The Fall Of The Olympians

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The night glowed into the fire illuminating the faces of Dillios and Maya. They sat there talking about how this battle could end. The wind blew harshly against the tent as the other five demigods slept peacefully. Dillios held his sword out as he spoke, "If you stand alone when could that be". Maya looked at the fire as she spoke, "I don't know it could mean today or against Gaea or it may not even matter". Dillios sheathed his sword as he spoke, "If I die make sure Sophia doesn't hurt herself or anything that her mind can stupidly conceive of". Maya nodded, "I can promise that just make sure you don't die, idiot", she replied. Dillios looked at a portal behind her, "Uh, we might have to fight", he groaned.

 Dillios jumped up with his sword as Maya grabbed her spear electricity on the point. Her shield was in the tent so she kept two hands on the spear while Dillios kept his right hand gripping the handle of his sword. Agrius and Oreius stood tall side by side as Manticore stood in the front with Kelly the Empousa smiled as the Minotaur charged from the back at Maya. His ax slammed down into her spear, they were at a stalemate. Dillios dodged the tail of the Manticore as the bear brothers watched. The tail missed its spike by inches giving enough time for Dillios to cut it off swiftly. The Manticore launched itself at Dillios to land on his sword. He stood smugly as it disintegrated on his sword, "Who's next you foul beasts", he taunted. Agrius and Oreius raced forward both their swords slamming at Dillios, he dodged and slashed hitting their legs as he dove back. Kelly smiled flicking her snake-like tongue as her ember eyes fixed on Dillios, "Fall Dillios surrender peacefully", she hissed. Dillios' movements started to become sluggish. He missed a parry as Agrius slammed his sword down making Dillios' sword clatter hitting the ground. Dillios kept his hands up trying to find a way to fight but his mind was fighting a war with Kelly's voice. She grinned and motioned for Oreius to summon the portal, "Son of Poseidon surrender and I will keep your friends alive, all you have to do is give in", Kelly sneered. Agrius stabbed his sword at Dillios but he had enough in the tank to dodge and punch him in the jaw. Oreius had the portal summoned as Kelly walked up to Dillios she could see the Minotaur losing his fight with the daughter of Ares. She whispered in his ear, "Surrender and I will save the love of your life, she'll die if you don't". Dillios fell to his knees she quickly restrained him and smiled at the bear brothers, "Take care of them here and now", she snapped. The five demigods thrashed in their tent trying to get out but Kelly cast a spell sealing them in, she pulled Dillios through the portal and closed it. Agrius and Oreius charged at Maya as she sent her spear through the Minotaur. The dust spread in the air as Leonidas shouted in the tent, "Cut the tent so we can fight". Maya stepped away from Oreius and sent him into the tent cutting a hole. Maya threw her spear into the head of Agrius in an explosion of dust. Oreius screamed and ran at her, she rolled under his sword to see the others escape the tent. Sophia screamed, "Maya, shield"! Sophia flung her shield at her, she caught it just as Oreius slammed his sword down at her. The strike bounced off the shield and shocked him temporarily zapping all his strength and power to fight. Maya lifted her shield and slammed it against his head decapitating him.

 The six of them stood there, the sun was coming up soon they would have to get ready to fight. Sophia broke down near the fire as Maya patted her back trying to reassure her Dillios would be ok. Leonidas talked with Emilia and Zoi quietly, "Can you guys see anything in the good shadows of Dillios". Zoi nodded as she closed her eyes, "Giants are surrounding him talking, I can't hear them but I'm sure it's not about cake", she said quietly. Emilia checked all of their weapons and handed them off, "Gear up we leave in six hours, first, we save Dillios then we save the world", she said firmly.

 The twelve giants stood around Dillios armed with swords and bows, Kelly stood at the leader's side. Porphyrion stood with his dragon bottom like his brothers and sister and the top half human. He grinned down at DIllios his 40-foot tall shadow looming as he spoke his lightning sword shining,  "I am the bane of Zeus". He went on explaining his brothers. They all stood at 20 feet tall max, except Orion he was fully human and only 8 feet tall. Alcyoneus is the bane of Hades, his sword was covered in darkness. Polybotes is the bane of Poseidon, he had a golden trident. Otis and Ephialtes is the bane of Dionysus, they held swords made from vines. Orion is the bane of Apollo and Artemis, he flashed a smile of shiny white teeth with his bow in hand. Hippolytus is the bane of Hermes, his spear shined in his hand. Enceladus is the bane of Athena. He was the brains with Gaea, he held a spear identical to the one Athena had at Athens. Damasen is the bane of Ares he held a sword made from the bones of a dragon. Mimas is the bane of Hephaestus, his sword was made from metal. Periboia is the bane of Aphrodite, her sword shined like a diamond. Thoon stared down on Dillios with his meat cleaver, he is the bane of the Fates. Kelly spoke to Porphyrion quietly, "We have to decide what to do with him. Either make him bleed for Gaea or we transform into our soldier, Peribioia and I can charm speak his mind". Porphyrion shook his head and pointed at Thoon, "Make him bleed a simple cut after I have plans for him", he snarled viciously.  Dillios struggled in his chains as Thoon lifted his meat cleaver and slowly cut his face. 

