part 16.

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Right after school, Jax drove up to my house and now we're currently in my room working on the project together

I literally thought he wasn't smart enough to help because jax sometimes skips classes.

Hours passes until we finally finished, closing the folder I sighed my head started to hurt a little with all the writing.

"You look drained, it wasn't that hard like I thought it would though" he smiled glaring at me now

"I bet you wouldn't have done it alone though" I say getting up from my bed

"I'm starving, do you want anything to eat?" I asked him and he instantly got up nodding he's head

"Do you have_" he was about to ask but I cutted him off

"Cereal." I heard him groan as I turned around from him heading down the stairs.

In the kitchen, I took down the cereal box pouring it into a bowl before taking the milk from the fridge.

"How about I cook us something?" Hes voice asked from behind me standing at the counter.

Wait and did he say say cook? Jax can cook?!

"Wait, can you really_" I started, " Yes, guys can cook too chocolate." He walked towards where I'm standing.

"So what do you have?" He asked going to Search the fridge and cabinet's.

I licked my lips watching jax searching threw the cabinet, who doesn't like a man that can cook? This is getting more interesting....

Suddenly Jax spinned around catching me staring at he's back like a creep

I then nervously looked away getting embarrassed by it

"Uh.. I have an idea." He said clearing he's throat, and I looked up at him "what?" I asked him

"How about we bake cookies?" He smiles showing he's perfect teeth's.

"Really Jax? Cookies?" I gave him a bored look.

"Come on it'll he fun, just follow what I do and don't mess up." He said and I sigh walking over to him where he was now mixing something in bowl

I don't even know how to cook much less bake but he said I follow him so that's what imma do.

"So how do you know how to bake like this?" I started

"Uh I learned from my mom, she teaches me everything and anything." He said

"My mom doesn't gwach me anything, she's always working so we don't get to spend much time together"

"Well you can learn from me " he winked at me.

So after helping Jax with the cookies, he putted in into the oven and give it time to bake.

In the meantime me and jax started up a conversation until I bought up Brian, I really wanna know the full story between them.

"You gotta tell me Jax, friend's tell each other everything remember?" I say and he groan, I can clearly see that he doesn't wanna talk about it and I don't wanna force him.

"It's totally fine if you want to keep it to yourself, I get it, you can tell me when you're ready." I say.

"No, I'll tell you." He said scooting closer to me.

"I'll give you the short version thought."

"Brian and I have been friends since we were kids growing up, we attend the same high school, i used to have a crush on this girl," I widen my eyes when the word crush and say came out he's mouth

"She was .. perfect, Brian knew about that crush until I found out that he also liked her, and do know what happened next?" He asked him and I shook my head just wanting him to tell me.

"One day I saw the both of them kissing in the hallways and just broke me, I mean he knew I liked her and he just did that, after what he did, I stopped talking to him he knows the reason why"

"So all that because of a girl? Lame." I say feeling kinda jealous over that girl.

"She wasn't just some girl,s he was everything a guy would ask for but I guess I wasn't met for  someone like her"

Who is this girl?! And why does he talk about her like some goddess? Okay I get it I'm jealous...

"The cookies, it's probably done now." I mumbled in thought.

"Oh, I almost forgot about those." He got up from the couch and went in the kitchen.

I wish he would like me but not as a friend something more, I know I don't know much about this guy but I just feel a connection with him and it's getting stronger.

I was then startled by a bowl of cookies being pushed in my face.

"Want one?" He asked and I took one from the plate pushing it in my mouth and I had to widen my eyes at how good they tastes, this guy is just perfect

Good looking and can cook ? I want you.

"Why do you look somethings on your mind?" He asked him as he sat beside me once again on the couch

"It's nothing it's just the cookies taste bomb, I love it!" I grabbed up some more the plate smiling.

"Thanks I'm good with my hands they say." He winked at me.

"Good in other things too." He continued, I nearly choked on the cookie as he said that comment he had to keep on hitting on my back

"Okay, Jax I think you should go now." I stood up from the couch feeling turned on by he's comment I'm trying so hard not to jump him at the moment

"Wait already? " He checked he's phone," it's not even 7 yet" he said looking from he's phone

"I forgot my mom would be here a little early, so you need to go now." I pushed him away towards the door.

"Are you sure you're not just saying that to get rid of me?" I heard him say from the door as I went for he's he's bag pack

"Nope." I lied.

"Okay, now good bye kiss on the cheek?" He touch he cheek and I felt myself blushing

"Boy bye" I closed the door in he's face.

I hate him for making me feeling this way.


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