Chapter 1 : the Reality of Society

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A/N : Please read the tags
TW : Suicidal thoughts, suicide baiting, bullying, violence (sludge villain incident)

All it takes it one bad day for someone to change forever.

"You need to see reality for what it is."

   Izuku Midoriya had been hurt during his life, multiple times, like every human being, but seeing his dreams getting crushed by his idol was something he could never had been prepared for.

"Why don't you take a swan dive off the roof and pray you get a quirk in the next life?"

  Maybe Kacchan was right, if he prayed enough maybe it could work... After all, he was already on a roof, he just had to jump. It wasn't that hard. No one would care about the death of a poor quirkless and useless Deku.

"I'm sorry, Izuku."

  But Mom... Mom would be devastated if she learned that his son had killed himself. He couldn't do that to her. He had to be strong, just a little bit longer and then maybe he could do it. He just needed to make sure she was okay first.

  He left the roof where All Might had left him fiftheen minutes ago, his face wet from all the tears and his destroyed notebook still in his backpack. He wasn't even sure he wanted to keep it anymore, all of the events of the day were impregmented in it: Kacchan, the sludge villain, All Might... His notebook was marked with all these events, like a weight in his bag which refused to leave him.

  Lost in his thoughts, he almost did not notice the chaos in front of him as he was walking throught the streets on his way home. All he could see and hear were fire, explosions and... the sludge villain ? But All Might had taken care of him ! How could have he escaped ? Did not matter. What was the most important is that Izuku could not only see the sludge villain, he could also hear Kacchan who seemed to be held hostage. How ? Why ? He had so many questions. Of all the people who could have been taken, it was Kacchan, trying to fight the grip of the villain with his quirk (which explained the explosions).

  Izuku was in the very back of the crowd, behind everyone, he could barely see anything, however if he focused as much as possible, he could hear the voice of Death Arm, Kamui Wood, Backdraft and Mt Lady, but why weren't they doing anything? Kacchan could get hurt anytime! He was strong, yes, but did not have any professional training — since using Deku as his punching bag could not really count as training. What was going on? Izuku needed to find help, maybe a hero with an adapted quirk was in the area.

  As he was about to leave to the nearest police office, Izuku spotted something or, well, someone. All Might was a few meters away from him. All Might was here, in this form Izuku had discovered less than an hour ago, watching everything and wasn't doing anything! The Number One Hero, the so called Symbol of Peace! Why wasn't he helping Kacchan?

"Maybe he can't use his quirk anymore, if he has a time limit, there's no way he could fight. He's basically quirkless right now so he can't fight. Or maybe he could try to call others heros, he's the No.1 so he must have contacts. Or he must be able to find a plan with the heros who are already here. Mt Lady could use her quirk to grab Kacchan but it would damage the properties around, Kamui Wood could also grab Kacchan. Death Arm was useless against someone with an almost totally liquid body and-" Izuku stopped himself when he realized he had started muttering, hoping that no one had been listening.

  He couldn't think anymore, even the Symbol of Peace wasn't doing anything so no one else would. Izuku started running throught the crowd, lowering himself to avoid the civilians, jumping above the safety barriers, running faster as the heroes were screaming him to stop, reaching Kacchan and throwing his bag at the head if the villain to distract him.

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