Nothings new

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A house of the dragon fic is also in the works, if anyone's interested in that universe!!

January 4th, Friday night
Songs: the fruits by Paris Paloma
Nothings new by Rio Romeo
TW: Assault

January 4th, Friday night Songs: the fruits by Paris Paloma Nothings new by Rio RomeoTW: Assault

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Men are evil and cursed, men find joy in abusing the fruits of my labour. He knows I feel deeply, he knows my emotions run high and hopes to push me to the limit so I become a machine to carry out his sick fantasies

Dumbledore had invited Astrid to his office late at night for lessons of his own—ones she was forbidden to share with her three friends

Slipping away after prefect rounds with Malfoy who had grown silent after their joined Christmas celebrations at Clearwater Manor

Harry too stuck up in the world of occlumency and Snape too ever notice any obvious changes in her and Hermione usually had her nose stuck in a book or her homework, making it all too easy to slip through the cracks when she would return from lessons

She had been sneaking around for three nights now and was to learn something new from the old man every two weeks, placing extra work on her

The first lesson at hand was control. She would learn to control her powers with his help—something she was grateful for as she had struggled immensely with getting her own mind to obey her

She never questioned Dumbledore or his techniques, he had asked her not too

For professionalism he had said the first day of lessons

Malfoy had abandoned her this night to instead join his house mates in a Friday night hangout, sending word through owl as she dressed appropriately for the small get together she was invited too later in the night

Hoping she wouldn't sweat through her top like she tended to do so

The lessons weren't physical labour, but they were demanding in every other way

When she got to Dumbledore's office she would knock in a rhythm to let him know it was her waiting on him and not any other regular student or professor with a lousy complaint

Than he would let her in and have her sit and drink tea with him for the first ten minutes—he would wait until she was completely relaxed and vulnerable and catch her off guard with a spell

"You must be prepared" he said in disappointment when she'd fail "never let your guard down"

They would go back and forth, he would watch while she fought off curses and spells, forbidden to use her wand

He needed her to learn wandless magic, he needed her to be a weapon, rather than her need one to fight her battles with

She could manipulate people, but he would ensure no one could manipulate her

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