The Last Breath

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Dillios stared at the demigods camping down, the wounded groaned as the hunters tended to them as much as they could with the Apollo cabin. There were few deaths but it didn't matter they had dozens of wounded. The sixteen dead from the camp don't compare to the forty-five wounded, sure most of them will survive if they won the battle. The small army of 500 was reduced to six fighting demigods the other two demigods and two mortals were part of the wounded.

 Maya patted Dillios on the back as she spoke, "let's take a walk". They walked to the front of the battle lines looking at the leftover bodies of enemy demigods, some covered in blood, others squashed by centaurs. Maya stared at the fires that were lit by Kronos army, she sighed knowing this could very well be her last night alive. Maya looked at Dillios as she spoke, "you know Sophia loves you, it's obvious". Dillios nodded, "I know and if we live through this battle maybe I'll take her somewhere for a date", he said softly.  She smiled and looked at him, "break her heart and I will personally kill you Dillios", she snarled calmly. He grinned and pushed her arm, "if Kronos is Cyrus' father don't you think we should fear for his safety"? Dillios asked while staring into her eyes. Maya shrugged and sighed "Cyrus will put the camp before himself and we only have eighty-one demigods fighting, the wounded we have are ten from the Ares cabin, five from Aphrodite, 10 from Dionysus, five from Demeter, and fifteen from Hermes''. Dillios nodded before speaking, "We have 100 centaurs left from the 200. We've burned all the bodies of the fallen". Maya looked straight ahead, "When you disappeared I got a prophecy".

'The gods will win the battle

the demigods chose to win the war

a true child of Ares will fight the beast

Blood will splatter only one stands to Kronos

The cursed blade shall decide the fate of Olympus'

Dillios stared at her, "I think I understand the last two lines that revolve around me, but the true child of Ares could be you", he pointed out tiredly.  It was silent until Cyrus spoke from behind them, "Rest you will both need it. I predict a harsh battle tomorrow especially for you Dillios''. They both nodded and headed off to bed as Cyrus watched the horizon knowing Kronos could be in his true titan form. If he is in full form it would be the fall of Olympus. 

Sophia laid awake not knowing if she should make a move on Dillios or be more focused on the battle. Her mind was torn. She wanted to be happy but they probably wouldn't live for the chance. Her sleep was riddled with nightmares of the battle, dying, and losing Dillios. No chance for happiness. 

The daylight broke causing demigods, centaurs, and mortals to rise alike. They gathered their weapons and armor, everyone made sure they were ready for a 1st class ticket to the underworld. Dillios, Maya, and Sophia led the six children from the Ares and ten from the Athena cabin to the front of the battlefield. Kronos appeared still in Dextros form but he had grown an extra ten feet to resemble a baby giant at seventeen feet tall. He grinned down on them and screamed, "CHARGE"! The demigods charged followed by the Lydian.  Maya immediately charged at the Lydian with her cabin taking demigods on. The Hephaestus and Hermes cabin shored up the defenses. The Demeter and Dionysus cabin took the second line and held any demigods who got past the first line. Aphrodite cabin worked with the wounded as the Apollo and hunters rained arrows down on the Lydian and the demigods. Maya screamed at the Lydian blocking the fire and acid with her shield, she slashed with her spear cutting down the front right leg of the Lydian. Its blood sprayed acid down on its demigods. Kronos screamed in rage watching his soldiers cower away from the Lydian falling into Dillios and Sophia with the Athena cabin. They were cut down, their dwindling numbers fell lower than the wounded from camp. Kronos' troops fell back trying to maintain their 32 person wall strong as Kronos watched in rage he knew matters would come into his hands. Maya slashed her spear against the underbody of the Lydian cutting from the neck to the tail. The blood spewed everywhere as she rolled away watching the monster crumble to dust. 

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