Stroll in the park

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Tbh idk if I wanna publish this chapter or not bc it kinda doesn't have anything to do with the story

Oki, now as for the chapter, I think my fireafy stage is coming bk  h e l p

Edit: this is kinda outdated since I changed the chapter a bit. Also, I wrote it a few days ago.

Leafy's POV

After helping Flower in the shop, I decided to walk home. As I was walking, I noticed some sign of a restaurant. I became a little curious, so I walked inside the restaurant, not noticing the titile at all.

First of all, the restaurant has carpet as the floor. There were tables and chairs as well. Some were made of wood, while others were made of other material, I'm not sure what that material was. I even saw a glimpse of the kitchen. 

Hmm, I think I'll eat here. Hope they have some meal with no meat.

I look at the host, who seems to some sort of paper receipt object with writings.

"Welcome. Just one seat?"

"Yeah, just one seat."

The host grabbed a meal and I followed her to an empty seat. I followed her until she showed me a wooden table with 2 empty chairs. Surprisingly, the seats were near the kitchen, so I could see the chefs cooking. Eh, at least I wouldn't be bored while waiting for my meal :)

I sat in the seat while waiting for one of the waiters to come serve me. I looked at the kitchen and I saw something that caught my attention. Or someone.

I wasn't able to get a good glismp of the object, but I though I saw that object glowing. Oh well. Wait...

I tried looking at the object again, but they weren't in the kitchen anymore. Weird...

Then, I turned around. This time, the object that was in the kitchen was now behind me. I was shocked when I saw who it was.

"F-Firey!? What are you doing here?"

"Hey Leafy. It's been a while, isn't it?"

"Uh, yeah! Firey, do you work here?"

"Yeah, I had this restaurant ever since Goiky City was established. Been pretty busy ever since. But I'm glad to see you in person!"

"Yeah, me too!"

We both kept talking until the waiter show up. It was yet again another familiar object!

"Hey Woody! Glad to see you again!"

"Oh hi Leafy! I wasn't expect to see you here! Anyways, have you thought of any drinks to order?"

Drinks? Oh shoot-

"I think Leafy would like a lemonade. Am I right, Leafy?", Firey said, winking at me.

I could've swore I blushed a bit.

"Yeah! I really like lemons! I'd like one!" 

"Ok!" Woody, said. "Have you thought of a meal to order yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Ok, I'll bring your drink then. You can think of a meal meanwhile." Woody walked away and it was just Firey and I again. Surprisingly, Firey sat on the other seat, facing me.

"Uh, Firey? Aren't you suppose to be working?"

"Actually, I'm done with work today. I was gonna go home right now until I saw you. I want to hang out again."

"Oh, ok!"

And just like that, we kept talking. Firey also, surprisingly, wants to order something as well just to hang out with me. From his own restaurant. Oh well.

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