The Demigod Camp

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Dillios walked into the camp through its monster protective invisible barrier. Demigods trained as others walked around. A man named D and a centaur named Cyrus walked towards Dillios. They smiled as Dillios spoke, "Ah if it's not my favorite centaur, and is that the god of wine and madness among other things". Cyrus flashed a smile towards Dillios and spoke, "You must have a proper introduction to the camp, I've heard of your fearsome battle". Dionysus spoke "Leonidas fought valiantly; it was a shame he fell, I understand you had your proper burials for the dead in Sparta''. Dillios nodded as he saw a few campers gather in the distance to watch. Cyrus looked over and shouted "Sophia Zerva, daughter of Athena and the leader of that cabin please show Dillios around." Dionysus smiled "and do report back to the pavilion". They started walking to the cabins as everyone went back to their activities, Mr.D and Cyrus walked back to the main house talking in hushed tones. 

Dillios broke the icy walk by saying "So Sophia how old are you". She spoke calmly "well I'm nineteen I've been here since I was six". Dillios smiled "Same, these cabins are for the twelve gods right"? Sophia nodded and started pointing the cabins out and their commanders. "Cabin 12th is Hermes, their leader is the Eros, watch out that the cabin is tricky''. Her words seemed to move poetically in motion with her. Cabin 11th is Dionysus, their leader is Alexia. Cabin 10th is Hephaestus, their leader is Charles. Cabin 9th is Aphrodite, their leader is Helen. Cabin 8th is Ares, their leader is Maya. Cabin 7th Artemis she is a sworn maiden she has never had a child, the hunters stay here when they come around. Cabin 6th is Apollo, the leader is Blake. Cabin 5th is Athena, Sophia is the leader. Dillios smiles when she points that out. Cabin 4th is Demeter, the leader is Megan. Cabin 3rd is Hera, she has no children. Cabin 2nd is Poseidon, well you are the leader Dillios. Cabin 1st is Zeus; he has no known children at the moment. 

Sophia smiled at Dillios as they walk back to the pavilion after showing the woods, training areas, the weaponry and armory, and the pavilion. Dillios spoke in a hushed tone, "The gods are worried the titan war will happen again, I'll be glad to have you by my side in combat". Sophia watched him, "if what you speak of happens you have to see the oracle and a quest may be distributed to you." They got to the pavilion, and Cyrus spoke booming "we have capture the flag tomorrow but first Dillios must converse with the oracle". Some of the demigods gasped, others spoke in hushed tones as Sophia looked concerned at Dillios as he and Cyrus walked to the main house. Cyrus spoke in a hushed tone "you were one of my gems alongside Leonidas you two were perfect in combat". "Not perfect, we had flaws''. "Everyone has flaws, you have worked on them with your powers. I know you will do great in the upcoming war". Dillios frowned, "Which upcoming war, speak to me, Cyrus''. "Consult the oracle then we shall speak if you are still sane". Dillios walked into the attic and touched the mummified person in a rush his body shook as the mummified person spoke. "The titans rise at the summer solstice

A traitor gives wield to Kronos

The sky shall break the pact

The cursed blade shall reap

To brimstone must bring the fire

With the last breath submerge

Death shall face Dillios at the Gates of the gods". 

With the last word, Dillios stumbled backward out of the attic. He bumped into Cyrus and Dionysus. Dionysus spoke as Cyrus turned him around "ah there he is I wonder what spooked you". Dillios glared at him and spoke the words the oracle told him. Dionysus and Cyrus stared at each other until Dionysus spoke "Artemis is in trouble that's why she went missing a month ago, we must arrange a quest". 

 Cyrus called the leaders of the respective cabin as they sat around a table Dionysus at the head and in his wheelchair at the other head of the table. Cyrus spoke with booming authority "we will take a quest to find Artemis; it must be three, Dillios you lead the quest, choose your team". Dillios looked around while speaking "I choose Sophia and Maya, we must talk of the traitor giving wield to Kronos". Cyrus nodded "we must first find out who among us is a traitor, you will be killed or prisoned, eyes on your peers". Eros spoke out "I've been seeing Dextros sneak off into the woods at night I followed to see him talking with a fiery image". Blake spoke out "that's Kronos he tried to talk about with me". Cyrus looked around "Helen and Charles find Dextros bring him alive, the rest of you get ready to capture the flag we start in an hour". Helen and Charles searched everywhere but Dextros disappeared; the only paper trail was an actual paper note left at the edge of camp. It read "lord Kronos we have 11 days until the summer solstice I understand we must be as close to immortal as we can when we attack Olympus. Are you sure the gods will be busy, I am making this letter Incase I'm caught if not I should be well on my way to resurrect you". Cyrus frowned as he read the letter "get ready to capture the flag we will choose teams in 5 minutes". 

Cyrus and Dionysus knew Kronos could speed up his revival with the Golden Fleece but he was due to return this year at one of the solstices. Capture the flag teams were made, it was Ares 23 people, Aphrodite 14 people, Apollo 13 people, Dionysus 21 people against Athena 13 people, Hephaestus 11 people, Demeter 20 people, Hermes 26 people, Poseidon 1 person. 142 people battle 72 on each side. Dionysus cabin and Aphrodite cabin had hidden the flag as Hephaestus and Hermes cabin hid their flag. The battle started. Sophia led her and Megan's cabin respectively on the left flank as Hephaestus cabin with Charles stood back to guard, Eros led Hermes cabin to the right flank as Dillios ran straight forward. 

He ran into the whole Ares cabin as they surrounded him Maya and her 3 best soldiers took his sides, front, and back. Maya stood right in front of him smiling. She waved her hand "everyone else goes for the flag. Me, Jill, Eva, and Ira got this''. Dillios smiled at her "a friendly battle before we go to hell with each other". Maya nodded and swung her electric spear into his shoulder sending him a shock as he slashed away. Eva attacked from the back as he swung her off her feet and hit her in the head with the handle of the sword. One down 3 to go Jill and Ira kept swinging and Jill thrashed her sword at him as he backed into the water feeling a power surge. Dillios slashed jill's sword out of her hand and pointed his sword to her throat forcing her to surrender. Maya threw her spear impaling Dillios through the left shoulder and he hit the water with riveting pain. Ira walked on Dillios to get a small water tornado in the face slamming her into the mud. As he got up he clashed sword against spear dodging using the water to hold back Maya's attack. Sophia rushed back leading the entire team beside Hephaestus cabin with the flag they all stopped and watched as Dillios now slashed through Maya's spear leaving her with two pieces. The Ares cabin watched as none seemed eager to attack, Cyrus walked over and announced "red team wins tomorrow we send Maya, Dillios, and Sophia on their quest". He looked at Maya, "Your father left you a new spear and shield it's in the armory".

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