Chapter 6

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"Babe" Chandler shook me, I looked up to see his eyes barely open and his hair a mess. "What?" I groaned and rolled over against the wall.
He sat on my bed and rubbed his eyes and looked at me "It's game day, we have to goto the airport, we start shooting again tomorrow" Chandler patted my leg and then turned my lights on.
I slowly crawled out of bed and walked to my bathroom, I threw my hair up in a bun and pulled my tie dyed hoodie over my head, I turned around to grab my pants when a messy haired Chandler grabbed my hips and kissed me, I kissed him back lazily and planted a hand on his cheek, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet" he laughed and walked to his side of the bathroom grabbing his brush and tangling through his hair.
"you're so nasty" I chuckled and slipped on my leggings and then a pair of white vans.
I packed my bag with clothes and other essentials and the packed Chandlers sense he couldn't organize his own.
I took my hair down and finger combed it and then put our suit cases out front and watched Chandlers dad take them in to the car.
"Chandler!" I scream yelled as I walked into the living room and he came in after me and grabbing me from behind, he was fixed up in a t-shirt and jeans.
" Yes Caroline?" He swung me around to face him and out faced were close and I could almost stop breathing.
"I, uh, I think your parents are ready" I barely spat out, I don't know what Chandler is trying to do here but I think it's working. "They can wait" he kissed me for what seemed like hours, we messed around and laughed until Gina called our names saying we were gonna be late if we didn't worry.
"Race ya" Chandler chimed as he ran away from me, I ran after as me, Grayson, and Chandler all gathered in the car.
Me and Chandler liked pictures and spammed people on our twitters and instagrams until we got to the airport.
We got out holding hands and got through baggage and security, we went to some shops and a food place while waiting for our flight to be called, of course being stopped by fans for a picture and a occasional autograph.
Our flight was called and we all got in, I slept most of the way, Chandler was drowned into his phone texting somebody.
When we finally landed we went to the set, setting everything in out trailer, luckily me and Chandler had our own.
I was on set doing makeup on Chandler, transforming him into Carl, his makeup was easy, sweaty hair, dirty, and a scrape on his face.

Sorry this sucks I'll update tomorrow, I'm having writers block 😫

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