The New Flower

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Flower's POV

I have no idea what exactly happened, but I looked completely... different. First of all, the mysterious flower was gone. I felt that my petals were bigger and lighter. I also feel something sprouting out of my back... I tried to look and I caught a glimpse of 2 giant leaves. And I also... have a tail? I saw a leaf on the tip of my tail. 

What just happened to me...

My question wasn't answered because the 3 robbers thought I was hiding the flower, despise my look.

"Hey! Where did you hide that flower!", The knife object demanded.

Then, before I knew it, all 3 objects started to jump towards me to attack. I freaked out a lot. If only I could pin them down to the ground...

What happened shocked me all of a sudden because the 3 robbers fell down to the ground. I thought they slipped, but when I looked at them, I saw something wrapping them around, causing them to be unable to get up. They were vines!

Wait... I don't remember growing vines in the shop... also, can vines wrap people around?

When I looked at the vines, I saw that they were sprouting from the ground. The vines certainly seemed strong...

However, I only want the vines to pin the robbers to the ground and not to strangle the robbers to death until the police came. And then, it hit me. 

Are the vines following my orders?

The robbers kept struggling, but it only caused the vines to grip them harder. Remember, don't strangle them too hard, just enough so they do not escape.

And then, the vines stopped gripping the robbers harder. Wow, I guess the vines do follow my orders.

I walked to the very back, grabbed my phone and call the police. However, the robbers kept screaming and cursing at me while waiting for the police to arrive.

Ugh, can't these guys just shut up!? I'm trying to wait in peace!

Then, I smelled something sweet. It did calm me done a lot, and it also calmed down the robbers. The robbers all of a sudden relaxed and I think even one of them fell asleep. Then, I realized the scent came from me. I was the one who made the scent. 

Geez, I can't tell if I'm actually dreaming or not. Do I have powers?

I was too focused in my thoughts that I didn't realize the police came. As soon as the back door was opened, that was when I snapped back to reality. At the same time, though, the sweet scent was gone. The vines stopped gripping the robbers and grew smaller, looking like they were sinking into the ground. Before the robbers reacted, the police arrested them. 

Meanwhile, I felt a pink and silver glow coming from myself. A few moments later, I was back to my normal self. My petals were back to normal. I now don't have leafs growing out of me. And my tail was gone. Thank the petal, I was starting to get a bit uncomfortable anyways. But I also looked more beautiful in that form...

I felt something on my hand and there was the mysterious flower.

Before, I could wonder if the mysterious flower gave me powers, one of the policemen came up to me. To my surprise, it was someone I knew.

"Hey Flower. Is everything alright for you?"

"Oh, hi Snowball. Yes, everything is fine for me."

"Ok, just checking.


A bit later, I arrived home with the flower, not knowing what to do after the "incident." I was also convinced that it wasn't a dream.

Did the mysterious flower gave me those powers? If so, how did it happen? No ordinary flower can do that....

I wonder if the mysterious flowers can do that to anyone... no, I don't think it can. Leafy touched it several times and yet, nothing happened to her. Well, I didn't dare touch the flower until it was taken care of properly. I wonder if it only gave me powers because I was in danger... or was it because I took care of it well and in return, it gave me powers... no, I think I'll ask Golf Ball about it... but if she starts to mess with the flower- no, I don't think she wouldn't. If the flower gave my powers for some reason, she would be very careful not to mess with it.

Eh, I'll take it to Golf Ball's factory. I'm sure she'll know what to do...

Gold Ball's POV

After arriving at my underground factory (which is underneath my house), I looked at my bag for the photos. The photos were there, along with the supplies. I looked at the photos and tried to write down the ancient writings in a piece of paper. I may not know a lot of Yoylese, but TB can help me try to translate this ancient message. I mean, if it is older than Yoylese, I don't think it will be that hard to translate. Or will it take a while...

When TB gets here, I show him this. 

I doubled check my bag to see if I didn't dropped anything important. I had everything, of course.

Then, why do I feel like something is missing...?

I looked around my factory. However, I was too sleepy to look around properly. I reached some stairs that lead back to the surface and climbed them until I reached a door. I opened the door and I was greeted by a bedroom. My room. I flopped down on my bed and fell asleep almost immediately.










Yeah, I kinda headcannon that Snowball would be a policeman lol (sorry if it doesn't sound accurate)

Anyways, here's another chapter! I forgot to edit this a few days ago, so sorry about that! Also, I think I need to post art more often .-. (Though I'm going through a bit of art block-)

And yes, this chapter is a bit short, I couldn't come up with a good title name, and I feel like my writing got worse 

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