The Quest Begins

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It was June 10th, 10 days from doomsday or it's from the greatest victory for the gods and demigods. Dillios sharpened his curse blade riptide as Maya cleaned her shield and made sure her spear was pulsing with enough electricity to stun a titan. Sophia walked with Cyrus "do we even have a chance, I mean we are supposed to save Artemis and stop the titans from reclaiming Olympus''. Cyrus patted her shoulder and spoke softly "you will be ok just be ready when the time comes, no hesitations, he is not our friend". 

Sophia nodded and walked away towards Dillios and Maya. Dillios looked at them as he spoke "let's go, we have to move 10 days is not enough time to end a titan war". Maya frowned "oh trust me we'll have enough time to stop the war, it'll be on the 20th unless we can avoid it". Dillios smiled "so where do we go to find the sky breaking the pact". Sophia beamed "the west" Dillios looked at her "huh" Maya hit Dillios in the head "she means far west at the edge of Greece where Atlas holds up the sky". Dillios looked at them "so if Atlas holds up the sky how could it break the pact". Maya lifted her hand to slap him again but Sophia said "Stop, Atlas must have tricked Artemis we have to go now". They left with haste taking the flying horses Dillios hopped on blackjack and listened to the horses as Sophia hopped on Frenchie and Maya hopped on ova "son of Poseidon we must go to the edge of west Greece tell your friends to hang on". Dillios pointed "hang on guys we must go urgently blackjack". The horses charged off westward; they kept a good speed but the horses would have to rest soon. The breeze flew through Dillios' wavy brown straight hair with locks falling over his forehead. His skin shined white in the sun while his blue eyes seemed to reflect the crystal clear ocean. His muscular body bulged under his armor, hiding the scars of his forgotten battles. Maya smiled as the wind pressed against her black curls, the sun gleamed off her white skin. The sun brightened on Sophia's tan skin while the wind bounced her straight blonde hair in the air. which was matched by her enchanting green eyes. Dillios stopped the horses when they were 75% of the way there. They made great speed traveling from Athens to Letrini. It was night time about 9 pm as they arrived. Dillios looked around "guys we need to get to Zakynthos''. Sophia looked at the shore "we could steal a boat". Maya nodded and spoke, "except I sense we have monsters hot on our trail so we have to do it now". Dillios looked at the water and put his hand over the dock. Dillios spoke in his head 'father hear me I have yet learned my true power and strength. I need your guidance to get to Zakynthos'. The water ripples and three hippocampi appeared Dillios reached out and pet one as he hopped on. He spoke out "guys let's go now I fear we'll have some stuff to kill if we don't". Sophia shrugged and hopped on the left one as Maya looked back and raised her spear to see the three drakon. The one in the middle was a Lydian extremely hard to kill while the others were maeonians normal acid-spitting ones. As Maya was about to charge Dillios sent a wave of water crashing over the drakons. Sophia used the distraction to drag Maya onto her hippocampi. 

They were off immediately rushing through the water they made time by the island by reaching it at midnight. Dillios looked around and permitted the hippocampi to leave. Sophia spoke, "let's get some rest we'll need it". Maya nodded as she crashed on her makeshift bed of leaves. Dillios sat at the shore watching the waves hit the sand. Sophia sat there watching him until she couldn't keep her eyes open. Dillios walked up to both of them and pulled two blankets from his bag; he laid one on each of them. Dillios looked up at the top of the mountain hearing nothing but water crashing and the wind blowing calmly steadily. 

Dillios woke surrounded by females in armor with bows and swords. Sophia and Maya were speaking behind the circle of women that blocked Dillios. Suddenly the women dispersed and one walked forward she spoke staring at Dillios "I am Selene daughter of Zeus lieutenant of the hunters I am second in command". Dillios looked around and spoke, "we're here to free Artemis do you care to help". One hunter spoke out "This is the garden. Before we meet Atlas watch out the dragon Ladon guards the tree he will kill you". Sophia looked at her "how do you know so much about this dragon". The hunter sighed "I used to live here before I became a hunter. I'm a daughter of the titan Atlas. My name is Tasia". Dillios raised his sword and spoke, "let's save Artemis, we have forces of 30 soldiers". They snuck by the side of the garden keeping far away from the tree ladon coiled around. 

Dillios led everyone up the path to see Atlas grinning as Artemis struggled to hold the sky up. The hunters surrounded the perimeter, some holding bows ready to shoot others holding their swords. Dillios walked to the front with and raised his sword Maya followed suit raising her spear and shield. Sophia held her two short swords and step on the other side of Dillios. Atlas grinned and shouted "Επιτεθειτε μου(Attack me)"! Dillios charged slashing and stabbing at Atlas trying to push him back into holding the weight of the sky. Sophia and Maya rushed with Selene to Artemis' side. Artemis screamed in agony as she tried to speak, "Help Dillios, he will fail, death is inevitable". The three of them turned to see Atlas slamming hunters back with his sword and slashing arrows out the air. Dillios slashed at his side dripping blood in lightning speed but Atlas retaliated stabbing Dillios in the stomach. Atlas pushed Dillios off his blade as Tasia shot an arrow to pierce her fathers chest. Sophia slid to Dillios side holding the wound as Maya jumped over their bodies throwing her spear into Atlas' chest. Atlas stumbled ripping the spear out of his chest and threw it back, Maya deflected it with her shield falling backward. 

Tasia ran to Sophia and spoke out of breath "he needs the Apple to heal his wound I will be back". Tasia sprinted past the hunters as they all charged Atlas with swords. As the fight continued Tasia ran head-on at ladon. Just as the dragon woke it spit acid missing but swiped at Tasia with his dagger-like claws. Atlas skewered hunters as Artemis screamed watching her sisters be decimated, they were no match for a Titan. Tasia limped to Sophia and gave her the apple, she watched Atlas backhand Selene to the floor. The hunters were down multiple were wounded she could see four had died Maya was knocked out probably from her spear hitting her shield at such a force. The titan stood over Selene ready to impale her, Tasia used her last strength to spear her father right at the side of Artemis. Tasia tried to stab Atlas but he slammed his sword through her chest and pushed her off. Her body rolled out of the area to hold the sky. Artemis gave a slight smile as she looked in the pained face of the titan and rolled out the way letting the sky collapse on him. Instantly Atlas pushed his hands outward to catch the sky falling on him. Artemis moved to Tasia's side and held her speaking in a hushed tone "it is ok you can rest". Tasia bled out in Artemis' arms as the goddess teared up a little she tended to the wounded. The hunters took five deaths and 13 wounded. As they gathered the dead and the wounded Artemis sent them away to a camp with a flash of gold light. Artemis stood with Selene as the other 8th hunters conversed. Maya had woken up and looked at the tear-stained face of Sophia, she shook her head and muttered "no no no, this can't be he had to live". Artemis came over with and sat with them. She spoke softly "Dillios is at the gates of hell, he will need your help". Sophia sobbed muttering "I gave him the apple he shouldn't have died". Maya rubbed her back as Artemis spoke "he didn't die he was summoned by Hades". Maya looked around "where can we find the doors of hades and can you give us a lift". Artemis nodded and said, "you will find them at Thermopylae". In a flash of golden light, the girls were gone and standing at Thermopylae in front of a door. 

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