An interesting discovery part 2

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Remember how I said earlier that I was not a huge fan of shipping? Well, I kinda lied. I just don't ship a lot of characters, that's all-

Tennis Ball's POV

If GB chooses to come to my house this early, it probably means that she wants me to help with her projects. At first, I didn't mind helping her out, but I also have my own projects. GB more or less invents stuff more often than I do (like how she invented a machine that prevents Bubble from popping all the time). I tend to study stuff more often than invent (like Yoylese). 

I didn't had any ideas anyways, so I chose to ask GB what she wanted.

"Actually, it would be better if I showed you. Just don't tell anyone though."

"Uh, alright then..."

GB grabbed her bag full of supplies and I followed her. I was a bit surprised that she took me to the park. Was everything ok with the park? However I saw that it was fine. Even this early, I already see a lot of objects walking, sitting, or running. The city population must be increasing already. Anyways, I chose not to question anything and followed GB until we both stopped at a large rock. 

"Um, what about this rock?", I asked. 

"Watch this. And also, make sure no one is watching."

I carefully looked around and no one is watching. Then, I saw GB grab a shovel from her supplies and started digging underneath the rock. She signaled me to follow her, so I did. GB digged a bit more until we were now underground. We could still see the sky above us. She quickly grabbed her supplies and put away the shovel. I was about to explore when GB said, "Wait. Don't go that way!"

I was a bit confused until I saw a hole on the ground that I was about to step in. Or fall on. "Oh."

"Last time I was here, I fell down into that hole without noticing."

"Oh. Wait, how did you found out about this place?"

"It's a long story."

Then, she told me the whole story. From how she thought the rock was weird to finding some sort of underground crystal cave.

"I have heard of underground caves before.", I said. "Someone must have dug that hole straight down for miles (btw who digs straight down? Isn't that a little dangerous?). At least, that's what I believe."

"TB, we have to explore that cave. Who knows how mysterious it is? I wonder if we discover something new..."

"Uh, is the cave that deep? I- I never been on expeditions like this before..."

"Come on TB, it'll be fine."

I took a deep breath and we both jumped down the hole.


Wait, how long have we been falling down!? GB never mention that we have to fall down a long way to reach that cave! Anyways, this is way better than traveling 2,763 miles to Yoylecity, I'll admit. 

I was about to lose it, though and start screaming when GB shouted as loud as she could, "HOLD ON TB! WE'RE ABOUT TO LAND!"

Then, I saw the floor. I was falling down really quick. I estimated that we both probably have a few seconds to react before we fall down hard. Wait-


I have no idea what happened next but before I could react, GB handed me a floatie. I sat down on it and finally we landed. I landed on the floatie and GB hit the ground. Yeah, I take it back about the whole traveling 2,763 miles thing.

We both got up and surprisingly, GB is fine. I mean, I know she has very hard material, but that was such a long fall. 

"Ok, we're here now. Follow me."

I didn't say anything as GB grabbed her bag of supplies and followed her to the mysterious cave she talked about. Wonder how far we had to walked... hey, at least GB and are alone now-

Wait, what am I thinking? GB and I were always alone. She would always convince me to go to her laboratory (for some reason she calls it a factory) and we both would work on either her projects or mine. Alone. I almost never realized it until right now, when we're walking towards a weird cave. Alone. 

The more I thought about it, the more I could've have swore that I was blushing.

Golf Ball's POV

Wait, TB and I are alone now? I- I almost never realized it, now that I think about it. I mean, we always work on my factory alone together. I guess we were both so busy that we never realized we were both together all of this time. I quickly turned to look at TB for a second. We both locked eyes. Even though it lasted seconds, I could've swore it lasted minutes when we both stared at each other. I looked away quickly, blushing.

Why do I feel so awkward around him!? He's just a friend of mine! It's- it's not like he feels the same way anyways. I want something to distract me from this awkward situation-

Then, I noticed something shining in the distance. Yes! That must be the crystal cave! I started running towards the source of light. TB quickly followed behind until we both were now staring at a vast cave filled with crystals. The cave was the same as last time. So beautiful. Luckily, I have my camera. I quickly took it out of my bags of supplies and started taking pictures. 

I could've have swore TB started at me while I was taking pictures. I quickly turned around to see and he quickly turned away from me. Ok, this just made the situation even more awkward, I thought.

"Come on, TB. Let's explore the cave together." Wait, I did not just-

Eh, it doesn't matter. I just ignore that feeling. I mean, how hard can it be? (What even is this feeling anyways? I just feel... fuzzy around him...)

"Ok then. Let's go.", he said.

I reached inside my bag and grabbed 2 headlamps, one for TB and the other for me. We both put them on silently and walked into the cave. I only saw the entrance of the cave but not the inside. Words cannot describe how beautiful the inside looked like.

Tennis Ball's POV

I can't believe Golf Ball seriously forced me to see such a beautiful cave. She seems almost dazed when we went inside. I guess this was her first time seeing the inside. Despise all of the glowing crystals, the cave was still pretty dark, and I wasn't sure if I should be scared or not. If I hear cave noises, I'm outta here. Like, I'm outta here. But on the other hand, this cave is miles below the city. I mean, what could possibly happen in here? 

(AN: oh idk, you'd probably encounter creepers, skeletons, Batman, and worse, Herobine lol. or lava. I guess encountering lava is worse after all unless if you're Firey, Saw, or Dora. ok ima stop talking now .-.)

Golf Ball's POV

I started to wander around the cave to explore. I'm not sure how to explain, but it seems that something tells me to find the cave again, and explore it. I feel like I'm gonna find something important here. I guess it's my gut telling me so (do objects even have guts?). 

While exploring, I found something weird. At first, I thought it was another crystal, but it was a gold color. I was confused. Do gold crystals even exist? As I started to approach, I noticed that it was metal. But that's not even the weirdest part. I noticed that the metal had writings on them.

"Uh, TB? I think you should see this."

TB started walking towards me. "GB, what is it now-" 

Then, he noticed the writings on the metal.







Woah, another cliff hanger lol who likes those 

jk ik u hate cliff hangers .-.

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