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June 21st 1994
Song: New skin by VÉRITÉ

June 21st 1994Song: New skin by VÉRITÉOOTD:

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Nightmares were a usual occurrence for a child—often times Astrid would pry her elder brother for stories she knew would disrupt her sleep—and Helios would happily supply them

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Nightmares were a usual occurrence for a child—often times Astrid would pry her elder brother for stories she knew would disrupt her sleep—and Helios would happily supply them

When she was a little older—ten perhaps—her nightmares began to get worse, graphic even—they felt real.

Jasper—with his talents in potions—had found an easy and quick solution for his daughters night terrors, potions to take before she slept, potions that rewarded her with sweet dreams rather than sleepless nights, anxiety and bad dreams

She had been taking this potion for four years—on days where she felt the insomnia early in the evening.


"Who's going to save you now?"

"Pathetic whore"

They stalked closer—malicious smiles on their faces as they pushed her to the ground, sealing her mouth shut.

Astrid gasped as she woke suddenly—breathing heavily as sweat trickled down her face. The sudden humidity making her hair stick to her glistening face—the bunched fabric of her top uncomfortably sticking to her back. Cold and damp.

She wiped her face—noticing her hands were shaking as she brought them up to pat down her cheeks and nose. Finding it difficult too ground herself—even in the room she had spent three years in now.

Her eyes fell onto her brown leather watch—sat on the cool oak of her side table, nine am. Too early for her.

"Astrid" a voice startled her once again

Pansy stood by the washroom door—a white towel wrapped around her slender body as she looked Astrid down with utmost concern "are you alright?"

Astrid's mouth fell open—processing what she had just been asked a minute prior "oh—yes of course—fine"

Today she was a new person—stepping onto the cold floor with feet belonging to someone else, her right foot switched with the left.

Still she forced herself out of the bed that had tangled her all night in sheets that suffocated her—the pillow that caused a terrible pain in her head from sinking too low into the mattress.

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