his body. Leonidas grabbed the sword sending shocks into Antaeus' body. He pulled the sword out and floated down to the floor, Antaeus landed with a thud hoping the floor could heal him fast enough. Antaeus grinned as he got his knees, "Stupid king you will not rise from Tartarus, you have not stood against death yet", he spat. Leonidas smiled at him, "I have risen from Tartarus and I will stand against death soon, you don't understand hades is death", he jested. The words stung Antaeus as Leonidas sent a spear of electricity into his body exploding him to pieces, blood, and guts laid everywhere.

 Leonidas picked up the helmet of darkness and was instantly transported in front of Hades' throne. Persephone glanced at him and tapped Hades, "The boy appears with your powerful weapon to stand against death", she whispered loudly. Leonidas nodded at Persephone "Your tasks are complete, now send me on my way to Camp Demigod", he demanded Hades smiled taking his helmet and held it close while speaking, "Good luck Leonidas I hope to never see you again in the underworld". In a flash of golden light, Leonidas appeared at the doors of death. Thanatos looked him over and sighed "What do you need son of Zeus". Leonidas stared at him with a passive look "I need transportation to Camp Demigo-". Before he could finish Thanatos snapped his fingers and Leonidas appeared in front of the pavilion in a black shadow. The horn sounded to alert campers that breakfast is served. The demigods stared at Leonidas too stunned to speak while Ryos blinked furiously, not believing his eyes. Dillios rushed Leonidas and speared him into a bearhug slamming him into the ground as Sophia smiled at them. Maya laughed with Emilia, Zoi and Thomas. Dillios hit him in the chest lightly, "Are you ok, brother"? he asked in a whisper. Leonidas nodded and looked up at him "I saw you accomplish many things while I was dead". Dillios nodded and pointed at Ryos, "That is Cyrus' brother", he pointed out, "We need to get to work", Ryos said. They got straight down to business. The seven of them walked to the beach with Ryos while Leonidas explained his story. He droned on about how Dillios' brother and he fought to their last breath and how he woke up in the underworld. Hades gave the order for him to retrieve his helmet of darkness, his powerful god weapon. Emilia and Zoi sighed at that and muttered simultaneously, "Only our father". He explained his battle with the drakons, chimera, Artemisia, Xerxes and Antaeus. He looked at Dillios "You made me proud brother, I hope your relationship with Sophia will be wonderful and everlasting". Dillios hugged him tightly almost crushing his ribs, "You're not leaving this camp unless we die in combat. We will all live a good fulfilled life but first let's save the gods, we have nine days", he said cheerfully. Ryos nodded before he started speaking "No one is dying. The giants want to wake Gaea at Oxynia, the blood of the demigods shall wake her. You seven have to defeat them with the gods there to help".

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