Wait- a prophecy!?

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Oki first of all, I'm so sorry for not writing for about 2 days! The first day, I was just lazy and forgot. The second day though, I was tired all that day due to getting my COVID vaccine.  I'm fine now though :)

Anyways, as usual, hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

Tennis Ball's POV

"Wait a second... writings??"

"TB, can you understand what it says?"

I looked at the writings. Nothing of the writings make sense, though for some reason, some parts were a bit familiar... 

I shook my head no.

"Wait! I have an idea!", GB said. "How about I take some photos of these writings and we both try to translate them back in my factory."

"Good idea! Though, it might take a while to translate the language. So far, I only know Yoylese..."

I looked closely at the writings and realize that some of the shapes and curves are the same...

"GB, I just realized something! I think this language must be older than Yoylese! I would know because some of the shapes and curves are the same!"

"Really!? Now THIS is an interesting discovery! We gotta show this to Tree- I- I mean, Mayor Tree!"

"Good idea! See if you can find anymore of these metal writings anywhere!"

Golf Ball's POV

The same feeling I had telling me to come back to this cave now tells me not to tell anyone about the writings on the wall except for the "chosen" ones. Who the heck are the chosen ones!?However, my brain tells me that this is a brand new discovery and that I gotta tell Tree about this.

So, who do I trust more, my brain or my gut feeling?

And it also seems to me that a voice was telling me to explore the cave and not to say anything about the prophecy. A voice that definitely doesn't sound like myself. Before I could think about who the voice possibly could be, TB shouted out,

"GB! Are you ok? Why aren't you moving?"

I snapped back to reality and realized that I was standing for a long time, with TB looking at me.

"Oh, I uh... I was thinking?"

"Thinking about what?"

"Look, TB. On second thought, I think we have to find out what the message says first, then tell Mayor Tree about this."

"But that might take forever to do! Are you sure about this?"

"Positive. We can do this, right? We're both a team!"

"Alright then, if you say so..."

I took a picture of the writings carved on the metal, then I tried finding more of the writings. However, I didn't find anymore. Or is it that voice telling me that that's enough for today...

TB and I decided to take a bit of a break and have lunch before we head back to the surface. However, after lunch, we were both a bit tired, so we decided to sleep for a bit before heading back. We both took off our headlamps and put them on my bag. I laid down next to TB.

I took a quick glance at TB and noticed that he was sleeping already. He looked so cute when he was sleeping... wait, what am I thinking!? I should probably get back to sleep as well...


I don't know how long I slept for before TB shook me awake.

"GB, wake up! We have to go now!"


"GB! I think we should head back. According to my calculations, there's a 93.25% that we slept for nearly 5 hours!"


I quickly got up, grabbed my bag, and we both walked out of the cave. It took us a while to reach the entrance and now here we were back in the darkness surrounded by dirt. Finally, we found the hole where we fall off.

TB asked, "Wait, GB. How did you get out here last time?"

"Remember back in BFB 14 when we wall-jumped our way out of the tunnels?"


We both started to wall-jump our way out of the tunnels.


After TB and I both climbed out of the surface, we have, indeed, been underground for a long time because the sun is setting already!

TB said, "Ok. We should get some rest for now on. Tomorrow, I'm coming to your laboratory to attempt to translate the message."


As soon as I grabbed my bag, I didn't realize that I dropped a item. An item that definitely would become important later on...

I waved goodbye to TB and he waved back. I think I blushed a bit when he waved back and I began to head back home. 

During the way back, I could've swore I caught a glimpse of Firey and Leafy walking together in the park and talking. They both seemed nervous.

Huh, I guess those 2 do like each other. I smiled at that and continued to walk home.

Tennis Ball's POV

As soon as I waved goodbye to GB, I felt a bit shy and awkward. In fact, I was awkward around GB while exploring the whole cave. It's- it's not like she feels the same way anyways. She did told me another day that she wasn't interested in having a relationship because she just doesn't have the time.

I started walking back home, admiring the town. At first, there was just 64 of us in this brand new town, and now there's so many objects here that I lost count of how many, but I know it's a lot.

Now for the writings though... I think it wouldn't be long before we translate this message. Hmm, I wonder if it's something important...

GB has the photos though. However, while I was looking at the writings and trying to understand what they said back in the cave, I think one of the words I read was "prophecy", but I'm not sure- wait.

Did one of the words say prophecy? If so... wait, do prophecies even exist!?

However, I was too busy thinking that I didn't realize a huge glow coming from a flower shop. At first, it was silver, then it turned pink.






I love Tengolf so much 🤍💚

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter! Ik it's not a lot though bc it's short-

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