The hours counted down slowly, there were 2 hours left for the battle to start and the 6 demigods watched the scene from the mountain. Sophia wept quietly while Leonidas gripped his sword tightly, "They will all die", he growled. The meat cleaver came down cutting his nose, he wanted to cut his eye but Dillios kicked him away. The blood seeped down his face to the ritual area of Gaea's face. Porphyrion grinned as the ground shook, his voice boomed over the rumbling, "Now we need one drop of blood from the other six demigods and our mother will rise stronger than ever. 

Maya grumbled, "Where are the gods, we need them for battle. We can't wait any longer, at noon we have to attack". Emila rubbed Sophia's back as she spoke, "If we don't attack at noon they'll have control of his mind, we attack with or without the gods it will be our only chance to save Dillios". Periboia smiled as she talked soothingly in Dillios left ear as Kelly did the same to his right ear. The other 11 giants talked about battle strategy and how they would take over Olympus. Dillios struggled in chains occasionally screaming in pain, he wanted to fight but his mind battled against the voices telling him to fight his friends and join the giants. His mind struggled as Gaea also spoke to him with Kelly and Periboia their words pierced his brain and stung, seeping their control in their orders. Sophia gripped her sword, "Can we charge now we have a few minutes until noon hits", she whispered. Emilia nodded as they crept into position. They circled the giants hoping the gods would attack with them. Dillios screamed, "You can't control me"! The demigods shivered hearing Gaea speak, "You will be under my control, broken at my side during battle or at the start of my new reign of power". 

Sophia charged leading the group, she slashed at the legs of Enceladus dodging his sword as she shouted insults, "You fight this big because you're scared to fight equally". Emilia took on Alcyoneus while her sister Zoi took on Thoon. Maya charged forward stabbing at Damasen while Thomas went head-on with Hippolytus. Leonidas fought with Porphyrion sword to sword both fueled with lightning. Dillios screamed in his chains as he tugged against them, Kelly screamed at the few giants not fighting, "Guard us you fucking oafs we are so clos-". Her words were cut off as a trident slammed down from the heavens. Kelly fell to dust as the gods ran into the battle. Poseidon picked up his trident and backed Periboia into a dagger through her heart from the back by Aphrodite she gave a smile, "Bye-bye", she whispered. The gods rushed to their enemies battling with blood spraying in the air. Athena fought beside Sophia dragging Enceladus down to a knee to be stabbed through his heart from both their swords. Emilia fought beside Hades, his invisibility giving the chance to rip open Alcyoneus' skull for her sword to cut his brain in half that was before the giant cut Emilia's leg. Maya fought beside her father Ares against Damasen. Maya ducked under the mighty sword feeling her left shoulder heat up, she looked at Ares, "Now father"! she screamed. The giant had no chance, they quickly dispatched him with spears to the head and chest. Thomas fought in giant size with Hermes against Hippolytus. Thomas struggled with the giant in hand to hand combat as they both bled. Hermes slashed him to pieces while Thomas provided the distraction. Zoi went from attacking Thoon to letting the three fates bash him to death with wooden clubs before he slashed down at her hand drawing blood. Mimas fought against Hephaestus as they dodged each other's blows Zoi created the difference by stabbing the giant in the back. Hephaestus ripped him in half with his flaming metal gloves. Apollo and Artemis shot arrow after arrow into Orion until he collapsed. Dionysus easily dispatched Otis and Ephialtes turning them into grapes and stomping on them squashing their bodies. Leonidas dodged the sword of Prpyrion and reeled back feeling his mouth bleed at a backhand. Zeus joined his son in the fight against Porphyrion, Leonidas sent him into the air with a gust of wind whilst shooting lightning at him. Zeus sent his master lightning bolt strike into his chest, exploding Porphyrion's body to pieces, it hit the ground splattering blood everywhere. Sophia rushed to Dillios and cut him free as Poseidon helped her. Polybotes jumped out of nowhere and slashed at Sophia hitting the edge of her shoulder drawing blood to fall into the ritual area. Zeus screamed, "No"! Dillios jumped past his father and his lover, he sunk riptide into Polybotes' chest. Poseidon swung his trident to take off Polybotes head. Gaea's voice shook the earth, "I will destroy you all first starting with your camp".

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