The mysterious flower part 2

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TW// violence???

Oki, I'm not actually sure if there's violence in this chapter but it does involve pointing someone with a gun and threatening, so yeah-

Flower's POV

I noticed the flower that Leafy was showing. I gasped.

 "I... I've never seen a flower like this before..." 

I carefully approached the mysterious flower and looked at it closely. Then, something came to me.

"I... I think this flower might be the last of it's species left.", I said.

Leafy looked at me confused and said, "Wait, are you sure? What's if it's just another rare flower?"

"Leafy, I know every single type of flower in this whole world. Not once did I saw a flower like this. I would know."

"Wait, you know every single type!?"

"Leafy, do you know every type of leaf there is in the whole world?"

"Oh... I do. Well, I can name all of them-"

"Not right now, Leafy... I think we have to bring this flower with us and take care of it. If we do well, it might reproduce more!"

"I- oh, that's actually not a bad idea. But, wouldn't it be easier if we just left it here?"

"Who knows what might happen to it!? Also, do you wanna know why all of the flowers in my shop florish so well? Yes, it was because we both did well taking care of all of them, but it's also because all of the flowers in my shop like the idea that 2 plant objects are taking care of them. Even better, a flower object themselves."

"Oh... I see."


It's now been about 2 days ever since Leafy and I both found that mysterious flower. During the way back to the city, I thought about telling Golf Ball about the mysterious flower so she could study it, but I'm afraid that Gold Ball might start tinkering with the flower all the way to the point where it stops growing. 

Maybe when it starts reproducing, I'll show it to Golf Ball, I thought to myself.

It was about 5pm when Leafy and I finally saw the city in the distance. The sun was still up, except it's now in the west, indicating that it will set soon.

"We're almost there Leafy! I think I'll take the shift for now on. By the way, great driving! I think you'll get your license in no time!"

"Aw, thanks Flower!", Leafy exclaimed.

I switched to the drivers seat and Leafy sat in the passenger seat yet again next to me. I drove the rest of the way until we were now back at the flower shop in the city. We both hopped off my car.

"Ok, Leafy. What I usually do after getting back is restocking everything in the shop. Since it's late, obviously, you can go home now and I'll restock everything."

"Um, are you sure you're fine with doing this on your own? I can help you if you want!"

"No, Leafy. It's ok-"

"No! I'll help you! I love helping people!"

"Uh, alright then."


After restocking everything and watering the plants as well, I told Leafy, "Ok, we're both done!" 

"Alright then! Well, guess I'll be leaving now. See you tomorrow Flower!"

"Ok, Leafy!"

Leafy opened the entrance door, which had a bell hanging on top. The bell ringed as Leafy opened it and stepped out. She looked at me and waved goodbye. I waved back, smiling. Man, it feels good having her around.

Hmm, I wanna check that mysterious flower just one more time before I leave as well, I thought to myself. I started walking towards the back room.

Unfortunately, I forgot to lock the entrance to the shop. I didn't even realize the bell ranged.

I opened a door to the back room where extra flowers we're either stored or taken care of properly until they were ready to be on stock. All of the flowers in this room are hung in shelves. The mysterious flower was also in one of those shelves, just higher than the others. I grabbed a ladder, placed it correctly, and started climbing until I reach the flower, which was now in a pot.  I picked up the pot and inspected the flower. It definitely looks happier here, I thought to myself. I smiled at that. 

I placed the pot back and started climbing down the ladder when all of a sudden, 3 objects slammed open the door and walked towards me. One of the objects was some sort of black-blueish jar that was labeled, "medicine" in bold red letters. Another was some sort of dark circle, kind of like Black Hole, except it isn't a black hole and has limbs. The 3rd object, who appeared to be their leader, is some sort of large, sharp kitchen knife. They were all carrying sunglasses and guns. They also appeared to be all males.

(AN: the knife object is not Knife from ii. In fact, the robbers are all of my OCs)

"All right, where is that mysterious flower!?", the jar object demanded, pointing a gun at me. Of course, I was terrified.

I decided to play dumb, even though it was probably risky. "What mysterious flower? I mean, this flower shop has some rare flowers, you can look at those of you wish-"

"Don't play dumb with us! You know which flower we're talking about!" The dark circle object said. 

The knife object now started speaking. "Yeah, we're talking about that pink shimmering flower we saw earlier! It must be extremely rare, since I never saw it before. We'd definitely make lots of money if we had it. Now, give to us!"

Oh no. I definitely don't want to give the flower to those robbers, obviously, but I'm too young to die. I have no choice, but to give them the flower. I'm so sorry...

I started to climb up the ladder nervously until I reached the pot with the mysterious flower. I picked up the pot and started climbing down. While climbing down, I wanted to feel its petals one last time before handing it to those robbers. So I did. As soon as my feet touched the ground, the knife object started walking towards me to snatch the pot from me. 

However, right before he had a chance to snatch it, something mysterious happened. All of sudden, the flower started glowing silver where I touched it. Then, the whole flower and myself started glowing silver as well.

A few moments passed by before the glowing stopped. I looked down at myself and gasped.









Yeah, this chapter is kinda short. I would write more, but I kinda wanna leave this on a cliff hanger lol 

Also, I think I have some sort of writing schedule. I'm gonna write at least one chapter every day (or more if I have a lot of motivation, but it all depends on my mood)

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