Chapter 7

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Caroline's P.O.V

"Chandler?" I yelled and walked into our trailer, I heard him arguing with the director earlier and decided to check up on him.
"In here" Chandler yelled from our shared room. I walked in and sat next to him on the bed and looked at his shaking hands, he was nervous, really nervous. "Chandler, what's going on?" I looked at him, but he didn't make eye contact. "Carl, is gonna have a love interest on the show." He looked at me , "Really? I should audition!" I smiled at him and then got confused at why he was nervous. "Am I missing something?" He still wasn't looking at me.
"Hana is auditioning for the part also" he spoke quickly. I felt my head and body heat up and my heart drop to my stomach and I could feel the anger rise everywhere in my body. "When are auditions?" I spoke coldly. "Today and tomorrow" he scratched the back of his head. I walked out of trailer and started walking to set, I was gonna punch her.
I got to the auditions and saw Hana and some other girls that look like beginning actors, they wouldn't make it, but Hana could. I pulled Hana's arm and hugged her from behind. She looked at me and then smirked, "Hey Caroline" she wrapped her arms around mine. I smiled, "If you dare fucking audition for this part, so help me god I will rip every perfect blonde hair out of your head, don't think I'm scared of you" I pushed her out of the audition line and fixed my hair as I walked to Robert and told him how I wanted the part.
Me and Robert had talked and he agreed to give me the part.
Chandlers P.O.V
I tapped my pencil on the trailer table and licked my lips as I was reading my script. It's been a few months sense the end of our last season, so we are starting too film again. Caroline was sat on the small couch eating a granola bar and watching tv. I went over and sat on the couch with her, "So did you hear we are gonna film a porno?" I laughed and handed her the script.
Caroline P.O.V
I studied the script and then hit him on the head with it, "It's not that big of a deal" I laughed with a mouthful of granola bar. "Oh c'mon, you can't wait to make out with me in front of like twenty cameras" Chandler wiggled his eyebrows at me and then pecked my lips and sat up, he walked to our tiny kitchen and got some orange juice. "Oh yeah, my fantasy".
I walked to our room and pulled off my shorts and slipped my legging on and then pulled one of Chandlers hoodies over my head. I smelt the inside of it, I loved the smell of boys, I'm a girl. I went into the kitchen and hugged Chandler. "What's the affection for? You never show me love." Chandler laughed and wrapped his arms around me.
I smiled and kissed him, his lips were warm and he tasted like orange juice, "I don't know just appreciating my boyfriend" I spoke as I pulled away from his kiss, still hugging him. "And stealing his clothes" he referred to his hoodie that I was wearing.
"Guess what" I smiled at him. "What?" He looked at me confused. "Got your phone" I ran with his phone to the bathroom and locked myself in there. I opened his instagram and blew it up with selfies and videos of myself, I got a lot of hate from them, but I was used to it by now. Chandler was on the other side of the door yelling. I walked out of the bathroom and handed him his phone, "How much do you hate me on a scale of one to ten, right now?" He looked at me with a straight face, "I'd say about a 5".
Chandlers P.O.V
Me and Caroline were laying in bed and watching some old Pokemon episodes and also on our phones, I looked over at her too see her a few tears on her face. "Caroline?" I saw her looking at comments on a picture of us, my fans weren't very supportive of Caroline. I took her phone away and grappled her into my grasp pulling her close, she was crying but it took her a minute to really start wailing, she was scream crying, this happens a lot more often then you would think, but it's also something she has always dealt with. She started shaking and then stopped, I kissed her forehead and then kissed her, "It will get better, I love you." I wiped her hair out of her face, "I love you too" Caroline spat out quickly but her voice still crackled. I pulled the covers over us and pulled her close, she was snoring soon.
I loved my fans, but they had to stop this.

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